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We plan on going with Singapore's My Pals are Here 3/4. I've looked over one of the text books and corresponding activity book and like the way it's set up. I'll have to get used to some of the spelling "errors" because it's printed in Singapore and the spelling for some words is different than here (ex: "learnt" instead of learned and "tyre" instead of "tire") but other than that, looks good to me and it covers many different science topics, not just chemistry or biology.

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I've been concocting my own topic studies, and for third grade the plan is to use more nature study combined with BFSU (Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding), the latter should come with its 3-5 book this Fall.


Elemental Science looks really great, check it out.

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Actually I do not know what I need to cover in Science for 3rd grade. I want to follow TWTM schedule. Thank you.


Do you have a copy of TWTM? If not, buy one STAT!!!!:auto:


For 3rd grade you would do Chemistry. She has TONS of great recommendations for Chemistry, but if you're looking for open and go, my first rec still stands. However, Real Science 4 kids only runs 10-12 weeks so that only gives you a semester. I have looked at Christian Kids Explore Chemistry, which would spread it out over a year. What are you using otherwise, are you strictly WTM, or are you using something like Sonlight or MFW as your main curriculum? What style do you like? Textbook, Charlotte Mason, a little of both?




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What would you recommend for Science for 3rd grade? We are currently using SL 1+2 at 2nd grade.


I would prefer something NOT to labor intensive for me :) but interesting enough for my dd.


Thank you.


Just re-read this. I thought Sonlight wasn't labor intensive. Are you using Core 3 next year? Do you like their science?



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Look at God's Design For series and see what subjects you have not covered yet. It is a gentle, self-contained program using household items for simple experiments.


:iagree:I agree. We are using God's Design for Life and it is so easy and my dd is learning a lot. It is made to fit multi-grades. BTW, it's from Answers in Genesis if you go looking for it.

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I am ok with SL but want to see what's out there. I have TWTM book and I saw the recommendations. I was hoping to find something with all the stuff combined and not having to buy several books to cover the subject. If needed, I'll get some reading material from the library.

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Actually I do not know what I need to cover in Science for 3rd grade. I want to follow TWTM schedule. Thank you.

eequalsmcq.com and elementalscience.com will both follow the WTM schedule and are both easy on the teacher to implement. Elemental Science schedules 3 books that cover chemistry. It is not the same as Sonlight or Winterpromise, which have many more books to purchase and juggle. It is much easier. Mr. Q's is the book.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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  • 4 weeks later...

Have you looked at Elemental Science? It is new, puts TWTM science recommendation on a planned out curriculum with premade templates for the notebooking pages, scheduled out science experiments, the workds. Go to www.elementalscience.com . The TM and student pages can be purchased pre-printed or you can download the ebook for $15. The author is on this board. I hope this helps.

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