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Any woman ever had (female content)

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During my perimenopausal days I had that happen more than a few times. Some women also have fibroids that cause heavy and/or longer bleeding. As it turned out, I had both and it was not fun!


Its good that you called the gynecologist. You may need an ultrasound at some point if it continues, but take note that fibroids are not always easily detected. It may take a few tries and/or opinions before knowing it for sure. In the meantime, take good care of yourself with lots of liquids, rest and some good vitamins.


This too shall pass. You are at a stage of life that seems to go on and on, but it does come to an end and there will be relief.




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Please go see doc. My friend had this happen last month. Her hemoglobin count got down to 8 and they scheduled a hysterectomy. I don't remember the whole story. The first doc thought she needed an emergency hyst, but the second doc said it could wait for her blood levels to stabilize (they like ya to be higher to do surgery, especially if you refuse blood transfusions).


My cycles are pretty long, but anything odd should be checked out.

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Hi Polly!! I wondered that too. I started SHred and a cleanse the same week. That is also the week the insomnia started. I mentioned all this when I left a message for my doc. Usually, I would use some progesterone cream or other supplement. But, I 'm tired. I want to see what he says. Maybe it is better to just let it "run its course". By the way, pulled muscles have ended my Shredding (at least for the next several weeks).

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Mine are always 10-12 days. Always.:glare: However, if yours are not usually, my guess it (and your insomnia) would have something to do w/all the exercise - it definitely affects hormonal levels. Since shred is so intense, it is probably just your body reacting and getting used to it.


Also, I found this excerpt from an online article:


"For women, exercise promotes the production of 17 beta estradiol, an active form of estrogen. This hormone helps to burn fat, as well as increase your energy. As you approach menopause, your body produces significantly less 17 beta estradiol. However, if you continue to exercise, you can keep or increase the level of production, even up through menopause."


Since excess estrogen can be responsible for both insomnia and extended cycles, that may be your prob. If it is the same next month, it might not be a bad idea to go to the gyn.

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