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How to get to know others on the board...

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I just finished reading the thread about ignore lists and "internet bad breath" - thanks for getting that one started, Unsinkable. I've often wondered why I feel so invisable on the board. As a follow up to that discussion, can y'all give some suggestions on how to get connected on this board? I notice some have friends in their friend list and I'm not sure how one goes about getting connected in this kind of environment. I've tried sending encouraging PM's to people. I also try to sell things on the board for good prices and good service, but I suppose that is just reputation building, not socializing. Is there more to this kind of social skill?:001_smile:


Julie in MO

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can y'all give some suggestions on how to get connected on this board?
One easy thing you can do is add an avatar. It's much easier for me to recognize someone's avatar than their name. Doesn't have to be a picture of you, just something unique.
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Guest Cindie2dds
One easy thing you can do is add an avatar. It's much easier for me to recognize someone's avatar than their name. Doesn't have to be a picture of you, just something unique.


:iagree: I associate people much more with their avatar, age of kids, curriculum, blogs, etc., kind of like putting a face with a name in real life. Although, I'm not that unique. I'm more WYSIWYG ;)

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One easy thing you can do is add an avatar. It's much easier for me to recognize someone's avatar than their name. Doesn't have to be a picture of you, just something unique.


Thanks for this tidbit. I've been meaning to find a photo that I like, so this lit a fire under me.


My avatar is my almost-two-year-old Sheltie, Gypsy. :D

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I think when the boards were new and everyone was playing with the features is when many folks got a list of "friends". Most folks I know simply accepted anyone who filed a "friend request" with them.


I wish I was computer savvy enough to add an avatar, but I have no idea. I tried once or twice, just can't seem to do it.....

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I've often wondered why I feel so invisable on the board. As a follow up to that discussion, can y'all give some suggestions on how to get connected on this board? I notice some have friends in their friend list and I'm not sure how one goes about getting connected in this kind of environment. I've tried sending encouraging PM's to people.


There are thousands of participants here - don't be discouraged! I mainly think of the forums as homeschooling support, so I mostly connect with those who post on academic things I am interested in. Either we chat through a thread, or I might send a pm to someone I have questions for or want to encourage, or I answer a pm that someone sends me about some topic love we have in common. When I post about something, I tend to go into great detail on my thought process, which then sometimes generates more interesting discussion (to me, anyway), and thus, connections for me on the academics of homeschooling.


I think when the boards were new and everyone was playing with the features is when many folks got a list of "friends".


This is what happened with me - I got an influx of requests, because of commonalities from the old boards. Then it died down, LOL. Then I started adding posters to my "contacts" list, just so I wouldn't forget about posters who I could pm in the future, with questions about academics, esp. for high school.


What are you using these boards for? Figure that out, and then post passionately about those topics! You'll find like-minded people that way.


EDIT: Julie, didn't you post on the old boards? I am pretty sure it's you I have noticed here and there with academic posts, but I'm not positive....

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After a full day of school, I can't remember what the old board even looked like! :tongue_smilie: I'm a pretty consistent lurker on this board, though, and have learned so much valuable information! The people on this board are the type that I want to connect with - always looking for ways to improve, learning new things, bantering about ideas....fun, fun, fun! I'll take the advice of learning how to make an avatar and adding more personal information to my profile. I was just happy to learn how to copy and paste last week! Did you see how much I copied and pasted today on the board? :lol:




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To be honest, I don't even know who is on my friend list. I remember getting friend requests because people agreed/liked several of my posts.


I've been on this board for around 7 years and while I recognize names I see repeatedly, I do not know anyone as a personal friend. I enjoy the chatting. It reminds me of being in a moms group when my children were really small. It was nice to chat with people, but when the meeting was over, I didn't see them again until the next meeting.


Just jump in and participate in threads. I don't know of any cliques around here. :)

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Thanks for this tidbit. I've been meaning to find a photo that I like, so this lit a fire under me.


My avatar is my almost-two-year-old Sheltie, Gypsy. :D


Heather, I'll remember YOU! Our neighbors have a sheltie. They let her run loose all day. (We live in wooded acreage.) If this weren't THE sweetest dog ever, we'd be miserable. We LOVE their sheltie. She plays with our dog (who is on a zipline thing). She walks with us to the mailbox, she hangs around whenever we come outside, she sleeps on our deck or porch during the day. She greets the UPS guy, mailman, etc. We adore her to pieces.


