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Help me think through this idea for 4th grade

Karen in CO

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Last night my dd9 and I were chatting about the plan for school next year. We will be rotating back to ancients, and her idea is to study more like an ancient Roman girl from a wealthy family instead of study a modern idea of a classical education. Some of the things we study are non-negotiable - we will continue math, French, copywork, and MCT.


She wants to study cooking, spinning, weaving, art, music, and Greek. For literature she wants to read two versions of the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid plus continue with her own free choice reading. And that's all.


She has a loom and a spinning wheel that she uses at a beginner level, but there are places locally that teach classes. She already takes classes at the local art school. She already cooks, but we could start working through a culinary arts cookbook. She is supposed to start music lessons this year anyway.


What do you think? It is a very big departure from my idea of normal. Is this less rigorous than if we skipped those things and did history and science instead? I'm trying to see it from her point of view and also be comfortable with such a big change. It is only fourth grade. She will still be doing challenging core work. Her choice of literature to study is exceptional. She doesn't want to study history or science which are two of her favorite subjects.


Your thoughts are great appreciated.

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I don't see the harm in letting her try it for a year and then re-evaluating. I do think that history and science should be included at some point, but if she has had a good base in both up to now, I think she should be able to come back to it in a couple of years without a problem. Honestly, I'm not sure I remember any of the history I did before high school anyway. Did she say why she doesn't want to study science and history? It seems a little strange considering those were her favorite subjects.

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I think it sounds awesome! And the fact that she is planning it sounds even more amazing.


I'm a firm believer in science - she needs to do science. A la WTM she should be doing Life Science during the Ancients rotation. She can study medicine, animal husbandry, herbology, botany, etc... She can study Aristotle's observation techniques and read "Archimedes and the Door of Science," and "Galen and the Gateway to Medicine." She can grow an herb garden and study what remedies she can make (ie: treat a tummy ache) and how to preserve food.


My DD10 is reading the Roman Mystery series and they are currently treating a man with infected sores by applying maggots. Yuck! But that would be common during Roman times. I believe a female would be expected to help with nursing a wounded or ill family member, so she can add that to her studies (learning both ancient & modern techniques). :)


She will retain so much by studying the Ancients the way she is suggesting, and you can always sneak in SOTW or other audio tapes in the car.

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I think sounds great, maybe less than a year? or add a comparison of another culture/time period?

Your in Colo right? The Littleton Historicl Museum is a great place for stuff like spinning and farming (they dress up in 1860's clothes and spin or cook a meal, they have a blacksmith and you can watch ) At least they used to, I would go there all the time before I had children, and they have remodeled, call first.



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Did she say why she doesn't want to study science and history? It seems a little strange considering those were her favorite subjects.

She is contending that cooking is an applied science, and that she can add in some nature studies and plant drawings in her art. She also said she prefers to study history on her own instead of doing it in school - she has been known to fall asleep with a history encyclopedia.

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I think it sounds awesome! And the fact that she is planning it sounds even more amazing.


I'm a firm believer in science - she needs to do science. A la WTM she should be doing Life Science during the Ancients rotation. She can study medicine, animal husbandry, herbology, botany, etc... She can study Aristotle's observation techniques and read "Archimedes and the Door of Science," and "Galen and the Gateway to Medicine." She can grow an herb garden and study what remedies she can make (ie: treat a tummy ache) and how to preserve food.


My DD10 is reading the Roman Mystery series and they are currently treating a man with infected sores by applying maggots. Yuck! But that would be common during Roman times. I believe a female would be expected to help with nursing a wounded or ill family member, so she can add that to her studies (learning both ancient & modern techniques). :)


She will retain so much by studying the Ancients the way she is suggesting, and you can always sneak in SOTW or other audio tapes in the car.


She's read all of those books, has a herb garden and listened to SOTW1 on audio at night for about 2 years because she loved it so much the first time through. We have dogs, birds, fish, and chickens. She's getting fiber bunnies this year for her spinning. Her little sister is going to raise frogs, ladybugs and butterflies this year. We're building a pond this summer to make a pond ecosystem in the backyard. But maybe this would be a good time for first aide and a wilderness survival course. Hmmm...



Thank you for your inputs - This is awesome. Keep these ideas coming.

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I think this would be a fantastic opportunity, not only for your daughter but for you! I would have such fun planning a year like this, if my kids were into it.


I wouldn't make her "do" science and history, but she can read lots of books about medicine, technology, and everyday life in ancient times. Instead of writing reports or outlining encyclopedias, she could keep a fictional journal of her "life" as a Roman girl, and fill it with all the little details she learns along the way. How fun!!!



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My first thought is "Now's your chance--grab it!" :D

Your core study ideas are strong--let her explore history and science the way she wants to. Keeping a journal is an excellent idea.


The time will come soon when there just won't be this opportunity--let her go! :D


And do something to record it for us! lol

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I was thinking about this while cooking dinner (& making choc,chip cookies) Alton Brown has a show on the Food Network called "Good Eats" where he often gives the chemical reason food acts the way it does.

ex: he took a cc cookie recipe and made them cruchy, fluffy, & chewy by tweeking the ingredients. He also will give lesson on gluten strands or microwaves. He ALSO sometimes gives a history of the food or method of cooking. You could try to expand on this for science class this year.




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I was thinking about this while cooking dinner (& making choc,chip cookies) Alton Brown has a show on the Food Network called "Good Eats" where he often gives the chemical reason food acts the way it does.

ex: he took a cc cookie recipe and made them cruchy, fluffy, & chewy by tweeking the ingredients. He also will give lesson on gluten strands or microwaves. He ALSO sometimes gives a history of the food or method of cooking. You could try to expand on this for science class this year.




I love this idea! (Alton Brown is one of the things I miss since we don't have any cable channels...)


I think it sounds awesome! And the fact that she is planning it sounds even more amazing.


A la WTM she should be doing Life Science during the Ancients rotation. She can study medicine, animal husbandry, herbology, botany, etc.



These ideas would add such an interesting twist; and should fit in nicely with how your daughter is envisioning her upcoming year.


I also agree with all the others who have said that you should seize this moment! I think it sounds like a fantastic year - and certainly one that she will remember!

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I was thinking about this while cooking dinner (& making choc,chip cookies) Alton Brown has a show on the Food Network called "Good Eats" where he often gives the chemical reason food acts the way it does.

ex: he took a cc cookie recipe and made them cruchy, fluffy, & chewy by tweeking the ingredients. He also will give lesson on gluten strands or microwaves. He ALSO sometimes gives a history of the food or method of cooking. You could try to expand on this for science class this year.




We are big Alton Brown fans - it was her first cooking show. This does give me a great idea.... I've seen several books about the history of particular ingredients like the history of salt and the history of chocolate and books about historical cooking such as translations of ancient cookbooks into more modern ingredients. I think I need to acquire some of those. And I need to see if I can find the Alton Brown shows somewhere on the internet so that we can watch them when we need them.



Thanks. Keep helping me think this through. I'm beginning to think it will be great. I'm putting in a new patio in the back part of the yard this summer - I think it is going to get a nice mosaic done by a creative, upcoming, classical artist.

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I just started HS this year and I use an on line charter school ( I was just afraid to step out and fall flat on my face at my childrens expense) Before the year began (4th grade) I wanted to do something like this with the Little House on the Prairie series. You have boosted my self confidence and are causing me to trust my instincts. Perhaps my children will do alright with me plugging through. Thank you!!! Thank you!!



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