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25% of Americans obese?

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I wonder about the doctors reading the charts too sometimes. Was your daughter off the charts? Or simply or an extreme end? Because those charts show the range of normal. If your daughter is on the chart then she's within the range of normal and should not be getting lectures period.


Dawn, she was on the chart. I really think the PA was reacting to the dance angle: dancer=anorexic. I told her if she could see my daughter eat, she wouldn't have any concerns.

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I have noticed that although my actual size hasn't changed much since high school, my clothing size has gone down a few sizes. What's up with that? :confused:



Your size has gone down because the sizing of clothes has changed. Depending on which designer or manufacturer the sizes have changed anywhere from 2-4 sizes. A size 10 fifteen years ago is now a size 6-8.

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:iagree: Or walking around at Disney World.



I was thnking about this today, as I am vacationng n Orlando at the moment. I was looking for fat people by the pool today, and there were hardly any. (Absolutely less than 25%, and I noticed only one extrememly large woman, and some puffy old guys). It was very surprising to me (We are staying in resort near Disney, but not in Disney) that there were so few obviously fat folks. I heard mostly 'unaccented' English being spoken, but i wondered if a lot of folks were Canadian, yet I would think obesity rates in Canada would be similar to US stats, although I don't know.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Would you say these numbers are accurate, based on your community?


Yes, I would say it's at least 25% here in SE Wisconsin, if not higher.


I think the dramatic increase in obesity is due to people eating "highly-processed, edible food-like products" rather than real food combined with the total lack of bodily exercise. It really is simple physics. If your calorie intake is greater than your calorie output, your body stores the extra calories as fat. If your calorie intake is less than your calorie output, you will lose weight.

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If your calorie intake is greater than your calorie output, your body stores the extra calories as fat. If your calorie intake is less than your calorie output, you will lose weight.


Gary Taubes makes the argument that the first law of thermodynamics does not have an arrow of causality. That deltaE refers to the size of the system, not that delta E is caused by E.in and E.out. Furthermore, E.in and E.out are not independent variables. For example, exercise a lot and then try not to get hungry.


If you are interested in learning more about what he has to say you can watch it here. It's very interesting:



I think a much better argument to obesity is not that a calorie is a calorie, but rather how are different macronutrients metabolized in the body.

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Gary Taubes makes the argument that the first law of thermodynamics does not have an arrow of causality. That deltaE refers to the size of the system, not that delta E is caused by E.in and E.out. Furthermore, E.in and E.out are not independent variables. For example, exercise a lot and then try not to get hungry.


If you are interested in learning more about what he has to say you can watch it here. It's very interesting:



I think a much better argument to obesity is not that a calorie is a calorie, but rather how are different macronutrients metabolized in the body.



The basic expend more than you take in still works. I understand what you're saying. However, just because one is hungry does not mean one has to eat, and just because one is hungry and eats does not mean one has to eat high-calorie foods to obtain a full feeling. Also, the stomach can get used to smaller amounts of food producing a full feeling. However, if one eats to the point or past the point of fullness on a regular basis, it will re-set the feeling of full to a higher point.


This is, of course, barring medial conditions that make it more difficult (or impossible) for one to lose weight, such as hypothyroidism. Those conditions, however are not as common as the obesity rate in the US.

Edited by MeanestMomInMidwest
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No kidding. I was at WDW in '85 and then not again until '07. The difference was astounding. There were no electric carts in '85, and lots of them with very heavy people in '07.


This was our experience also. Our trip was around the time that the movie Wall-E came out and we were kind of spooked by the similarities.

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