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Help for a NEW homeschooling mom!!!!

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What do you think has been the most helpful book(s), article(s) etc.... to read that helped you not be so stressed about homeschooling and to realize you don't have to DO SCHOOL @ home to be successful??


Trying to help a new friend....she has one son and he is 1st grade...and she is at the point of putting him in school because he hates all the workbooks and seatwork. I told her there are other options out there....she is simply lost at this point and hasn't read much in regards to homeschooling.




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Tell her to come to this board and read :)


I would recommend The Well Trained Mind....


I would also let her know that it isn't uncommon for kids to not like certain curriculum.


My kids hated BJU. They love LLATL and SOTW.


Also let her know that she might have to go through one more more curriculum's to find a good match! I certainly did!


Hope this helps!



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You may want to look at the writings of Susan Stephenson, a Montessori educator. Please see www.MichaelOlaf.net for her catalogs and articles. She offers so much wonderful information. Her son was homeschooled at his request, and I think it went very well. I have enjoyed reading and learning from her catalogs.

Edited by CamperMom
The articles are at www.MichaelOlaf.net.
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Well, one book that helped me was called Homeschool: Take a Deep Breath - You Can Do This by Terrie Bittner. I thought she was very realistic in her descriptions of what you can expect, and she had a nice chapter on getting organized, which is my main weakness. I checked out a copy at my local library, but it sells inexpensively on Amazon, too.


That's one book. There are lots of good books about getting started. I would start at the library.



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What do you think has been the most helpful book(s), article(s) etc.... to read that helped you not be so stressed about homeschooling and to realize you don't have to DO SCHOOL @ home to be successful??


Trying to help a new friend....she has one son and he is 1st grade...and she is at the point of putting him in school because he hates all the workbooks and seatwork. I told her there are other options out there....she is simply lost at this point and hasn't read much in regards to homeschooling.





Reading Educating the Wholehearted Child.


May I gently and respectfully ask how interested in getting info and support she is? Is she being proactive about learning about homeschooling?

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Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Homeschool Picks...


You have to acknowledge the possibility that different kids have different learning "personalities". For example...posters were talking about Classical Conversations in another post... My 2nd grader would LOVE CC and probably really thrive. My 1st grader son would probably burst into tears if he had to do something like CC. However, my 1st grader brought home a trophy the other day after designing/building a small car that raced 180 mph.


I don't want to open a confusing can o' worms, but maybe your friend is using curricula that isn't real compatible with her son...(my son hates workbooks too)


Come to think of it...her 1st grader sounds like my 1st grader. He is going to try Oak Meadow (2nd grade) this spring.

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Homeschooling: A Patchwork of Days by Nancy Land (I think?, not near the books right now). Simple, easy read, but a great look into the day in the life of 30 individual homeschoolers. Each family had to choose a day to journal what they did, and no matter what, even if that particular day turned out to not be "normal", they still needed to journal it.


30 different families of varrying sizes, religious beliefs, 30 completely different ways of homeschooling. It is by no means a "how-to", but a real eye-opener and encouraging.

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The books about Charlotte Mason-type homeschooling by Karen Andreola and others (I'm not a true CM'er but it makes me think differently). I'll give a second reco for Ruth Beechik & Cathy Duffy books also. How about the Paul & Gena Suarez book about Homeschooling Methods (not sure if this is the title) that looks at a variety of ways to school at home. Other ideas: The Christian Homeschool by Gregg Harris (this is old, but pretty good), and titles by Christine Field.

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Anything published about two years after I started!:D


Seriously, the main thing it took was time and the support of a couple of nearby hs moms who would talk me down when I had my "I'll never be able to teach someone how to read" crisis, or the "I must be doing this all wrong--she forgot what we covered two days ago" angst.


IMO, the best thing she could do right now is to make a list of her reasons for wanting to homeschool so that she can refer to it often and remember why she chose this path. The second thing would be to find books or articles that address her particular issues. And finally, to read about some other homeschooling mothers and how they felt when starting. It amazed me how many of my fears were quite common among homeschool beginners.

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I would send her here. There is such a wealth of knowledge and support to be had. Also encourage her to find local support. It wasn't books that gave me encouragement. It was others moms who had been there and had real advice and a real hug when needed.

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