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Help! How do you work with 5 different kids effectively?

Time for Chocolate

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Any tips for scheduling a school day with 5 kids ages 3 to 10? I have the worst time making this work.


My ds is almost 11yrs. old and is slow to finish his assignments unless I'm right there with him. My dd is 9 yrs. old is a good student and loves to lead the others (3 younger sisters) as long as they do exactly what she says. My next dd is 6 yrs. old and is very quiet and wants me all to herself during her school or says she can't concentrate. The almost 5yr. old dd is begging me to teach her to read and do lots of school. The last little dd just turned 3 yrs.old and wants lots of attention and lap time.


If anyone can share how they would schedule the day to fit everyone in I would sure appreciate it.


We are currently using: Saxon, Spelling Workout, Wordly Wise, Jr.AG, Novels, ABeka American History, ABeka Science, and SOTW.




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Our family only has 4 kids and they are still little, but the thing that has helped us the most is for me to teach them together as much as possible. Right now we are doing science, nature studies, Latin, Spanish, math games, and most read-alouds together. When we add geography next year that will be a subject where they all learn together too.

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I would start off my day by giving my 3 yo some direct attention, not long, but maybe about 15 mins. Then I would work with the 5 and 6 yos in an alternating manner. While I was working with one, I would have the other playing with the 3 yo. My time with the 5 yo would be approx. 45 mins and with the 6 yo approx. 1 hr. All in all, that is only 2 hrs for all 3.


While I was working with the younger kids, I would have the older 2 working independently. If the 11 yo can't work w/o direct supervision, I would have him planted right beside me while working with the other kids. Does he have a subject that he can work on on his own? Math, silent reading, etc? I would work with the 11 yo after the younger ones to help keep him focused.


I might find I have to tweak the schedule a bit and give instructions to the older kids between the younger kids, etc. But, basically, how things work here is that the kids simply cycle through working with me.

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Hi Judy,

I have five also. It is very hard. I do have a schedule and when everything goes according to schedule things do get accomplished. However, things rarely go according to schedule.


My practical tips are:


  • I had to ditch Saxon, as much as I and my children loved it, I simply did not have the time necessary to devote to it. I ended up switching to CLE Math which has really given me much more time.
  • I use a schedule similar to MOTH. If I actually follow it everyone gets the time they need from me. The biggest problem with the schedule is ME!
  • I use the computer as part of the schedule. I use educational games/programs for each child to give me more one-on-one with each student.
  • I combine our afternoon study of History, Science, Bible together using MFW. This is a big one. I know I don't have the time to devote to each individual child in each subject but by combining these together we have the time to delve into these subjects and learn together.


I hope this helps you some!

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I have five also.The oldest four are active students and the fifth will be turning two soon.


I've found having all of us start together, all at the same table, works best. Even the toddler has her own clipboard with a coloring page on it. I leave my planner open in my spot at the table, or they use wall organizers, so they can easily see what is expected of them that day, and remove the lessons they've already done. Once I get the older two rolling on their own I tend to the first grader. As soon as he's moved into a subject he can do independently I turn to the precocious 4yo, who's probably finished the stuff on top of her clipboard that she can do herself. From there on out I just tagteam it between who's need is highest at the moment. The first grader takes off to play after half of his work is done, and the 4yo will too when her workpages and reading lesson are done. The toddler colors on her page and chats with her sister for a good ten to fifteen minutes before she gets down and finds something else to do. When the littles move on I put my focus onto the big two until lunchtime. I save some of the more mom-intensive subjects for the little girls' naptime, and we do most of our reading then too. That's also the best time for a history lesson that all three older kids do together.


For littles that want to do school, but aren't really ready for real curriculum, I get the big Comprehensive Curriculum workbooks from Costco. They're much cheaper than printing free pages off the web and save me time. I'll pull a few pages out in the morning and load it onto their own clipboard. Their reading lessons are from Phonics Pathways, or from readers when they're ready for them.

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I will be watching this thread closely. Thanks for all the suggestions so far. I am also using Saxon, so I will have to take a look at CLE. I've looked at workboxes, but it looks like way too much work for all my younger ones. My 5yo has been doing Kindergarten work (much to my dismay - I try to encourage him to just PLAY) for the last year, so I have to include him as well.


I've set aside 30 minutes at the beginning of the day where my oldest plays with the 5yo, and I'm considering using BJU Science next year for my boys to watch together.


I tried to follow a schedule, but life gets in the way....

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I need to get lunch on the table:D but wanted to say...


Can you combine your five & six year old dc? This is what I do with my 8 & 9 year old ds's. I teach grammar, phonics, spelling and writing together using Phonics Road to Spelling and Reading.


My children are 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 and 5.5 years. I wrote how I now homeschool my K-3rd grade students. It's different from my first child. I use lots of audio books for history and science.

I don't have the same kind of time that I did when my first was in K-3rd.


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I too am watching this thread. We have tried and tried to stick to a schedule but am still trying to find a good fit for ds 5yo K and twins almost 2yo.



