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Can the Colon Cleanse I'm doing be wiping me out?

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I've been doing it for two days now and both days it's been very hard to get through my Jillian Michael's workout. I've been doing the workout for about three weeks and at first it was VERY difficult, but after a few days, it started getting better. I was actually to the point where I could about keep up. Now, for the last two days, I have to really push through it and I'm exhausted!!


Can it be the colon clease? I got it from my natural food co-op store. It's called Perfect Cleanse by Garden of Life. If it's making me this tired, maybe I should stop? I just want to be able to feel like I can get through my work outs again with out dying:001_huh:.

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Yes, absolutely. A colon cleanse, or any type of laxative, is moving the food through before your body is done with it - - in other words, before nutrients and so forth are absorbed. You wouldn't be surprised to feel weak after throwing up for two days, would you? You wouldn't attempt a strenous workout without eating, right? Same idea.


The inside of the human body is remarkably self-cleansing. One might need to take the very occasional laxative to relieve constipation, but one does not need to cleanse the colon. It does just fine on its own :D.

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Yes, absolutely. A colon cleanse, or any type of laxative, is moving the food through before your body is done with it - - in other words, before nutrients and so forth are absorbed. You wouldn't be surprised to feel weak after throwing up for two days, would you? You wouldn't attempt a strenous workout without eating, right? Same idea.


The inside of the human body is remarkably self-cleansing. One might need to take the very occasional laxative to relieve constipation, but one does not need to cleanse the colon. It does just fine on its own :D.


Oh my gosh. I never thought of it like that. Please don't think I'm dense now, lol. I've always heard how "good" colon cleanses' are for us. Hmmm..I guess I need to re-evaluate the cleanse. Shoot, if I stop, I wasted $28:001_huh:. Thank you for your insight!

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From my understanding, cleansing will help rid your body of built up toxins, whether you do a colon, liver, gallbladder, or whatever else cleanse. It does make sense that your body would feel lethargic during this time. It is common when doing a gallbladder cleanse to experience headaches and nausea. That does not mean the cleanse is not a good one, it means your body is ridding itself of toxins. Toxins you do not want in your body!!


Since most of our immune system stems from our gut, unless you have a medical condition that is contraindicative to doing such a cleanse, a colon cleanse is a great idea. Many, many people would greatly benefit from doing one every once in a while (I don't know the frequency). I think the benefits are greatly misunderstood.


There are also many natural ways to cleanse your colon, but I am not familiar with the cleanses one buys from a health food store.


Here's an inexpensive book that may answer some of the questions/concerns you may have.


You should start feeling MUCH better once your cleanse is over.

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From my understanding, cleansing will help rid your body of built up toxins, whether you do a colon, liver, gallbladder, or whatever else cleanse. It does make sense that your body would feel lethargic during this time. It is common when doing a gallbladder cleanse to experience headaches and nausea. That does not mean the cleanse is not a good one, it means your body is ridding itself of toxins. Toxins you do not want in your body!!


Since most of our immune system stems from our gut, unless you have a medical condition that is contraindicative to doing such a cleanse, a colon cleanse is a great idea. Many, many people would greatly benefit from doing one every once in a while (I don't know the frequency). I think the benefits are greatly misunderstood.


There are also many natural ways to cleanse your colon, but I am not familiar with the cleanses one buys from a health food store.


Here's an inexpensive book that may answer some of the questions/concerns you may have.


You should start feeling MUCH better once your cleanse is over.

Thank you for the info PlainJane! Right now I just feel weak and blah. It's a 10-day cleanse so about a week left after tonight. Hopefully, I can just keep plugging along with out ditching it;). Yeah, that was one of my questions after I posted the second time. I thought, "I thought a cleanse was to get rid of toxins, NOT nutrients???".


Plain Jane is absolutely correct.


I have been on programs that get rid of toxins and during them I feel very sick... I have lost hair and fainted etc. It is very similar to chemotherapy. But... after the cleanse my terrible autoimmune disease that is bordering on cancer is symptom free and testing better. :)

That's really amazing:001_smile:!

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I have nothing against natural treatments of alternative medicines, but if we slow down and think about what a colon cleanse does, and what the colon is, it's easy to see that a cleanse can't possibly do all that is claimed.


The colon is a section of the large intestine, which is connected to the small intestine at one end, and the anus at the other. Its main jobs are to absorb water so that waste matter is more solid (what we consider "poop"), to store poop, and to 'move it along' so it can exit the anus.


