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I have squirrels in my roof!

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I don't know if it is just one, or more than one, but there has been a squirrel party for a couple months now in the walls of my little boys' room (which makes it hard for them to nap in there). The pest control man was SURE it was rats and treated a couple of times, but it wasn't until today that I was able to convince him that it was a squirrel (I knew it all along). The little critter came out of the hole just as the pest control man was standing up on the roof looking at the hole.


Does anyone know a way to lure them out so that we can patch up the hole they created up on the roof? The guy said that he can trap it, but it will be too expensive (at least $300 when all is said and done). He also said that the squirrel(s) will move out this summer on their own when the heat rises, but I don't want to wait that long. Any suggestions?

Edited by babysparkler
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I would pay the bucks to get rid of them. While they are up there they do all kinds of damage to your insulation, they go to the bathroom, potentially they could chew on things, etc and do more than $300 worth of damage. Unless your husband can trap them himself. I think they might even have traps at Home Depot. But the sooner the better.

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Home Depot sells critter repeller (not its official name, but close), which are blue pellets that repel squirrels and similar pests. We had squirrels in our attic, and this got rid of them. As far as I know, it is a repellant, rather than a poison. If you know where they are getting in, you can sprinkle some in the hole, and it should drive them out.



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Squirrels are tempted by peanut butter. You could try live-trapping them yourselves and removing them at least 8 miles from your property, preferably with water between your home and where you drop them. (They will return and if your building is not squirrel-proof, find their way inside again.) Just make sure your trap is large enough for squirrels--it should say on the box what critter it's intended for.


I would make the assumption that there is more than one as they tend to travel in pairs and have babies often.


Once they are out, make your repairs quickly and well. Depending on where they were living and for how long you may want to inspect for damage. Like another poster said, they defecate where they live and are notorious chewers. Whatever they have peed on will be an attraction for them and/or another pair of squirrels.


Best of luck to you. I would not wait for summer, I would take care of them as quickly as possible.

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One more thing--once a squirrel has been trapped place the trap in a shady location and cover with a rug or towel. This will calm the animal down and it will be less likely to harm itself inside the trap. They tend to go nuts when trapped and it can be a little unnerving even going near the trap with a squirrel inside. (My son did this for me as I was too chicken.)


It was often several hours from the time a squirrel was trapped until we could release it and providing a comfortable location kept it calm.

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BTDT. (with squirrels and some very smart and fearless racoons). As pp said, I would pay, because the animals can cause more than $300 of damage. Sometimes pest control people make one-way wire traps, so that animals can go out, but not come back in. You don't want to seal up a hole and find that you have sealed in the squirrels!


My local hardware store recommends moth balls to deter squirrels et al.


Also, you want to find how the squirrels are getting on the roof. Are there overhanging trees, that sort of thing?

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Also, you want to find how the squirrels are getting on the roof. Are there overhanging trees, that sort of thing?


Back when we had some snow, my kids noticed that there were foot prints from where the fence meets the house, and all the way from our garage roof up across the house to the point of entry. There is also a crepe myrtle there that I plan to trim back.


It was pretty funny... the kids were explaining all of this to the "pest man" who was standing on the roof telling us that he didn't think it was a squirrel, but rats in the attic. Just then a squirrel tail popped out of the roof at the corner where he was facing :lol::lol::lol:. The kids went wild in laughter.

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We had a squirrel in our attic-we saw him go through bad brick in our chimney and of course heard him. We patched the chimney-opened the attic door in the garage and the garage door. Then, we put flour all over the ladder to the attic and the garage floor and left it all day. Texas heat drove it out and we had the footprints to prove it---never again any problems :)

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We had a squirrel in our attic-we saw him go through bad brick in our chimney and of course heard him. We patched the chimney-opened the attic door in the garage and the garage door. Then, we put flour all over the ladder to the attic and the garage floor and left it all day. Texas heat drove it out and we had the footprints to prove it---never again any problems :)


That was such a creative solution! I wish we had access to our attic from our garage, but only from the master bedroom closet and the upstairs hall:glare:.

