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s/o Cord around baby's neck

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My oldest had the cord around his neck and it was short. Each time I contracted his o2 dipped way down (he had a monitor on his scalp). Thankfully he was ok. The doctor worked quickly. It could have been a very different outcome with all the same elements and the same choices the doctor made.

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My oldest had the cord wrapped twice around his neck...this was discovered when the emergency c-section was performed. The fetal monitor showed his heart rate plummeting periodically, and when she broke my water it was meconium (sp?) stained, also indicating distress. The doctor said as he descended, the cord was pulling ds back up.


At the time there was a lady at my church who had had the same situation, but it wasn't discovered as early as mine. Her son was brain-damaged, and at the time I knew them he was 5-6 years old, and didn't speak or seem aware of what was going on around him. It was due to oxygen being cut off during delivery. Very sad.

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Diva had the cord wrapped 1x. The OB commented on it, then didn't say anything more...and she wasn't crying. I freaked out, he looked at me surprised, told me she was fine, "Here, see for yourself" and put her on my belly :lol:


Tazzie was something else. The Dr started freaking. The nurse told me not to push (ease his head out) but the Dr yelled, "Push NOW! Keep pushing!" Turns out, Tazzie didn't have the cord around his neck, but rather looped around his body, from hip to shoulder, criss-crossing like gun belts! He had a huge, long cord...Wolf describes it as 'industrial rope! Just blue!" :lol:


Princess on the other hand, had a really short cord. She was in distress, and they were getting ready to put the scalp monitor in, when an older OB said, "Forget about the monitor, just catch!" He and Wolf pushed my legs up, he told me to push, and there she was.

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Lots of babies are born with the cord wrapped around their neck. It is sometimes fatal.


I'm sure I'm hypersensitive because I lost a baby in labor, but I always think it's crass when people say something like, "God had me go into labor early..." or "God made my labor quick..." so that their baby would live. :glare: It begs the question why He would not do me such a favor.


My sister was born with a cord wrapped 3x around her neck. She was born blue, floppy and breathless, but it all worked out.

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I'm sure I'm hypersensitive because I lost a baby in labor, but I always think it's crass when people say something like, "God had me go into labor early..." or "God made my labor quick..." so that their baby would live. :glare: It begs the question why He would not do me such a favor.





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My first child had his cord wrapped around his neck twice. After many hours of labor, the baby was not doing well. Everytime I had a contraction his heart rate would drop off, because my body was naturally pushing him down, causing the cord to strangle him. I was rushed for an emergency C-Section because his heart rate kept dropping. He turned out perfectly fine once he was born. No health problems.

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Lots of babies are born with the cord wrapped around their neck. It is sometimes fatal.


I'm sure I'm hypersensitive because I lost a baby in labor, but I always think it's crass when people say something like, "God had me go into labor early..." or "God made my labor quick..." so that their baby would live. :glare: It begs the question why He would not do me such a favor.


My sister was born with a cord wrapped 3x around her neck. She was born blue, floppy and breathless, but it all worked out.


My last baby was in NCIU because of breathing difficulty. I remember saying to myself, "Why me?' and plain as day the answer came, "Why not you?" If not you then who? There are so many worse people it could happen to. When we were there, there was two premies and I did not see their parents once. I have no idea how those babies were going to make it. At least I had the ability to do everything in my power to do the best I could for my baby. "Bad things happen to good people sometimes for no reason at all and we are no more entitlted to a good outcome that anyone else. It is human nature to blame someone for the bad and thank someone for the good. Life is hard. and we don't know why. :grouphug:

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