For us I have the girls 8yo 3rd and 7yo 1st. Do handwriting and Math first because I can be feeding twins at same time. Then try to get LA done indiv with each girl. Then when twins are napping we do RA, but unfort k doesn't get done most days. He is still a young 5 yo and I am not too worried about but he has been asking to do more. I am just not sure how to fit it in.:confused:

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This is what is working for us right now. I'll see if I can explain it.


I broke the 10, 9, 7, & 6 year old's work into three categories: Independent, 1:1, and Group. My 4 year old only has 1:1 work with me.


I made each boy a checklist, broken down by the above categories.


My morning is only 1:1 time, so it looks like this:


ds6 30 minutes

ds10 45 minutes

ds9 45 minutes

ds7 60 minutes

ds6 30 minutes

ds4 30 minutes


During 1:1 time, the other boys don't interrupt unless it's very important (I try to answer brief questions, but if I can't they move on to the next thing they can do). They are working on their list of independent work. When they finish (ds6 only has about 30 minutes of work, while ds10 has 3+hours), they can go play. This take us close to lunchtime. We then break for an hour.


After lunch, we do Group work (recitation, geography, history, science, & art).

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I have 3 children, ages 10, 7 and 5. Recently, we have started seperating them for language arts and math. One child works with me while the other 2 do whatever. The K'er does all his work with me after the other 2 are finished. The older 2 do science and spanish together with me. The K'er can particiapte if he choses. We rotate our specials so now we are doing biology, before that it was history. This has worked for us well. everyone gets thier own quiet time to work. With 5 kids I think I might try to group together the kids working on similar levels and do my best. Good luck finding what works for your family!

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I have ds9 and ds7 at home. With all the snow recently, ds4 who attends preschool has been home ALOT! We just started homeschooling this year and it has been rough recently with 3 in the house. I'm getting worried about next year!


When I am organized I have been known to schedule everyone's subjects so that they all get me when they will need me. I will have to do this daily for next year. DS7 does help out a lot on Mondays with ds4 bc his load is lighter and ds4 is home on Mondays. Otherwise for next year I realize I am going to have to cut back on the mom-intensive curriculums. We will be dropping Spelling Power and switching to SOS Science (computer based curriculum). We will continue to do history together.


The boys are also just going to have to become more independent. It is an issue with ds9 who has some learning issues and needs me constantly. I'm practicing working toward that for the remainder of the year. The biggest issue for me is what ds4 will so while we're all doing school and he's done! He plays well independently but not necessarily on demand :)


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I would start off my day by giving my 3 yo some direct attention, not long, but maybe about 15 mins. Then I would work with the 5 and 6 yos in an alternating manner. While I was working with one, I would have the other playing with the 3 yo. My time with the 5 yo would be approx. 45 mins and with the 6 yo approx. 1 hr. All in all, that is only 2 hrs for all 3.


While I was working with the younger kids, I would have the older 2 working independently. If the 11 yo can't work w/o direct supervision, I would have him planted right beside me while working with the other kids. Does he have a subject that he can work on on his own? Math, silent reading, etc? I would work with the 11 yo after the younger ones to help keep him focused.


I might find I have to tweak the schedule a bit and give instructions to the older kids between the younger kids, etc. But, basically, how things work here is that the kids simply cycle through working with me.


What she said :D

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I have 7 children, 5 of them school-aged. This is what works for us.


We do school around the dining room table, so I can watch for any dawdlers (I have an 11yo like yours!).


My 2yo isn't so much wanting to be on my lap as much as she's wanting to be into stuff she shouldn't be.;) So I have an older sibling (either my 5yo or 7yo) assigned to play with her at nearly all times. If she WERE one needing ME, I'd try to start the day by reading to her or something cuddly, and then I'd set her up with activities that she could do near me (coloring, puzzles, quiet toys, etc.).


Our schedule looks like this:

8:30 - Bible time as a group

9:00 - I do school with the 7yo while the 11yo starts his independent work. 12yo feeds 6wo a bottle, and the 5yo and 9yo get 2yo dressed, brush her teeth, and do her hair

9:30 - 7yo does his independent work (math, AWANA, and Starfall) while I do school with 5yo. Older 3 do their independent work. 2yo plays alone yet near us.;)

10:00 - I pump breastmilk for the baby. Right now I'm able to do this without having to do school too, but if I absolutely have to I might be able to combine this at the same time. Everyone works on independent work. (5yo's independent work consists of AWANA and Starfall)

10:30 - I do school with 11yo while everyone works independently. 7yo and 5yo are typically done by now, so they play with 2yo.

11:00 - I do school with 12yo. He usually has a gazillion corrections to go over, so my time with him is a tad longer.

12:00 - prepare lunch while everyone works independently

12:30 - eat lunch

1:00 - pump

1:30 - I do school with 9yo. 2yo takes a nap. 5yo and 7yo play together. 11yo and 12yo continue with independent work.

2:00 - I do MFW with 9yo, 11yo, and 12yo.


I second the recommendation for MOTH. I've been using it since I only had 2 kids.:D Total lifesaver, especially as our family has grown and our school day has become trickier!


We're just getting back into the groove of school after having a new baby. Before I was ready to do school with the littles, my 5yo was clambering to learn to read. Starfall.com is a lifesaver!!! She pouts when her turn is up, and she has really been learning a lot!

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