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No advice here, just a related story.


When I was a kid, we had squirrels in our attic. They would literally race up and down the area where our hallway was below it. It was crazy, but we got used to it.:001_huh: Then one day my mom turned on the attic fan. It was this big old thing placed in the ceiling which vented up to the attic. When you turned it on, these louvers would open and then the fan would go on. Anyway, my mom turned it on, the louvers opened and out fell a squirrel!! It darted right into her walk in closet and was never seen again.:lol: She didn't think it was so funny and if it were me now, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't either. But as a kid, it was hysterical and just remembering it makes me laugh again.




p.s. I hope you find a good way to get rid of them. Can you get a Hav-a-Heart trap?

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My response will not be the popular vote I know. I have had squirrels in my attic for almost a year. We just fixed this problem, and let me tell you patching might not solve the problem. That is what I thought, spent $1200 getting our soffits repaired and replaced because of squirrel damage. The very next day that little pest was digging and scratching to get back to what he thought was his home. In just 15 minutes he did another $200 worth of damage trying to get back in. In the end my dh shot it with a high powered bb gun. I no longer have a pest problem. Good luck and I hope you don't have to go the extremes like we did.

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No offence to the OP, but every.single.time. I read the title of this thread, I get "Squirrels! Squirrels in my pants!" and its beginning to make me twitchy.




Great. I'm turning into Doofensmirtz. *sigh*

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No offence to the OP, but every.single.time. I read the title of this thread, I get "Squirrels! Squirrels in my pants!" and its beginning to make me twitchy.




Great. I'm turning into Doofensmirtz. *sigh*


Are they having a party with the Possum in the Garbage Can? (See other thread).


No advice here, just a related story.


When I was a kid, we had squirrels in our attic. They would literally race up and down the area where our hallway was below it. It was crazy, but we got used to it.:001_huh: Then one day my mom turned on the attic fan. It was this big old thing placed in the ceiling which vented up to the attic. When you turned it on, these louvers would open and then the fan would go on. Anyway, my mom turned it on, the louvers opened and out fell a squirrel!! It darted right into her walk in closet and was never seen again.:lol: She didn't think it was so funny and if it were me now, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't either. But as a kid, it was hysterical and just remembering it makes me laugh again.




p.s. I hope you find a good way to get rid of them. Can you get a Hav-a-Heart trap?


My response will not be the popular vote I know. I have had squirrels in my attic for almost a year. We just fixed this problem, and let me tell you patching might not solve the problem. That is what I thought, spent $1200 getting our soffits repaired and replaced because of squirrel damage. The very next day that little pest was digging and scratching to get back to what he thought was his home. In just 15 minutes he did another $200 worth of damage trying to get back in. In the end my dh shot it with a high powered bb gun. I no longer have a pest problem. Good luck and I hope you don't have to go the extremes like we did.

Wow... That's one expensive trouble maker!!! I think I will be calling the pest guy to come back.



ETA: He is coming to set the trap on Monday.

Edited by babysparkler
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No offence to the OP, but every.single.time. I read the title of this thread, I get "Squirrels! Squirrels in my pants!" and its beginning to make me twitchy.




Great. I'm turning into Doofensmirtz. *sigh*



Can you please, please, please clue me in as to what this is in reference to???



In the dark, Woolybear:)

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Better than squirrels in your pants. SIMP!


Sorry, I'm having Phineas and Ferb issues today. :blushing:


No offence to the OP, but every.single.time. I read the title of this thread, I get "Squirrels! Squirrels in my pants!" and its beginning to make me twitchy.




Great. I'm turning into Doofensmirtz. *sigh*

The FIRST thing I thought was SIMP too! (I actually read the thread title as SIMP. I think we watch WAY too much P&F!


Can you please, please, please clue me in as to what this is in reference to???



In the dark, Woolybear:)

Phineas and Ferb: Squirrels in My Pants. :lol:


OP: Good luck getting them out.

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