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Purity musings/update (LONG...sorry!)

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A while ago I posted a question regarding my oldest dd who asked a very general question about Mary/virginity/etc. That sparked a rather lengthy and sometimes intense discussion regarding the appropriate age for discussing such issues, exposure kids need to have to such information, etc. I do NOT want this to become another such discussion and hope what I want/need to share is in no way topic for debate.


I just finished the second amazing weekend with my daughters (separate weekends, of course) using the Passport 2 Purity program. We had fun, we had open discussion, we all learned a lot, and I survived the event I have been praying about and preparing for since my first dd was just 7yo.


What amazed me most was that neither of my dds had the slightest clue what sex was. Not.a.clue. My younger dd asked on our drive to the hotel why she would be learning about sex because she already knows she is a girl. :) My just-turned 14yo said the same thing and my heart sang for JOY!!! Here I'm driving 75mph on the freeway wiping tears from my eyes as I realized that the effort I made, the stand I took to shelter and protect my dc until it was the right time for them to know about these things and to find out from ME, worked! In a world where kids are bombarded with sexual content from the earliest of ages, where something as precious and private as sex is distorted to be crude and casual, my dc have been protected by not only myself but my friends who introduced the topic to their dc earlier than I did with mine.


There may be those reading this post who have not yet gotten to this point with their dc and are wondering if such protection can really be done. I was told by many people a most emphatic, "NO!" I was told that I was delusional and that my dc knew more than I thought they did, that I shouldn't be so ignorant as to really think I could have preteens who had not heard things from friends. They were wrong...praise God, they were wrong!!! And now my dds know about sex from a Biblical point of view - so unlike the way I learned.


I want to thank every woman who posted reviews/input on the P2P program. I want to thank those women who have gone before moms such as myself and done with your dc what I was able to do with my dds. I want to thank those moms who admonish their dc to use discretion and keep confidences so that moms who are coming up behind you don't lose that precious opportunity to share this beautiful information with their own dc and in their own way.


The highlight of the drive home today with my 14yo was when I told her how I had prayed all these years for the right time to share this information with her and that I had felt pressure to do this long before now. She turned to me and said, "Mom, there is no way I would have been ready for this before now. God knows me, He knows what I can handle, and I know He told you the exact time to do this with me." :hurray:


To those who feel differently than I do regarding an appropriate age to expose our dc to such things, I mean no offense and understand that everyone is different, including our dc. This post isn't meant as a slam or criticism toward anyone.


Funny thing is that I was originally supposed to take my 14yod on the weekend and had no thought of doing this with my 11yo. Yet as my 14yo was getting in the car she mouthed off to me (again) and I told her to unpack her bags, told my 11yo to pack her bags, and off we went. It was the perfect time for my 11yo to go through the program! God's hand was so clearly directing all of this for all three of us, it is just amazing. He knew I needed to go through this with my future midwife/doctor 11yo who was not embarrassed and views everything technically before taking on my very emotional and easily embarrassed 14yo. He even knew my 14yo's guinea pig would be attacked in our yard last night and that she needed to not be here to find it in the morning (my future doctor found it and dealt with it in her efficient way). Coincidence? No way. God is good and knows exactly what our dc need at just the right time. :)

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I think this is a lovely post. I am so glad it all worked out for you!


God is *good* to us! :001_smile:


:iagree: And good for you being brave enough to share this lovely testimony of God's faithfulness to us, even with regard to having "the talk" with our kiddos.

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I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It's so satisfying when you figure out what's right for your family and suceed in executing on a parenting plan than runs outside the mainstream.




Now, my kids learned (and were ready to handle the knowledge of) the mechanics of reproduction very early in life, for humans and all the rest of creation. BUT, I'm just beginning to realize what a colossal effort it's going to be to shield them from all the ugly stuff beyond the nature-special presentation of sex. It's hard to think of the word to describe what I'm talking about - maybe "lewdness?" It makes me physically ill to think of my children imitating lewd adult behavior. I see girls not much older than my 4 y.o. daughter prancing and flirting! I don't really know what to do about that, other than to keep them home and reinforce their peer relationships with each other and not dress them like miniature gangsters or streetwalkers.

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Wait what was the guinea pig doing outdoors? Saying it was attached at night and found in the morning sounds like it is out there overnight all night. Does it live out there? Does it ever come in? Does it just roam around your yard? Or is it in an outdoor cage or enclosure?


I didn't know you could do that. I thought they were just indoor cage animals. Where do you live? We've thought about GP's, but I don't want something that is in the house all the time, especially in cedar chips. I hate the smell of cedar chips.

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I didn't know you could do that. I thought they were just indoor cage animals. Where do you live? We've thought about GP's, but I don't want something that is in the house all the time, especially in cedar chips. I hate the smell of cedar chips.

We used to keep our GPs outside as long as the weather was warm enough. They'll freeze in cold weather.
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I'm glad your 14 yo finally got "the talk" . I was one who was worried about her age. My aunts and my mom knew almost nothing by the time they got married, and that wasn't a nice memory for them. Learning everything the evening before getting married?


I'm especially happy that "the talk" went well! Congrats!

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