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If anyone wants a fun read...

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My Mom gave me the book, Whatever You Do, Don't Run - True Tales of a Botswana Safari Guide, by Peter Allison for Christmas. It's hilarious and a quick read. I highly recommend it. My teen, nature loving, boys will love it after I'm done. :)


Technical note: Perhaps all of you who are "up" on books knew about this one long ago - not too long though - copyright says 2008, but I don't stay "up" on what's popular, etc, so it was news to me.


Content note: If you dislike the s_x word, don't read it. It talks about animals (behaving as animals) somewhat as well as the personal life and desires of guides a little bit - nothing graphic that I've seen (or expect). There's nothing in it that bothers me, but I know some out there have different standards. Ditto for drinking - with the guides anyway, not with animals. These are sections of part of some stories - not what the whole book is about.

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Oh, that looks good. I've been watching a safari cam so I think I'd like the book right now! Have you read his other book, "Don't Look Behind You!..."?


No, but as much as I've enjoyed this book, I'll be checking to see if our library has it - assuming we can get to the library in the near future considering all the snow out there!


Thanks! This book was a blast!

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Oh, that looks good. I've been watching a safari cam so I think I'd like the book right now! Have you read his other book, "Don't Look Behind You!..."?


I had to look that book up on Amazon - it just came out last fall. My library doesn't have it yet... bummer! :glare: I'd love to read Round 2. I guess I'll figure out how to make a request, but with budget cuts, who knows if they'll get it.

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Oh, that looks good. I've been watching a safari cam so I think I'd like the book right now! Have you read his other book, "Don't Look Behind You!..."?


I looked it up on Access PA - a nice feature we have in PA that lets us borrow from any library in the state. Four libraries have it, and it's currently checked out in all of them. :tongue_smilie:


I THINK that gives me a good base to request that our library buy it - with me being the first person on their request list. I'm going to try anyway, but not today. The library is closed today due to yesterday's significant snow.


If that doesn't work, I'll probably break down and buy it - then give it to my mom for her birthday... :001_smile: Cheap gift!

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thanks for the recommendation, I just finished my last book and needed something to read. Our library also has another book by the same author, Don't look behind you! : a safari guide's encounters with ravenous lions, stampeding elephants and lovesick rhinos, so I requested both of them.

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thanks for the recommendation, I just finished my last book and needed something to read. Our library also has another book by the same author, Don't look behind you! : a safari guide's encounters with ravenous lions, stampeding elephants and lovesick rhinos, so I requested both of them.


That other one is the one I'm going to try to get our library to buy. I'm jealous that yours has it - let me know how it compares to the first one!

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