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May I see your entire 5th - 8th sequence?

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Really, I can try, but I don’t think that I can remember everything. Let’s look at my middle ds who is now in 10th.

5th grade

LA- I just can’t remember. I think maybe LLATL and Sequential Spelling.

Math- Saxon 76, Chalkdust Basic Math, Singapore 5

Modern History- some SL4 books, some CL5 books, some TRISMS HM

Science- some TRISMS HM science stuff, Lyrical Earth Science, Dinah Zike’s Earth Science, some weather stuff, 101 Things Everyone Should Know About Science

Art and PE- homeschool classes at the YMCA

6th grade

LA- Megawords, Vocabulary Cartoons Jr, Daily Paragraph Editing, LLATL, poetry and book club (he did Chronicles of Narnia one book each month, Robin Hood, and Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar)

Math- Saxon 87, Singapore 6

History- Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome (Tanglewood and some other stuff)

Science- Ancient Construction: From Tents to Towers, Ancient Warfare : From Clubs To Catapults, and Pyramid by Macaulay (book and video) first trimester along with Tanglewood curriculum’s grade 5 Egypt study. Then, he used Archimedes and the Door to Science by Bendick, The Picture History of Great Inventors, and The New Way Things Work by Macaulay along with the BF History of Science Ancients section for the second trimester while he used Tanglewood’s grade 5 Greeks study. Third trimester he used Galen and the Gateway to Medicine by Bendick, The Body Book, and Usborne Internet-Linked Science Encyclopedia (Human Body Section) while he studied the Romans.

Art and PE- homeschool classes at the YMCA

7th grade

LA- CM style poetry, Apples Spelling, Glencoe Grade 8 Lit text, IEW writing, Chortling Bard

Math- MUS Geometry, Making Math Meaningful Alg with Keys to Alg first semester then joined an Alg tutorial using MUS Alg1 second semester

History- SOTW2; Kingfisher; UIL History; more books; and Maps, Charts, Graphs G

Science- Rainbow yr1 and other interest led stuff

Art, PE, and other stuff- at a tutorial

8th grade

LA- Painless Vocabulary, Apples 2, IEW, whole books

Math- MUS Alg2

History- Early Modern World History (The Fall of Constantinople through the death of Queen Victoria) with Walch’s Power Basics World History 2 as a spine

Govt- Painless American Govt, Standard Deviants American Government, PBS video Not for Ourselves Alone, TC Cycles of American Political Thought

Science- Apologia Physical Science and Holt Biology

Art History- Annotated Mona Lisa

Art, PE, conversational Spanish- at a tutorial

We also spent the first semester of 8th grade using Where the Brook and the River Meet modified for more boy type stuff. It was cool, but we dropped it second semester. His 8th grade year we enrolled him as a high schooler, so that some of this stuff would count for high school credit. We plan for him to have a 5 year high school transcript.




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DS is currently in 7th grade. Here's our sequence so far.




History, Geography, Literature: AO Years 1 and 2 (combined)

Grammar: R&S 4

Writing: narrations

Science: Apologia Elementary Zoology 2 (ocean creatures)




History, Geography, and Literature: Ambleside Online Year 5 (switched to TOG Year 3, Units 3 and 4 halfway through)

Writing: IEW

Spelling, Literature: Total Language Plus, TOG (lit only)

Grammar: R&S 5 (first half)

Math: CLE Math

Science: BJU Science 5

Bible: Explorer's Bible Study


7th (current)


History, Geography, and Literature: TOG Year 4

Writing: IEW

Literature: started using CLE Reading 6 in January

Grammar: R&S 5 (second half)

Math: CLE Math 7

Science: tried Apologia General Science, then switched to A Beka Grade 7

Bible: How to Study Your Bible by Kay Arthur

Art: Meet the Masters


8th (next year)


History, Geography: study of the ancients, but not sure what we'll be using

Writing: IEW Ancient History Lessons

Literature: whole books and CLE Reading

Grammar: R&S 6

Science: BJU Earth and Space

Math: CLE Math 8 (unless he tests as ready for Algebra, then probably Saxon)

Bible: not sure

Art: Meet the Masters


I think that's it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
For next year, which might be 8th and might be 9th, I'm leaning toward:
This statement caught my attention. What were you meaning when you said it might be 8th or it might be 9th?


My dd has a fire under her right now (self-ignited, btw, lest anyone think I am pushing. I'm not! :D ), and wants to step-up the ante, and try to get through 9th grade work by the end of next school year (2011). With what she has done, and is working on now, I suppose she could do it. I'm not pushing her to, but will support her if she chooses to do that. I told her higschool can be tough and there will be a lot more work. She feels, at this point, that she's up to it.


ANYWAY, I am curious as to what you're thinking/planning with that???

