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My husband is in lock down at our church!!

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My husband just called to tell me. A man was seen walking with a gun on the church grounds so a couple of the youth called the cops. Everyone was locked down inside the gym for about 45 minutes. Now they can be in the halls but no one is allowed to leave the building yet. They haven't found the guy. They haven't shared much with everyone so that's all we know.


It totally freaks me out! He said he would call when they are allowed to leave.

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Well my dh is home safe and sound. They cleared the building and then escorted everyone out. They were told to leave quickly. We just checked facebook and a friend said they heard the man is in custody. No real news though.


Thanks for your prayers.....I was worried to say the least.

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Well my dh is home safe and sound. They cleared the building and then escorted everyone out. They were told to leave quickly. We just checked facebook and a friend said they heard the man is in custody. No real news though.


Thanks for your prayers.....I was worried to say the least.


:grouphug:Wow... I'm so glad everyone is okay!!!

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Well my dh is home safe and sound. They cleared the building and then escorted everyone out. They were told to leave quickly. We just checked facebook and a friend said they heard the man is in custody. No real news though.


Thanks for your prayers.....I was worried to say the least.


Thank goodness!! That is a scary situation. We had something similar to that happen at my son's elementary school. They were on lockdown for 4 hours while the police searched for a killer. :eek: :svengo: I'm so glad your dh is home safe and sound.

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