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The funny side...

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While reading a book on puberty to DS, I read the part on how babies are made. In discussion, DS asked, "But Daddy and you never did you?"


I knew I shouldn't laugh, but it was hard not to. DS is NOT an only child.


My answer, "Well, how did the book say babies are made?"

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We were at the park with a group of other homeschoolers. We were meeting many of them for the first time. I wanted my children to get acquainted with the other children in our group so they would recognize them next time so I pointed out the other children in our group and encouraged my children to go play with them. My son asked, "Why are we with them?" I said, "Because they homeschool too." He replied, "What's so special about homeschool?"

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I overheard this conversation the other day between my 8 and 5 yo girls:


Older: mumbled talking


Younger: What?? I don't want to marry (insert dog's name)


Older: Why not?


Younger: Because! I'm NOT going to look after all those puppies by MYSELF!!


Older: Oh, you don't have to worry about having puppies with (insert dog's name). He's been neutered.


Younger: Well, good then. Wait. Are you sure I won't have puppies if I marry (insert dog's name)?


Older: Yes, remember, we took him for that operation last year.




Kids. :001_rolleyes: Their innocence... it cracks me up sometimes. :lol:

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I'm not sure anyone else will find this funny, but I thought I'd still share.


We were walking in to our library as we do every week, except that my DH was with us. Usually he uses our library time to work at home in peace. Well, as we walked in, my DD asked him half serious/half sarcastically, "So, when's the last time you stepped in a library?" I thought it was hilarious, and DH joked along with her telling her that it had been decades. Little does she know that we both took her to story time from the time she was six months until she was about three.



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This was a few weeks ago, but I still laugh about it daily. We're driving down the road and ds looks around and says "Look Mom- No peeing on the street. There's a sign. We can't pee on the street here!" It was a no parking sign - capital P with the red line through it. You know, no peeing!


We just moved here a few months ago - apparently in TX you can pee on the street all you want!

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