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I'll try to remember for dd, who is in 7th right now:


5th Grade:

TT Pre-Algebra

R&S English 4

SOTW--Ancient (We did LOTS of extra Curric. activities, and 2 years of Ancients. We loved it!)

R&S Spelling

Apologia Astronomy and Chemistry For Children

Spanish In 10 Minutes A Day

Piano Lessons

Voice Lessons


Getty-Dubay Italic Series, Book D


6th Grade:

LoF Decimals & Percents, LoF Fractions, some Singapore 5A & 5B

R&S 5

All American History, Year 1

Christian Kids Explore Chemistry

Visual Link Spanish

Sign Language

Piano Lessons

Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting, Book F


7th (this year)

Queens "The Standard of Purity" and Bible memorization

CLE Math 8

Hake Grammar

Started out with Vocabu-Lit, but she didn't like it, so we switched to Vocab. From Classical Roots A, which I had already.

TTC Early American History

Harmony Fine Arts for 7th

Rainbow Science

Visual Link Spanish

Horse riding lessons, variety

Write Shop

R&S Artpac 7

Piano Lessons


Oops, gotta run, I'll add 8th later......


Okay, back to put 8th, though I am not very settled in what we'll be doing yet:

LoF Beginning Algebra in the summer through 'til it's done, then start LoF Advanced Algebra

Hake Grammar

Write Shop

Harmony Fine Arts for 8th

Maybe Truthquest for History?

Rainbow Science

Visual Link Spanish

Piano Lessons


Still looking to finalize what to use. That's why I like threads like this, I get so many great ideas!

Edited by Brindee
To add 8th grade
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I have two kids one year apart on same scope and sequence except for math


4/5 (CUrrent Year)

LIT/READING AMbleside Year 4, Further Up and Further DITHOR grades 4-5


OTHER LANG ARTS: HWT Cursive; COpywork;We've been reading Grammarland -will probably order MCT Island to finish year up; SWR


SPANISH: Elementary Spanish 4-5

MATH: Singapore (4th gr: 5A/5B and 5th: 4B/5A), Life of Fred Fractions, Cyberchase show and activities and some Miquon for my 5th grader

LOGIC: Logic Liftoff, Strategy games (computer and board), SUdoku, Mindbenders

SCIENCE: Ben Franklin's Experiments book, Snap Circuits Curriculum, Astronomy Unit and Weather Unit (did Scout badges in those areas and other stuff) Nature Study: Various classes at parks and rec, Wildlife org, and nature walks

GEOGRAPHY: Explore His World

HISTORY: Ambleside Year 4, Liberty Kids

CIVICS: Citizenship Scout badge, Plutarch

ART: I Can Do All Things -Painting segment; various handicrafts; Art Narrations

MUSIC: Themes to Remember; Guitar or Voice lessons



LIT/READING: DITHOR gr 6-8 using Ambleside YEar 5 selections, Lightening Lit 7, Prairie Primer (i have prolific readers)


OTHER LANG ARTS: Finish SWR, Dictation, MCT Town series, Fix-it Grammar, Copywork


SPANISH: FInish Elementary Spanish gr. 4/5

MATH: SIngapore 6A/6B (5th grader) and 5B/6A (6th grader); Life of Fred Decimals and Pre-ALgebra 1; May start EPGY

LoGIC: Orbiting with Logic, Mindbenders, etc.

SCIENCE: Ambleside reading Selections, THe Elements, Nature Study

GEOGRAPHY: Explore the Holy Land

HISTORY: Ambleside Year 5

CIVICS: Plutarch, continue Scouts

ART: ? for application; artist studies

MUSIC: ? for application; Finish Themes to Remember


Grade 6/7

LIT/READING: DITHOR using Ambleside 6 Selections; LL 8 (maybe depends on how I like LL7)

COMPOSITION: IEW SICC_B, Essay Voyage (may drop 1 depending on which I favor year before)

OTHER LANGUAGE ARTS: MCT Voyage level, Copywork, Dictation, Fix-It



MATH: SIngapore 6B for 7th grader (probably do in summer before); Life of Fred Pre-ALgebra series (if the rest is out by then); EPGY Pre-Algebra

LOGIC: Fallacy Detective

SCIENCE: Apologia General Science

GEOGRPAHY: Ambleside Year 6 book, map drills

CIVICS: Plutarch

HISTORY: Ambleside Year 6



Grade 7/8

LIT/READING: DITHOR 6-8 using AMbleside 7; LIterary Lessons from LOTR

COMPOSITION: Academic Writing I, written narration and current event each week

OTHER LANGUAGE ARTS: MCT Magic Lens I and other grade level items; How to Read a Book, Fix-It grammar

LATIN: Wheelock's Latin (??);

