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Orthodox/Catholic Christian moms, would you let your son see...

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Labyrinth? Another hs mom invited my son, 13, along with two other hs boys the same age.


Ds is sooooooo shy, I really want him to have the opportunity to spend time with these boys, who live unreasonably far away. I don't want to turn my nose up at the offer (I actually already said yes), but now I'm wondering if the movie is too dark.


I like the mom a lot.

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I would, and I'm VERY picky about what my dc see. This is a movie I remember from when I was a kid, and there is some suspense, a little bit of scary (mostly puppets), but nothing that would bother a 13yo. I don't have a problem with the plot, and like that the underlying message is that trying to use magic to get your way doesn't turn out the way you thought it would.

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Labyrinth is actually one of those movies I would have more of a problem a 13 yr old seeing than a somewhat younger kid. The reason is that there is one scene with drug and s*xual references that would most likely go over a younger kid's head but an adolescent just might get.


Here's a link to a negative review from the National Catholic Register.

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My kids are currently loving this movie, they saw it on netflix, they're older. And we're Presbyterian. ???? And if they don't stop singing the songs I'm going to duct tape their mouths shut.


Labyrinth is actually one of those movies I would have more of a problem a 13 yr old seeing than a somewhat younger kid. The reason is that there is one scene with drug and s*xual references that would most likely go over a younger kid's head but an adolescent just might get.


Here's a link to a negative review from the National Catholic Register.


I don't remember that part. I'll have to preview it then.

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I saw that movie at about that age and it creeped me out so bad - and I watched a lot of other very inappropriate movies as a young teen (parents didn't care) that didn't really bother me. I almost get nauseous just looking at the picture/thinking about it. I truly think it was something spiritually dark that I was sensing, without realizing it.

I would not let my kids see it.

But individual families and opinions are so different.



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Here's a link to a negative review from the National Catholic Register.


That's an odd review. It starts with the voodoo/who do joke and says it makes no sense. But that bit is a riff on an old comedy act--if he'd said "the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true" it would have been a similar gag. I also felt that it missed the point of the movie, which is that Sarah's fairy-tale dreams are all very well, but she needs to pay attention to the joy around her IRL and quit being such a selfish brat. When she gets her wishes, she doesn't like it so much.


Anyway, I let my kids watch Labyrinth--I loved it when I was a teenager.

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I have no personal objections...except that it is *terrible* with a capital T. Dumb Stupid Weird. I would not put my neck on the line to forbid it. Any smart kid will purge it from their head.


If only I could! :tongue_smilie: I alsolutely LOVED this movie when I was a kid. I can quote it line for line. It is something that I couldn't purge from my head if I tried. I think it's melded into my subconscience. :D


"You remind me of the Babe." "What Babe?" "The Babe of the power." "What power?" "The power of voodoo." "Who do?" "You do." "Do what?" "Remind me of the Babe."


Great!! Now it's stuck in my head. :svengo: I hadn't thought about it for years until I saw this thread. Now I'm going to have to loose 2 hours of my life that I'll never get back watching it again just for old times sake.


Thanks a lot!! :001_tt2:


BTW: I would let my kids watch it. It does have a good moral message. I grew up watching it and I grew into a well adjusted, homeschooling mother of 2 and we all know homeschooling mothers are the most sane, well adjusted, down to earth people out there. :willy_nilly: Right? ;)


Off to waste my time watching drivel. :lol:

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I don't remember that part. I'll have to preview it then.


I saw the movie when it first came out and I saw the scene in question totally innocently. Sarah eats a peach, dresses up like a princess, and goes to a masquerade ball where she dances with Jareth. It wasn't until I saw the movie again as an adult that I realized there was a whole other level to the scene. :eek:

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