Does the colon absorb nutrients and/or toxins? Yes, to some degree. Is that its main purpose? No, the small intestine is where chemical digestion primarily takes place. The colon doesn't get a crack at anything until after both the stomach and the small intestine. Does a colon cleanse affect the small intestine? No, it does not; as its name indicates, it affects the colon, which is part of the large intestine. When the small and large intestines absorb nutrients and/or toxins, are these then stored in the intestines? No, they are not. Anything that stays in the body gets chemically altered and dispersed; anything that does not stay in the body gets pooped out.


What, then, does a colon cleanse do? Does it clean out the colon as advertised, and wipe out bacteria? Well, yes. The problem is that what is in the colon does not need to be cleaned out. Unless one is medically constipated or impacted, the poop will move along on its own accord soon enough. Bacteria? Well, as anyone who has suffered yeast infections after taking antiobiotics can attest, the wholesale cleaning out of bacteria in your bits is not a good idea. Bacteria is your friend. If you want to boost 'good' bacteria in your body, take some probiotics or eat some yogurt, but don't commit bacterial genocide.


What is the reasoning behind thinking that getting rid of toxins will make you feel bad before you feel better? If the toxins are already present, I see no reason why removing them from the body should make you feel worse at any point - - in a colon cleanse, the 'toxins' are somewhere in your large intestine the entire time; why should moving them closer to, and then out of, the anus make you feel worse? It makes no sense to me at all to compare a cleanse to chemotherapy, which purposefully introduces toxins/poisons into the body - - the exact OPPOSITE of what a cleanse is supposed to do.


One more example, and I'll shut up (er, for now). What is the most effective treatment when one swallows poisons (toxins)? One swallows activated charcoal, which absorbs a quantity of the poison, rather than letting the body absorb it it all. When is this treatment effective? Only in the half hour or so after ingesting the toxin - - that is, when the substance is in the stomach and/or small intestine. If it's a toxic amount of the toxin, you will be quite, quite dead before it gets to the large intestine (aka colon, aka the part of the body a colon cleanse affects). Same for induced vomiting; this will not help if the toxin is in the colon. Same for stomach pumping. None are effective if the toxin has moved on to the large intestine. Why? Because the majority of absorbtion has been accomplished already by the stomach and small intestine; absorbtion is NOT the primary job of the large instestine!

Edited by katilac
killed a kitten
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I have nothing against natural treatments of alternative medicines, but if we slow down and think about what a colon cleanse does, and what the colon is, it's easy to see that a cleanse can't possibly do all that is claimed.


Katilac, I snipped out most of your message to save space, but I want to give you my heartfelt thanks for posting that! A family member has been on my case about my need to do colon cleanses to solve every possible health problem. It didn't make sense to me to trigger diarrhea to solve other issues...but I hadn't really pieced together the reasons why. I appreciate you spelling out the biology.

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I have nothing against natural treatments of alternative medicines, but if we slow down and think about what a colon cleanse does, and what the colon is, it's easy to see that a cleanse can't possibly do all that is claimed.


The colon is a section of the large intestine, which is connected to the small intestine at one end, and the anus at the other. Its main jobs are to absorb water so that waste matter is more solid (what we consider "poop"), to store poop, and to 'move it along' so it can exit the anus.


Does the colon absorb nutrients and/or toxins? Yes, to some degree. Is that its main purpose? No, the small intestine is where chemical digestion primarily takes place. The colon doesn't get a crack at anything until after both the stomach and the small intestine. Does a colon cleanse affect the small intestine? No, it does not; as its name indicates, it affects the colon, which is part of the large intestine. When the small and large intestines absorb nutrients and/or toxins, are these then stored in the intestines? No, they are not. Anything that stays in the body gets chemically altered and dispersed; anything that does not stay in the body gets pooped out.


What, then, does a colon cleanse do? Does it clean out the colon as advertised, and wipe out bacteria? Well, yes. The problem is that what is in the colon does not need to be cleaned out. Unless one is medically constipated or impacted, the poop will move along on its own accord soon enough. Bacteria? Well, as anyone who has suffered yeast infections after taking antiobiotics can attest, the wholesale cleaning out of bacteria in your bits is not a good idea. Bacteria is your friend. If you want to boost 'good' bacteria in your body, take some probiotics or eat some yogurt, but don't commit bacterial genocide.


What is the reasoning behind thinking that getting rid of toxins will make you feel bad before you feel better? If the toxins are already present, I see no reason why removing them from the body should make you feel worse at any point - - in a colon cleanse, the 'toxins' are somewhere in your large intestine the entire time; why should moving them closer to, and then out of, the anus make you feel worse? It makes no sense to me at all to compare a cleanse to chemotherapy, which purposefully introduces toxins/poisons into the body - - the exact OPPOSITE of what a cleanse is supposed to do.


