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What range is your income  

  1. 1. What range is your income

    • Less than 25,000 a year
    • 26,000-35,000 a year
    • 36,000-45,000 a year
    • 46,000-55,000 a year
    • 56,000-65,000 a year
    • 66,000-75,000 a year
    • 76,000-85,000 a year
    • 86,000-95,000 a year
    • 96,000-105,000 a year
    • over 106,000 a year

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Hi I am new here, although I have been lurking for over a year. I just have 2 questions I am going to as in a poll.


(You learn alot lurking for 14 months;))



What is your financial class... PLEASE do not reply. I do not want to know who you are. I am curious, as homeschoolers, unless I have read wrong, seem to be at a certain income bracket range. I am just curious to see the different socioeconomic backgrounds represented here.


Again PLEASE NOBODY reply to this. I do not want to know who answered how. Just curious as a whole, how many of each economic background is represented.

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Hugs to you. Sometimes it is hard to remove yourself from public school testing findings. You know, that families with higher incomes have "smarter" students. You can homeschool your kids with little money.I personally think those results are skewed. Libraries are wonderful! Free education. I do not think spending a lot of money= better educated students. Just look at the ps expenditures/student. They spend upwards of $ 8,000/student. Look at the results. Meh:glare:. Not cool. I do not know one single hs family that spends $8,000 for an entire family, yet I know for a fact their kids out-perform ps kids. Do not let income become an issue in YOUR school.

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Hugs to you. Sometimes it is hard to remove yourself from public school testing findings. You know, that families with higher incomes have "smarter" students. You can homeschool your kids with little money.I personally think those results are skewed. Libraries are wonderful! Free education. I do not think spending a lot of money= better educated students. Just look at the ps expenditures/student. They spend upwards of $ 8,000/student. Look at the results. Meh:glare:. Not cool. I do not know one single hs family that spends $8,000 for an entire family, yet I know for a fact their kids out-perform ps kids. Do not let income become an issue in YOUR school.




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WOW!!! I think that your question is just fine. Sorry that some people are NOT being so nice. I think the question is an interesting one. You are wondering if most homeschoolers come from a certain income bracket. Looking at the results, it really is varied. Don't let the negative comments scare you away! If someone does not want to answer the poll, they need to just click out of the thread!!!!

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I think it's an important question. Just as some folks like to say to me, "Well, it's OK that *you* homeschool, *you're* a teacher!" (which is a load of bunk), some folks pooh-pooh homeschooling by saying, "Well, that's fine for wealthy families." I hate that, b/c my family has made financial sacrifices to homeschool. We're not doing it b/c I need a hobby, we do it because we feel it's of vital importance to our children. I think a diverse range of incomes among homeschooling families puts paid to that dismissive stereotype, and makes it clear that homeschooling is a movement that attracts a broad array of Americans. I do agree that family size matters when considering income, but what can you do? :001_smile:

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Actually, I find this poll very interesting. A lot of times, I felt out of place in many forums and some homeschool groups because of our income. Mainly because some try to make us feel badly about it whether or not they succeed. People who know us IRL can easily find out how much we make since it is public record. I agree that the income thing is one thing if you have three and another thing if you have seven.

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