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Windows 7.0 vs. Mac OS

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Okay, our main desktop PC finally died a horrible death last week. (Whoopee for Carbonite!)


We'd been all set in our minds to replace it with a Mac. (We're using the laptop right now, but it's old and probably will suffer a similar fate presently.)


Now DH comes along all hot to buy a PC with the new Windows 7.0 -- he has heard it is as stable as Mac OS, not susceptible to crashes, viruses, user friendly, yada yada yada. The cost of Mac versus PC, ease of expandability, size of memory for the dollar, etc... are his drivers.


Any Windows 7.0 experiences you'd like to share???

Edited by BikeBookBread
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well my dh got a new laptop last year...just before Windows 7 came out. So he did the little Windows 7 Launch party and got one of the free deluxe copies. He tried to install it on new laptop but found many drivers weren't available for his parts. Fast forward to this weekend and he tried again. He still had some issues but was able to delete things off Windows 7 to make it work ;-)


Honestly, what I have seen of it, it's nice. I am on a Mac. Because years ago dh swore it was the only way to go, lol!!!


I would buy a computer with Windows 7 already on it. I hope to relinquish the kids computer back to them and get a new laptop later this year...with Windows 7 on it. I love Mac. I just want to have the Windows options at times you know?


Dh is very picky about his computer parts. And if he's willing to leave Mac to go back to Windows I trust his opinion.

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I really love Macs (I used them when I was working outside of the home); but I have to say the bang for your buck factor is definitely "there" for the PC.


Interesting thread as we're going to look at new computers on Friday. We looked at one at Wal-Mart last night that had Windows 7 on it. We have dial-up though and I know we would need to have a modem put into it because most computers nowadays are set up for high speed. So, we'll be going to Best Buy and have them set us up.


Mama2... have you looked at the Dell website? Especially the outlet for refurbs....



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well my dh got a new laptop last year...just before Windows 7 came out. So he did the little Windows 7 Launch party and got one of the free deluxe copies. He tried to install it on new laptop but found many drivers weren't available for his parts. Fast forward to this weekend and he tried again. He still had some issues but was able to delete things off Windows 7 to make it work ;-)


Honestly, what I have seen of it, it's nice. I am on a Mac. Because years ago dh swore it was the only way to go, lol!!!


I would buy a computer with Windows 7 already on it. I hope to relinquish the kids computer back to them and get a new laptop later this year...with Windows 7 on it. I love Mac. I just want to have the Windows options at times you know?


Dh is very picky about his computer parts. And if he's willing to leave Mac to go back to Windows I trust his opinion.

I was able to get Windows 7 installed with no problems. That said, I don't run a lot of extras on my computer so I did not have to worry about driver issues.



I can not compare the two since I've not used a Mac since I was working before marriage 11 years ago. Back then I preferred the PC to the Mac.

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I have been using Win 7 since Aug. 09. LONG before the official release and many of the drivers were available from outside companies. I even upgraded from Vista.


I love it. It is far better than Vista. I have encountered no problems. But I know people who have so I think it depends on what is on/attached to your PC.


Most people forget that it is not Windows' responsibility to provide updated drivers for hardware. And also the software companies are supposed to do their own updates as well. So I think Windows gets dinged when it shouldn't. I know for a fact that Microsoft gives these companies plenty of notice to update but many of them just don't do it. (I think it's because they hope you will spend money on the newly released compatitible software/hardware). I had to change my wireless internet card because the stupid company wouldn't provide a new driver. They said "never" when I contacted them so I bought from a different company. But everything has run just fine on my machine since the upgrade.


As far as viruses and stuff like that goes, well you need good protection. You CAN still get viruses with Win 7. However Win 7 virus proctection is FREE (Microsoft Security Essentials) and is one of the best one's out there because it doesn't gum up your system like the other ones do.


PC's really only have expandibility IF you buy them set-up to accomodate for future growth. Your motherboard needs extra slots for memory and hardware growth. You need to make sure that the box itself is big enough to handle an upgrade. That's why a laptop has so many limits. I built my own PC so that I could add on as I wanted and it was a worthwhile process because I know my PC inside and out! I upgraded my memory and video card when I switched to Win.7 and have been very pleased with the end results!

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I have a Mac, (love it) and we recently got a new Dell with Win 7 to replace our old XP. It is much easier to use in some ways, and has been very stable. We upgraded the video card in order to play the newer graphics heavy games. It has worked great for us, so far.


The only complaint we have is that it won't run most of our education software. Reader Rabbit, Jumpstart, and countless others just won't run. The Win 7 can supposedly be set to run certain software (as an XP), but I have yet to have it work for anything. And, since there is no support for these programs, we're just out of luck. We had to buy new Typing Instructor, too, but at least it is still available.


