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Non-food items you make instead of buy (e.g., laundry soap) -- I need ideas!

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Dh and I are tossing around an idea that includes packaging things like homemade laundry soap into say gallon-sized bags for user purchase. I'm trying to steer clear of food items because of the regulations on that (i.e., to sell fresh-ground flour made from wheat berries requires the use of a commercial kitchen) -- so what types of things do you make at home that tend to save you money (and are effective)? I would value any ideas you'd have! Thanks.

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We make our own cleaning liquid and sometimes shampoo from soapnuts. You take a handful of soapnuts and boil them in 6 cups of water. Cool. Bottle. Refrigerate. Lasts about a week. You can clean your car, your kids, your house, your laundry, just about anything with it. Natural (soapnuts grow on trees) and if you get a big enough bag they'll last for years. They smell a little vinegary but the things you use them on don't smell at all.

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This is interesting. Since coconut oil melts at under 80 degrees, it must liquify on contact with your body - how do you avoid oil stains on your clothes?


I put it on right after I shower and wait a couple of minutes before I put my shirt on, which is fine because I have to moisturize anyway. As long as I don't put too much on it absorbs pretty quickly and I don't have any problem with staining. When it is warmer it goes on a little heavier, that is the only time I've stained a shirt. It actually melts at a little lower temp, I think like 76 degrees, so I keep it in the refrigerator which helps apply the correct amount. I live in East Texas, so keeping it in the refrigerator is neccessary!

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I have never heard of soupnuts either...where does one buy those???


I buy the on the internet from Naturoli.com. They are de-seeded and bagged. I would order a sample size from them to start out to see if you're going to like them. You can also just throw a few in a little cotton bag they give you and toss it in your washing machine. I don't do that because I bought the soapnuts pieces (because they were cheaper) and there's a better chance all those little pieces will escape while swirling around in my washing machine.

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