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Rasberry Leaf Tea during pregnancy?

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I'm 12 weeks pregnant and will be having a VBAC using hypnobabies. I've seen Rasberry Leaf Tea recommended, especially for VBAC pregnancies, but I haven't been able to find any reliable information on the subject. When I do a google search, it looks like they are all taking their information from each other. They talk about the alkaloid fragrine strengthening the muscles of the uterus, but I can't find any information about it except for when mentioned as an ingredient in rasberry leaf tea.


Basically, my question is twofold. My first is wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction for more credible information on the subject. My second is asking if any of you have had success using it, and could share your experiences. Thank you so much!


Edited: I mean Raspberry, my bad. Sorry for any confusion.

Edited by Meagan S
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I used it in my last trimester. I went natural and had my baby in about 4 hours, only during the last 1 1/2 hours was the pain hard to handle. I also only pushed for 5 minutes. Although it was my second pregnancy, part of me thinks it went so quick because of the RRL tea. I will use it again during my next pregnancy.

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First, just to be clear, it's RED Raspberry Leaf Tea that is used as a supplement in pregnancy.


Here is some info from Susan Weed. She is an expert in herbs and the author of Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year.


At the Mothering message boards they have a tribe (aka group) for ladies using RRL. I haven't been through all 82 pages but there might be links to the kind of information you are looking for. You can find that group HERE.


Personally I've never come across much information on it in relation to VBAC success. It certainly won't guarantee a successful VBAC (in birth, VBAC or not, there are no guarantees ;) ). The premise behind RRL Tea is just that it will help tone the uterine muscles.


Professionally, I haven't seen much difference in those who have used it and those who have not. I still recommend it though to clients (usually in the form of Pregnancy Tea because there are other herbs in that tea that are very beneficial) as it is a good/helpful herb to take.

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I used a blend of raspberry leaf, nettle, oatstraw and alfalfa for both of my pregnancies. My main reason for considering it to begin with was that when I'm pregnant, I can't take vitamin pills at all - they make my stomach hurt terribly! The herbs have vitamins and minerals and I was able to drink the tea w/ no problem. I used it throughout my entire pregnancy both times.


I do think it helped with bleeding and recovery, but I did end up w/ a c-section the first time (was going for a homebirth), and then a HBAC the second time. Both labors were very long (40+ hours first time and 37 hours the second time), so it didn't do anything to help with that, but both babies were posterior and would not stay turned around.

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I am an herbalist and highly recommend Red Raspberry Leaf in your last trimester, NOT before that.


In my experience this blend is very helpful: Red Raspberry leaf, fennel, cinnamon, alfalfa and rose hips.


There herbs:


  • Aid in preventing miscarriage and hemorrhage
  • Aid in reducing pain during labor and after birth; by helping to tone the muscles used during labor and delivery.
  • Stregthen the uterus
  • Aid in providing a safe and speedy birth; helps to encourage the uterus to let go and function without tension. This does not strengthen contractions, but does allow the contracting uterus to work more effectively and so make the birth easier and faster.
  • Aid in colostrum / milk production and quality.
  • When consumed after birth, this Pregnancy Tonic may help decrease uterine swelling and cut down on post partum bleeding.
  • Supplies Vitamins A, Bs, C, E, K, D. High in Calcium and contains phosphorus, iron. potassium and enzymes and trace minerals.

To use using equal parts of each herb:


Brew into a tea: add 1-2 quarts boiling water to 1/3 Cup of herbs. Let steep at least 15 minutes hour before drinking. This tea can be refrigerated until the next day, but is better if consumed the same day

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I have used it for all 7 of mine. I have had all natural births with no problems whatsoever. For the first 6 I drank the tea the last trimester, and I drank a very, very strong cup when going into labor. For my last one, I had gestational diabetes, and I just couldn't fit in cups of tea, with all the exercise, snacks, etc. It sounds kind of silly now, but you know, I just was completely overwhelmed by the GD (which I managed with diet and exercise only), and you know, sometimes it's the little things that are the breaking point, LOL.


So with the last one, I ordered raspberry leaf capsules and took those. I took 2-4 of them a day (more like 4 a day as I got closer to time). I was more faithful with the capsules than I was with the tea because frankly, I am not a hot beverage person, and it was always a big chore for me to have to drink the tea.


When I went into labor this last time, I never even really felt like I was in labor. I just had these little "gas pains" every so often. They weren't regular and they weren't long. Eventually I recognized that they must be contractions because they were happening every 4 minutes or so, but they weren't long and definitely weren't painful. But then after one of these little pains, I was shaky and clammy, and I realized--hey! I'm in transition! So we leaped into the van to drive 25 minutes away to the hospital. I walked in almost fully dilated (just an anterior lip), they broke my water, and she was born 5 minutes later. It was so anticlimactic because I truely never felt like I had really been in labor. I've had good natural labors before, but I always felt like I was in labor, you know?! And transition always hurt! Not so this time. So I am attributing it to my taking so much raspberry leaf in the weeks before--I think my uterus was very toned! Also, it clamped down right away, with no excess bleeding or anything, which doctors sometimes worry about since I've had a lot of pregnancies. You can bet I'll be taking the capsules again if we have more!

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OK, another quick question. You guys are so helpful! Is there a difference between Red Raspberry Leaf tea and Raspberry Leaf tea? I know there is between Red Raspberry Leaf and Raspberry tea, but what if you just drop the "red"? I'm asking because I found a place with a good price, but it doesn't specify "red" at the beginning.

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I used the tea at least twice daily with last two pregnancies throughout both full term. It is high in iron, vitamin C and helps keep things moving. www.HerbalLegacy.com is a very helpful website. Generally raspberry leaf tea would mean red, but I would get my teas from a reputable source, or reputable brand. I recommend Alvita brand, I haven't used vitacost but heard they are also reputable supplier of low priced popular products.

R.R. leaf tea is highly recommended for pregnancy and female issues. Congratulations!

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I have used it for all 7 of mine.... You can bet I'll be taking the capsules again if we have more!


I had the exact same experience as Claire. I'm really not a tea person, either hot or cold, so I bought the capsules. I only used them with my last two pregnancies and I went from the type of mom labors for 14-20 hours to the type who cramps up a bit and gives birth within 2-3 hours. YMMV of course, but I'm a believer.



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