Well, I've gushed enough. I love your dog's face!!!!!!!!

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When I see someone who I agree with much of the time and seem to have something in common with, I send a friend request and sometimes leave them a message. I also read the blogs of people I find interesting, and occasionally leave comments. That seems to help a bit.


Having strong opinions about controversial topics is another way to get noticed. Maybe not in exactly the way you want, but it certainly helps people remember you, lol...

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Mrs. Mungo, here's my True Confession. Wasn't "Mungo" Drew Campbell's board name here? For years, I've thought you were his wife. It was just in the last several weeks that I realized that was not the case.


(Now she'll never forget me either!)




Yes, it was. But my name on the old board was very generic and based on my actual name, Jennifer (entirely too common for women my age). Drew changed his name on the new boards and I had been using Mrs Mungo on another board for a while, so, I stole it. :D

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I just finished reading the thread about ignore lists and "internet bad breath" - thanks for getting that one started, Unsinkable. I've often wondered why I feel so invisable on the board. As a follow up to that discussion, can y'all give some suggestions on how to get connected on this board? I notice some have friends in their friend list and I'm not sure how one goes about getting connected in this kind of environment. I've tried sending encouraging PM's to people. I also try to sell things on the board for good prices and good service, but I suppose that is just reputation building, not socializing. Is there more to this kind of social skill?:001_smile:


Julie in MO

1) when you realize someone is in your neck of the woods, PM them and ask for some local advice or mention something close you find wonderful.

2) throw in the occ. witty story that will make other's laugh. I learned from my ex-DH that if you make people laugh, you make people happy to see you.E.g.. the "gave birth on my leather sofa while the old man next door watched my kids" story.

3) offer pithy advice

4) post great resources/ good reviews, etc. on the curriculum board


I don't know if this gets you known, but it makes me FEEL I am part of it all...:D

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I just finished reading the thread about ignore lists and "internet bad breath" - thanks for getting that one started, Unsinkable. I've often wondered why I feel so invisable on the board. As a follow up to that discussion, can y'all give some suggestions on how to get connected on this board? I notice some have friends in their friend list and I'm not sure how one goes about getting connected in this kind of environment. I've tried sending encouraging PM's to people. I also try to sell things on the board for good prices and good service, but I suppose that is just reputation building, not socializing. Is there more to this kind of social skill?:001_smile:


Julie in MO


Hi Julie!


I wanted to come back and make another post because not only did I totally hijack your thread with my post, but because I got distracted by having to leave for piano lessons and never actually wrote out the reply I had intended to! :blushing:


What I had intended to write was that you and I have close to the same number of posts and I often feel the same way you do (which is one reason I got excited and sidetracked by the avatar thing!). I have noticed that most people who seem to be 'connected' have a gazillion posts. My theory is that the more you post, the more people get to 'know' you. I *so* wish I had the time to post as much as I would like, but I don't. I have time to read the boards, but not to 'talk'.... so, while I feel like I know many of the ladies who often post here and follow their joys, heartbreaks, and struggles, I *am* invisible to them, because I don't post much.


Another thing that hits me is that many people share humorous stories which often gets replies, and who doesn't like humor?


I have often thought of myself as a 'thread killer', so I loved the post about internet bad breath. I find that I usually post for help with things, and while I get that help, it doesn't exactly get me 'known'.


As for the 'friend list', I don't even know how that works and didn't know there was such a thing until about a month ago. I still don't understand the purpose of it, though.


I don't know if it makes you feel better, but I always recognize your name when I see one of your posts. I'll be your friend. :001_smile: :grouphug:

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Heather, I'll remember YOU! Our neighbors have a sheltie. They let her run loose all day. (We live in wooded acreage.) If this weren't THE sweetest dog ever, we'd be miserable. We LOVE their sheltie. She plays with our dog (who is on a zipline thing). She walks with us to the mailbox, she hangs around whenever we come outside, she sleeps on our deck or porch during the day. She greets the UPS guy, mailman, etc. We adore her to pieces.


Well, I've gushed enough. I love your dog's face!!!!!!!!


Hi Kristine,


I can't believe your neighbor's Sheltie runs loose--- ours would get run over by the first car that went by as she is a true Sheltie-- a 'chaser'. Gypsy is a doll.... I don't know why I didn't think of using a photo of her before!


By the way-- I've always loved your screen name!! I'm a natural-born lurker myself! :D


(sorry Julie---- my second hijack is over!)

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