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If you prefer traditional worship, this one's not for you

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Easter Sunday, my husband was on stage with two other drummers and a full praise band, leading into U2's "Until the End of the World" on a drum kit made of garbage cans, pails and buckets.


Then, we spent the whole service talking about what heaven will be like. I thought about my brother who's already there and sobbed my way through a box of tissue during "I Can Only Imagine."


It was AWESOME! :hurray:


My Easter outfit was cool, too...a "Love Wins" tee shirt, jeans and tie-dyed Crocs. Definitely the best Easter Sunday service ever. :D

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Sounds totally Awesome! My girls had their cute little dresses on, and I worshipped in jeans, gymmers and a sweater. That song does that to me. I think of my friend's 5 yr old, who passed Christmas day. I can just see her running, playing and worshipping Jesus.

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Definitely the best Easter Sunday service ever. :D


Sorry, but we had the best Easter service ever. :D


My girls played the piano before church for the adult group, then sang during the service. Their little choir was transcendant -- even parts -- with about 20 kids ranging from 4 - 13 in age. The adult choir performed a huge, impressive piece (which I cannot remember the name of now, ha) and the postlude was the most magnificent, huge organ piece, played on a huge, magnificent pipe organ. We sit in the back of the balcony most of the time :) and we did a little dancing as the organist played.


Next year, let's combine our talents/efforts, whaddya say?? ;)


I'm all in for the service you had, too. (No, really) But ours was the best. ;) 'Cause my kids were sweetly pouring out their talents.


Hey -- you don't have video to share, do you? I'd love to see it if you do.

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That is so something we would do LOL


We can't yet afford a set of drums for Eldest...but you may have given me an idea ;) Hey, we like the drum action in Caedmon's Call...certainly nothing wrong with that. Totally dig it!


So, maybe we'll improvise with a few trash cans :p


Yeaaaah I can see it now...


My 'school room' (which hasn't ever really been a school room)...which I plan to convert to a music room anywho..gets its start...

Hub on the electric guitar, Eldest on trash can drums, pastor and his eldest boy come over with their 6 strings...(then the other kids plucking around on the other 3 guitars we have in the house, just the rest of them can't play well yet) teehee

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So your service definitely is not my cuppa. Isn't it great, though, that God can be worshipped, from the heart, in both traditional and contemporary fashion?


I did want to mention that "I Can Only Imagine" often makes me cry, thinking about my mom. It's also the reason behind my blog name - Imagine. If you ever go there, and read my first ever post, you'll see the story.

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Oh, and child-led Easter and Christmas services are my second favorite. ;)


As we started our little church, 3 families took turns leading the song portion of the service and only 2 kids in the 3 families played an instrument: one 12 yo beginner on guitar and one 10yo on harmonica. One mom could play piano but was reluctant to play. So for months and months we sang mostly a capela. Even though we were all originally from churches with talented, upbeat, non-traditional worship bands, we found that we relished a time to be without any pretense of performance or perfection. Simplicity rose in our estimation, but it was quite the change to go from slick city to a 10yob on the harmonica!


Fast forward 2 years, most of the time all the instruments are played by the children in the church. Our kids are pretty motivated to learn instruments because they have a chance to use what they learn *right away*. My 13yodd had given up on piano when she was still a beginner at age 9, but she has since attacked the piano with vigor! Both my girls are getting more and more adept on the guitar. My 11yo boy can shake a mean shaker! And my 3yo can dance.


Right now, we are not reflective of what we desire to see in the future. We are only a little seed starting to sprout. I hope in the future we will have fun, free times of worship such as you described. I also hope our kids can sing some beautifully polished harmonious traditional pieces too, such as Mama Bear described. I now treasure a broader spectrum of worship experience that I ever have before, including unpolished and homespun.:w00t:

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