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Yoga? Anyone do this?

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I have no idea what it is all about:tongue_smilie:


I hear it is supposed to be great for stress reduction, exercise and overall health.


I do not want to purchase any DVD's or CD's.


But can someone recommend a good book to get me started?


Or a link to a Youtube demonstration?


And if you do yoga, how has it helped you?

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Yoga is great. I do a basic sun salutation some mornings, and it wakes me up and makes me feel wonderful. I've noticed it improves my posture, too.


I'd really recommend watching at least one basic video, because it can be hard to understand the poses fully looking at a picture in a book. Your library will probably have a few yoga videos. Also, there used to be an amazing show on Oxygen at five in the morning called "Breathe." If it's still on, you should check it out.

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My mom teaches yoga at our local YMCA and has, for years, asked me to come to her classes. Something about my mother "instructing me" just didn't seem too fun, or stress relieving, lol...so I never went. Until this past month. Let me just say, WOW! I had NO idea how stressed out I was until I had the time to actually RELAX. Yoga has been SO wonderful for me. I am almost to the point of addiction, and have been going 3x a week, religiously. If there is any way you can get away, and take a class, DO IT. It is so nice to have that time set aside for yourself, and it really is a rejuvenating thing to do so that you can give more to your children while you're with them (the other 23 hours a day!!! ;)) I know I have yelled about half as much this past month as I normally do :o , and even when I do yell, its like my brain now has the ability to say, "that was totally unnecessary and could have been handled so much differently"... whereas before I wouldn't have had a second thought about my actions, yk? Its definately something I wish I would've started sooner, and something I will continue with for as long as my children are at home, lol. :D

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I've been doing if for a year and I LOVE it! I get edgy if I can't make it to class or there is no class for a week or two.


It has helped me build muscles, tone my body and help with pain and stress. I am much better at letting those little annoyances go. My posture is 100% better. My back pain is much better. I go twice a week with my mum and she has also seen a great deal of improvement in her shoulder which she had to have surgery on due to multiple dislocations.


I recommend going to a few classes to begin with so that you can get your postures right.

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I've been doing yoga for about 10 years. After DD was born I had nagging lower back pain that I couldn't get rid of. Tried chiro for about 6 months to no avail. Someway gave me a Rodney Yee yoga DVD and I kid you not, the pain was gone in under two weeks! I've been addicted ever since. Yoga keeps my body strong and flexible, and actually feels good WHILE I'm doing it (unlike other exercise... my motto is, "no pain, no problem":D). I've recently started doing "hot yoga" which is pretty intense but enjoyable as well.


Books are fine, but I would recommend a DVD to start-- check your library maybe. It's easier to follow when you don't have to stop and turn a page! LOL

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I don't do yoga as much as I should but when I do, I am always glad.



Two things, though. First, yoga is slow but not effortless, it's just not violent or jarring. You can get tired from moving like a turtle. Odd but true. Second, it requires concentration and peace and quiet. It's very hard to do yoga with interruptions or even if you have a mind that is racing with all that you have to do.

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I have been practicing yoga for 18 years, and have studied all styles. The style I practice now is

, an intense style and probably not suited for beginners. It is a part of my life, a big part: fitness, meditation, spirituality, and recognition of my body's needs.


I wouldn't recommend a book to start--you need to see the postures in motion, not look at them. A video on you tube could be a good start, but really, it's not enough. Better than that would be to find a class with a good teacher. Local community centers often have inexpensive classes. You don't want to do the poses incorrectly, as that could lead to injury and frustration.


PM me if you need more advice or help.

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First, yoga is slow but not effortless, it's just not violent or jarring.


I've mostly done yoga with a video at home. I didn't think it would do anything because I thought it was just stretching. Oh, was I wrong! :) It takes quite a bit of strength!

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and I've learned at home, but I did use DVD's. I used Yoga Journal's Step into Yoga series so that I learned the correct way to do the poses.


I have 3 books. I have the Athlete's Guide to Yoga, by Sage Rountree http://www.amazon.com/Athletes-Guide-Yoga-Integrated-Flexibility/dp/193403004X/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1268410570&sr=1-3;


I have Journey into Power, by Baron Baptise http://www.amazon.com/Journey-Into-Power-Sculpt-Transform/dp/0743227824/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1268410532&sr=1-1;


and I have one other which explains the Primary Series (Astanga yoga). http://www.amazon.com/Power-Yoga-Strength-Flexibility-Workout/dp/0020583516/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1268410610&sr=1-2 .


I used www.yogatoday.com a lot. They have one free class on the web a week. You stream it anytime you want.


Sage Rountree also has some short routines on her site. http://sagetree.blogspot.com/


I enjoy yoga. I usually do a little yoga everyday, but a longer practice 3x's a week.


I will say that it's important to learn the correct alignment for the poses. You can hurt your knees and your back if you're not careful.


I also recommend Yoga Journal's web site, they have a ton of information.


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Well, I am a VERY anxious person, and I heard that Yoga could be very beneficial to make me relax, and get some good excercize in.


This does sound perfect for me.


I am looking into everything that was suggested to me, and I will see if there is a yoga class near me, that I can take.


I wish I could get a Wii. Everyone talks about it, and it sounds like fun to.


Thank you:D

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Well, I am a VERY anxious person, and I heard that Yoga could be very beneficial to make me relax, and get some good excercize in.


This does sound perfect for me.


I am looking into everything that was suggested to me, and I will see if there is a yoga class near me, that I can take.


I wish I could get a Wii. Everyone talks about it, and it sounds like fun to.


Thank you:D


While yoga on the wii got me interested in yoga, I do not recommend it for yoga. Classes, DVD's and books are better.

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