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Miracle Baby Cheats Death

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wow. It is astonishing to see what a little body can endure and come out of. I can not even imagine how horrifying those 2 weeks of waiting must have been.




How fortunate they were near a hospital where the doctors have had that kind of training. If that happened in a small town, there would likely be a very different ending to this story.

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She has a blog somewhere (have tissues if you find it) but I don't believe they were in Salt Lake-if I remember correctly from what I read, they do live in a small town and he was life-flighted to CPMC from their local hospital. They were VERY fortunate (I honestly believe miracle level fortunate-she left the room for longer than a minute-someone was looking out for that little boy.)

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I saw the family and little boy being interviewed on tv this morning. Yes it is amazing.


But she left a 17 month old alone in the bathtub!!!!!!!!!


What is wrong with people!!!!!


I don't know if you noticed but she has 4 children. She went to tend to one of the other children no doubt thinking I'll just be a second. Caring for 4 children is vastly different then caring for one child. You do at times forget those first mom lessons. And there is simply not enough time in the day to be as careful with #4 as you were with #1.


Last year my 4yo was taking a bath and I told him to drain the water (about 4 inches) and get out of the tub. Something he does regularly. Then I took my daughter to the other bathroom to get her bath. I took care of my daughter and put her to bed thinking my son had done as I asked. When I went to tuck the boys into bed I couldn't find my 4yo anywhere. We looked all over the house even the bathroom. My husband looked in the yard and down the block. After an hour of looking for him I went back into the bathroom and found him asleep in the tub. We couldn't see him over the rim of the tub. Had he been face down he would have drown.


Last summer my daughter then just turned two learned how to open the front door while I was doing laundry in the back of the house. She wandered unattended over to the neighbors house and knocked on their front door. Had she gone into the back yard and climbed their uncovered pool ladder then things would have gone much differently that day.


I guess you can say what is wrong with me...


I'm human, just like the mother in this article. It's a shame you didn't realize the greater lesson that God had his hand on that little boy and that his mother learned a much greater lesson then "Don't leave your 17 month old in the tub unattended." Or perhaps you did catch that.

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It's a shame you didn't realize the greater lesson that God had his hand on that little boy and that his mother learned a much greater lesson then "Don't leave your 17 month old in the tub unattended." Or perhaps you did catch that.


And what if Gods hand had not been there and the boy had died.


What would you have to say then?

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I don't know if you noticed but she has 4 children. She went to tend to one of the other children no doubt thinking I'll just be a second. Caring for 4 children is vastly different then caring for one child. You do at times forget those first mom lessons. And there is simply not enough time in the day to be as careful with #4 as you were with #1.


I actually take offense to that as a mother of 4.

Yes, I've had close calls with my children- when there was 1, when there were 2, 3, and 4. Because I'm human and my children are young, ignorant humans. But I've yet to leave a single child unattended near any type of water. Or open flame. Or moving vehicles. Or any other obvious safety hazard.


And I don't mean that as a jab at this particular mother, but to defend against the idea that parents of multiple children should be held to a lesser standard of basic parenting than those of fewer children.

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I think if you read her blog you will see that she admits her mistake with much remorse. (I sent a link to my dd. I'll try to find it.)


Here it is: Feb. 1, 2010


This is SO sad. How many times have we left our kids in situations that could've ended like this? One of my d.s. had a seizure at 7 right after he got out of a hot bath. Had that seizure happened two minutes earlier, he could've been in that exact situation. I really feel for this mom.

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Amazing! Having the ability to cool the body to help prevent brain damage is truly amazing, and then for the baby to fully recover is beyond words.


The docs tried that same cooling procedure on my sister's fiance a few weeks ago, but he was brain dead already with no hope of healing according to scans. This little baby's story could have been so tragic. It does not matter who is to blame for the accident, the baby survived. If one of the other kids would have been seriously hurt while she attended to the baby in the bath it would have just been another sib at the hospital.

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