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Weird sleeping position a problem?

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I have searched for this on the web because it's just kind of a strange question. Maybe someone else has seen it before and can help. My teen daughter (for many years now) sleeps on her stomach and THROAT. It looks horribly uncomfortable. She lies on her stomach with neck outstretched on top of her pillow and arms by her sides. I often reposition her head to the side....I don't know how she breathes! She insists it doesn't cause her difficulty. However, I see that in this position the base of her neck is at about a 90 degree angle with her shoulders. Can't be good longterm. Her chin seems to be disappearing too. While not overweight, she's developed a double chin disproportionate to someone her age. It's kind of like everything is being stretched out in that area. She has tried to sleep on her side and will improve for a while, but then always reverts back to sleeping on her throat with chin outstretched. Anyone else have experience with this unusual sleeping position or an idea for correcting it? She's defensive and thinks I'm making a big deal out of nothing. Should I take her to the doctor?

Edited by Beebalm
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Okay, I've never been to a chiropractor myself. Why a chiro rather than a medical doctor? How do you go about finding a good one? Thanks for your help!


One more thing...is there a brace or device that could keep her neck straight during sleep?

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I can relate to your dd's sleeping "issues" - I sleep with my hands folded all the way over and I wake up several times during the night w/ completely numb arms (this is actually a by-product of carpal tunnel syndrome). I have tried sleeping w/ every kind of brace out there and I wake up even more often w/ those because I find myself fighting the stupid braces (I even had custom ones made). So I can't imagine a neck one that wouldn't choke your dd.


I would try pillows to prop her sideways and one between her legs. Maybe one of those 4ft long ones. And I find feather pillows are easier to use for propping and they reshape better.


FWIW, I would think it would be worth it to check w/ a doctor to find out if it could be a symptom of a medical issue.

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If she were mine I'd ask the doctor if a sleep study might be in order. That would let you know if her breathing is compromised by the position.

Also, the way she's holding her head is opening her airway (imagine her on her back and she'd be ready for CPR). I would want to get her nose and throat checked out, just to make sure she isn't compensating for something.

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Also, the way she's holding her head is opening her airway (imagine her on her back and she'd be ready for CPR). I would want to get her nose and throat checked out, just to make sure she isn't compensating for something.

I'm glad to see you say that. I have apnea and I tried to recreate her position and I, too, think it actually opens the airway but I wasn't sure. I'd really be wondering about airway compromise being behind this sleeping position. I know some strange sleep habits I had were because I was (not aware) trying to compensate for airway issues. I'm not overweight and didn't snore loudly but I did have apnea. Upper Airway Restriction would be more common for her age and sex though. Either way I think a high quality sleep study would be either illuminating or reassuring.

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our chiropractor says not to sleep on your stomach PERIOD. he recommends using pillows between your knees if sleeping on your side OR under your knees if sleeping on your back.

i am trying to imagine how your daughter sleeps that way at all. . .:001_smile:


I don't think that this is across the board advice because my chiro has recommended that I try sleeping on my stomach to help my back issues. Of course, I can't fall alseep like that. People's sleep positions are highly idiosyncratic. My hubby sleeps with his legs crossed indian style and all of my children went through a period where they slept on their stomachs with their legs drawn up underneath them and their rumps in the air. :confused:

Edited by KidsHappen
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A chiropractor is trained to put your spine (including the neck) into alignment. A medical Dr. isn't and will tend to go to a pharmaceutical or surgical solution for things - which may apply in some cases but definitely not your daughter's.


A physiatrist is an MD who is trained in physical therapy and chiropractics.


And doesn't go "oops".




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I'm glad to see you say that. I have apnea and I tried to recreate her position and I, too, think it actually opens the airway but I wasn't sure. I'd really be wondering about airway compromise being behind this sleeping position. I know some strange sleep habits I had were because I was (not aware) trying to compensate for airway issues. I'm not overweight and didn't snore loudly but I did have apnea. Upper Airway Restriction would be more common for her age and sex though. Either way I think a high quality sleep study would be either illuminating or reassuring.

I would start with a Dr's appt, if only so they could take a look and make sure there's nothing wrong with the size/shape of her windpipe/sinuses and all the other things that could block her breathing.

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