One more example, and I'll shut up (er, for now). What is the most effective treatment when one swallows poisons (toxins)? One swallows activated charcoal, which absorbs a quantity of the poison, rather than letting the body absorb it it all. When is this treatment effective? Only in the half hour or so after ingesting the toxin - - that is, when the substance is in the stomach and/or small intestine. If it's a toxic amount of the toxin, you will be quite, quite dead before it gets to the large intestine (aka colon, aka the part of the body a colon cleanse affects). Same for induced vomiting; this will not help if the toxin is in the colon. Same for stomach pumping. None are effective if the toxin has moved on to the large intestine. Why? Because the majority of absorbtion has been accomplished already by the stomach and small intestine; absorbtion is NOT the primary job of the large instestine!


:iagree: I am not a doctor, but I have a good understanding of how the body works and this my understanding too. Your body's insides are self-cleaning.:D

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Katilac, I snipped out most of your message to save space, but I want to give you my heartfelt thanks for posting that! A family member has been on my case about my need to do colon cleanses to solve every possible health problem. It didn't make sense to me to trigger diarrhea to solve other issues...but I hadn't really pieced together the reasons why. I appreciate you spelling out the biology.

Yes, Katilac, wow. I never would have put all of that together. Thanks!

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I've been doing it for two days now and both days it's been very hard to get through my Jillian Michael's workout. I've been doing the workout for about three weeks and at first it was VERY difficult, but after a few days, it started getting better. I was actually to the point where I could about keep up. Now, for the last two days, I have to really push through it and I'm exhausted!!


Can it be the colon clease? I got it from my natural food co-op store. It's called Perfect Cleanse by Garden of Life. If it's making me this tired, maybe I should stop? I just want to be able to feel like I can get through my work outs again with out dying:001_huh:.


I would stop it since your body is trying to tell you something:( Are you trying to lose weight? If you are then I would ask you doctor if it is ok to try the Atkin's or South Beach. Depending on your circumstances, both of these have been recommended by 2 of my doctors and their is evidence for there efficacy. Certain health conditions would preclude your use of these diets such as kidney disease. Therefore, it is important to check with your doctor:)

Edited by priscilla
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I have nothing against natural treatments of alternative medicines, but if we slow down and think about what a colon cleanse does, and what the colon is, it's easy to see that a cleanse can't possibly do all that is claimed.
You are so right that not everyone needs a colon cleanse. After I posted what I did, I realized that I should have explained that I was on a regimen for my whole body prescribed specifically for me according to extensive testing. In fact, when I was first diagnosed as precancerous, someone told me to try colon cleanses and I wrote her back to explain that I had lost 40 lbs due to chronic diarrhea, so no thanks! lol


If you are removing toxins from parts of your body you do feel worse because the toxin moves out of your lungs or liver or kidneys where it is in storage and goes into your bloodstream before it is eliminated. So your affected organ will be better off afterwards, but you do indeed feel worse during, because it is in your bloodstream affecting more systems of your body while it is in transit.


A colon cleanse from the natural health store is going to affect more than just your colon because some of the herbs that you take on such a cleanse will also thin mucus, cleanse your liver or kidneys, etc. They will not affect only your bowels.


I hope that helps to clear some of this up. I was not comparing a colon cleanse to chemotherapy.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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You are so right that not everyone needs a colon cleanse. After I posted what I did, I realized that I should have explained that I was on a regimen for my whole body prescribed specifically for me according to extensive testing. In fact, when I was first diagnosed as precancerous, someone told me to try colon cleanses and I wrote her back to explain that I had lost 40 lbs due to chronic diarrhea, so no thanks! lol


If you are removing toxins from parts of your body you do feel worse because the toxin moves out of your lungs or liver or kidneys where it is in storage and goes into your bloodstream before it is eliminated. So your affected organ will be better off afterwards, but you do indeed feel worse during, because it is in your bloodstream affecting more systems of your body while it is in transit.


A colon cleanse from the natural health store is going to affect more than just your colon because some of the herbs that you take on such a cleanse will also thin mucus, cleanse your liver or kidneys, etc. They will not affect only your bowels.


I hope that helps to clear some of this up. I was not comparing a colon cleanse to chemotherapy.


Thank you for clairifying (sp?). That explanation also helps me. I feel better today and I felt stronger while working out, but I'm still considering whether to quit the cleanse or not.

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