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SWB's Ancient and Medieval Books--has anyone...

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written questions for rhetoric stage kids to go along with each chapter?

I was thinking it might be interesting to do that.

But I don't know if I'm qualified.

I would like to offer it as a free study guide.


Of course, I'm thin-skinned; I couldn't take the extreme criticism that might come my way! lol


Loving my journey so far thru these books, tho--I'm outlining as I go.

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If you could have the first 10 chapters of book 2 done by the end of this week, & the next 10 ch done in say the following month, I'd $BUY$ it from you.


Go on, get cracking.










Not a chance, I'm afraid. My standards are too low for any of my questions to be useful to you, anyway! :lol::lol:


I have much to learn.

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Someone had done study questions or test questions for the first one, I think. In fact, I think I have them - somewhere, LOL (not ready for them yet). But I don't think anyone has done the second, newer book as yet. We'd all LOVE to have that info, I'm sure! Go for it! (Please, and thank you!)


Where could I find the ancients questions?

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Laura's course outline (at the above WTM forum link) is a great help.


I'm surprised Peace Hill Press hasn't come out with a supplement for high schoolers. I thought they had promised one in the future. Maybe they'll read this thread & compile one (for each volume).


I just finished reading the Ancient World, and will soon jump into the Medieval!

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