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Recommend "typing" program

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Please recommend your best pick for a typing program. Do you use software typing program? If so, which one is heads above the rest and the best for my rising 6th grader with NO keyboard instruction and/or formal experience/practice.


Thanks. Sheryl <><

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There are all sorts of programs. Pretty much, any will work.


If you want free, this is how my mom (an occupational therapist) teaches children:


abcdefg with the left hand

hijklmnop with the right

qrst with left

uvwxyz mixed hands


Practice one hand first, then add the second. Then practice both together. Then add the third section. then all 3 together, then all four. Then words.

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We've used Mavis Beacon with great success, but I agree with the above poster that there are a lot of good options. They key for my kids was doing it every day (well, 5 days/week) for a few months, 10-20 minutes at a time. Both of my girls did it for two summers and were typing 40 wpm by the end of the second summer. They did it the summers they were 7 and 8 (older daughter) and 8 and 9 (younger), so I would think that a 6th grader would progress even faster. My younger daughter needs a refresher, thanks to bad habits she's picking up from her friends' e-mails (obviously, her friends didn't use Mavis Beacon to learn to type!), so she will do it again this summer.



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I loathe Sponge Bob, but a homeschooling friend recommended it so I tried it. (This was a couple years back now, when they were first learning to type). Wow, I can't deny it worked, and quickly! So, two thumbs up for Sponge Bob Typing!

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One of my friends recommended Typing Instructor, but I see that there are two versions. Do you use the version for kids or the regular one?



The kids' version is recommended for little kids, up to age 10. The adult version is suggested for ages 8 and up. We have both. My 6th grader hated the kid version, so I got him the adult version. He is progressing nicely with it.


We had the Spongebob program and my kids didn't like it. The fingers are curved to the side in the visual model (shows which finger to use to strike keys). They found it difficult to follow the curve of the fingers. It was distracting and took too long. In Typing Instructor (both versions), the virtual fingers go straight up to the keyboard, making it easy to quickly figure out which finger to use.


(I realize that in real life, our fingers curve to the side sometimes, but it's not easy for beginners to read the screen that way. Well, it's not easy for MY kids. YMMV)

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