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Anyone have a great Valentine Day tradition?

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Valentine's Day breakfast. We start the day with pink heart-shaped pancakes, strawberries and hot chocolate. This year I found pink heart-shaped marshmallows for the hot chocolate. :001_wub:


Our other family tradition is family valentines. A day or two before Valentine's Day, we all make valentines together. Each person makes one valentine. We put them in the middle of the table, I write a name on the back of each valentine, then we all sign one another's valentines and write a loving note. At breakfast on Valentine's Day each person gets one valentine with kind words from each person in the family. The kids often use their valentines as bookmarks for the next year, or more. :)



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I have made this Valentine's Day Brunch for about 30 years. Now my daughters are making it for their families. It is not as sweet as it sounds and is delicious. There are also ways of making it less sweet. The menu is Peanut Butter and Jelly French Toast (heart shaped of course), Pineapple spears sauteed in butter, Bacon, and Cherry Parfaits.




* French Toast:

* 12 slices bread

* 1/2 c. peanut butter

* 2/3 c. milk

* 2 T. sugar

* 2 eggs

* strawberry jam

* Pineapple:

* 1 can pineapple spears

* 2 T. butter

* Parfaits:

* 1 can cherry pie filling

* Frosted Flakes

* Vanilla ice cream




1. French toast: With scissors, cut bread into heart shapes, spread out on a baking sheet. Set aside.

2. Combine peanut butter, milk, sugar and eggs, whisk until smooth. Pour peanut butter mixture over bread. Turn, coating both sides of bread with mixture (you will probably have to spread it on with an icing spatula). Let stand.

3. Preheat oven to 450 degrees and grease a cookie sheet very well. Arrange French toast hearts on the greased baking sheet.

4. Bake 3 minutes, turn over and bake 3 minutes more. Serve with a dollop of strawberry jam.

5. Pineapple: In a large saute pan, melt butter over medium/high heat. Pan fry pineapple in melted butter, turning when lightly browned on one side.

6. Parfaits: Layer frosted flakes, pie filling and ice cream in parfait glasses.




* Cook bacon in the oven at the same time and temperature as the French toast. Bacon will take longer so start it sooner than the French toast.

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We do heart-shaped pancakes. (I make the heart shape just by the way I drizzle the batter off the spoon.)

A heart shaped cake for dinner dessert. (Make a cake with a 8x8 square pan and a 8x8 round pan. Cut round layer in half, turn the square so that it's a diamond shape and put one semi-circle on each of the upper two sides of the square cake.)

Some years, dh and I have written love notes to our sons. We don't get it done every year, but this would be a good year to do it again! Our "Love notes" are affirmations of them, our prayers for them, our support of them. We create them so that if we were to die they would have a record of our love and hopes for them.

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We send out Valentines (I'm terrible about Christmas cards and this is how I make up for people receiving them mid-January). We also make little heart cakes for desert and pick dd up from school at lunch time, so we can all go out to eat.


I like the idea of exchanging homemade valentines as a family, we'll have to try that :)

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We have a Valentine Hunt. I cut out 14 hearts and write little rhymes on them that lead the kids all around the house and I put little gifts that the grandparents have sent there. It is just a little thing, but the three of them have to work together and that makes me smile. I do have a hard time coming up with the rhymes and we all get a great laugh over that too.

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We make Valentine's and take them to the VA hospital.


(If we go to a homeschooling party, I set up a bag for kids to put valentine's in for the hospital, too.)


When I was a GS leader, I'd take the troop "Valentine's Caroling" at the nuns' nursing home. The cutest thing is to hear a group of nuns and little girls sing "A Bicycle Built for 2."


There is a candy store her that sells chocolate hearts & they write anything you want on them with frosting so I always get one for DH & the kids.

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