Anyway, we've had it for about two months, and haven't had it freeze up, or crash, or fritz out in any way. And, seeing as we could buy three of them for the price of another Mac, I'm not sorry we got it. OTOH, it won't do what my Mac does when it comes to graphic arts, music, video, web, etc. All of these applications are totally integrated on a Mac. I love being able to produce totally awesome newsletters, DVDs, photo albums, etc, with little or no effort! For number crunching, simple (non graphic) word processing, video games, etc, the family likes the PC with Windows 7>

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I've been using a Mac for a couple years now, and Mac OS is so much more intuitive than any PC I've ever owned. The only problem I've ever had with my Mac is when my daughter poured a cup of coffee onto it when it was open and running, and that was really a user error, lol...


And after I let it dry out for a few days, it worked perfectly. These things are tough. My toddler has also flung it onto the floor several times. It's been dropped, stepped on, and bumped into walls, and it still runs like the day I bought it.


My husband bought a new laptop recently, and has had to reformat three times already.


Just sayin'...

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I had my heart set on getting a Mac; I had researched them, visited the Apple store and tried them, had friends recommend them. In short, I could not wait to own one..... Soooo, on Christmas morning when I opened up my gift from dh and found it was a Sony VAIO (with Windows 7), I have to admit I was just a tiny bit disappointed (yes, yes, I know that sounds ungrateful, but I'm really not :001_smile:).


However, the disappointment didn't last. Windows 7 has been amazing--fast, flawless, and a pleasure to use. I have had nothing except good experiences with it since I've had it.

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Mama2... have you looked at the Dell website? Especially the outlet for refurbs....

No, I have not. I will though!


The only complaint we have is that it won't run most of our education software. Reader Rabbit, Jumpstart, and countless others just won't run. The Win 7 can supposedly be set to run certain software (as an XP), but I have yet to have it work for anything. And, since there is no support for these programs, we're just out of luck. We had to buy new Typing Instructor, too, but at least it is still available.

Sorry if I'm dense about this, but does that mean it's difficult to find software that's compatible with it? Or is it just older software that you're trying to use on the computer? Thanks!

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Depends on what you will be using the computer for.


If you need it for accounting, documents, internet...Windows 7 works great. I have had Windows 7 for some time on my PC and have had zero problems with it. I have been very happy with it.


If you need a computer for graphics (digital scrapbooking), photoshop, etc....go with a Mac. Nothing beats a Mac when it comes to speed and ease of use when using the graphics programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. I love my Mac, and the only way I'd get rid of it is if someone pries it from my cold, dead fingers. ;)

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Sorry if I'm dense about this, but does that mean it's difficult to find software that's compatible with it? Or is it just older software that you're trying to use on the computer? Thanks!


Those are older programs that won't run. I have a couple of those Reader Rabbits that will not run and the company no longer supports.


It is not hard to find compatible software. But if your software was made to run on 2-3 operating systems ago, it might not run on Win 7.

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If you need a computer for graphics (digital scrapbooking), photoshop, etc....go with a Mac. Nothing beats a Mac when it comes to speed and ease of use when using the graphics programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. I love my Mac, and the only way I'd get rid of it is if someone pries it from my cold, dead fingers. ;)


I'm a pc-using digital scrapbooker. My pc runs those programs without a pause. ;)


And it edits HD video!!! :D

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No, I have not. I will though!



Sorry if I'm dense about this, but does that mean it's difficult to find software that's compatible with it? Or is it just older software that you're trying to use on the computer? Thanks!



Some of it is old software that belonged to my older kids (educational software). Some of it is fairly new (a racing game that my son bought just last year). The problem is, the companies that made these programs (Jumpstart, Reader Rabbit, Midway, countless others) don't exist anymore. So, there are no new versions for these programs.


Of course, they won't run on a Mac either, so it's probably a moot point for you.

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Those are older programs that won't run. I have a couple of those Reader Rabbits that will not run and the company no longer supports.


It is not hard to find compatible software. But if your software was made to run on 2-3 operating systems ago, it might not run on Win 7.

Thanks! That cinches it for me.


Some of it is old software that belonged to my older kids (educational software). Some of it is fairly new (a racing game that my son bought just last year). The problem is, the companies that made these programs (Jumpstart, Reader Rabbit, Midway, countless others) don't exist anymore. So, there are no new versions for these programs.


Of course, they won't run on a Mac either, so it's probably a moot point for you.

Huh, I didn't realize that Jumpstart/Reader Rabbit don't exist anymore. Too bad, my dd would LOVE those programs. I'm sure I could find something else though.


Totally off subject here, but...I used to live in Albuquerque (see, I even spelled it right;)). I miss it and want to visit again soon. The kids keep hearing about NM and are interested. Plus, they have a grandpa and uncle there. I graduated from Del Norte in 1996 (go Knights!).:grouphug:

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