SPANISH: ? -may start a new language

MATH: EPGY Algebra 1

COMPUTER: EPGY Intro to C Programming

LOGIC: Thinking Toolbox

SCIENCE: Apologia Physical Science

GEOGRAPHY: Ambleside Year 7, Map drills

ECO/GOV/CiVICS: Ambleside Year 7 readings (penny candy, ourselves, plutarch)

HISTORY: Ambleside Year 7



Grade 8/9

LIT/READING: Ambleside Year 8 Readings


OTHER LANGUAGE ARTS: MCT Magic Lens II (whole level); How to Read a Book

LATIN: Wheelock's Latin


MATH: EPGY Algebra 2

LOGIC: Art of Argument

COMPUTER: EPGY Programming in C

SCIENCE: Apologia Biology

GEOGRAPHY: Ambleside 8 readings, Map drills

GOV/ECO: Ambleside 8 readings (Whatever Happened to Justice, Bacon's Essay's, Plutarch, Ourselves)

HISTORY: Ambleside Year 8


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it sounds like she may accelerate her child and possibly skip a grade.


I was thinking next year could be sixth or seventh. But I think we are just going to stay on course. :)


Yes, that's what I was thinking. My son is old for his grade, because the public schools here have a cut-off date that would have had him starting kindergarten relatively late. We just do the next thing, and I will continue to do the next thing, but am confused about when to stop doing the next thing, and which years to call "high school." At this point, I'm thinking that on the Intent to Homeschool form, next year will be 8th grade. My oldest son's college application process has taken far more time and energy that I'd imagined, and my younger son has been, not neglected (though that word came to mind!), but working at a slower pace than I would like.


That's a long answer.


I guess, too, I'm thinking about wanting a year of no debt between my oldest's graduation from college and the youngest's heading off. Though that might be wishful thinking.

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Don't stop now! You guys are giving me some great ideas!


All right, then! Here goes. :D This would be for dd who is now in 7th grade. My youngest is only doing fourth grade right now.


5th grade:

AO Year 3 for history/lit/Bible/Science/artist & composer study

Math--TT 7 & Singapore

Latina Christiana I

Drawing with Children


Is that it? I think so. AO covered everything that year. L/A was writing narrations and doing copywork. Wow, that was nice and simple, wasn't it?


6th grade:

Sonlight Core 5 (did not finish the whole core this year)

Singapore Math

Latin Prep I

SYRWTL English 2

SYRWTL Science 1

Artistic Pursuits (she really didn't like this for some reason)


7th grade:

Spent first half of the year on Sonlight Core 5

For this Spring: Lukeion courses online--Classical Mythology--full semester course and Meet The Romans--four-week workshop. Might add more workshops but the Classical Mythology class is a lot of work, so, we'll see. We've also been listening to MOH I and SOTW on audio in the car.

Rod and Staff Math 8 (this was so great in 4th grade that we wanted to use it this year to just make sure she's solid on basics before starting Algebra)

Latin I Henle online course with RCA

L/A--Our Mother Tongue for grammar, The Lively Art of Writing, Strunk and White Elements of Style (reading this), narration and dictation.

Science--Runkles Geography (this is physical geography) and Handbook of Nature Study

SAT Question of the Day

Art--Starting Draw Squad now as we've finally given up on the Artistic Pursuits book we started last year.


8th grade: (projected)

Math--maybe something with Art of Problem Solving online, we're likely trying Algebra I with them this summer, and I think they are offering Intro to Geometry during the day in the fall.

German I with TPS

Latin II Henle with RCA

Sonlight Core 100 for history/lit/Bible

Analogies (recommended resource for Core 100)

Apologia Biology or ACE Paces Biology with DVD's, probably Apologia

SAT Question of the day

Art? No idea. Maybe continue with Draw Squad or use Drawing for Older Children???


She also studies dance, piano, & violin.

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Excellent. Could you point me toward something with more details? I didn't see anything on his website. I really like the look of the other books in the series.


I'm sorry, I hallucinated this. I really do remember seeing it but it was apparently in a dream. There was a write in campaign because the author keeps track of requests.

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Well.....I can't figure out beyond fifth right now. I had a plan for next year, which I'll post, but I'm mulling over other options, which I'll post.


Ds is doing 3rd-4th this year. Next year will be a 4th-5th year. We have been doing AO yr1. We're a bit lost right now. So. I was thinking for next year:


5th grade:

AO Year 2 Or Year 2 and 3 combined (history, poetry, literature, geography,picture study, composer study)

MCT Island level

Elemental science: Chemistry

Latin (not sure what program)

Meet the Masters art program

Homeschool in the Woods Artists activity pack


Draw Write Now (may continue with this because ds just loves it)

some unit studies

some rabbit trails

Math(not sure which yet)


Okay, so why am I rethinking Ambleside? I love it but...two things: sometimes it feels, I don't know, not enough or not focused enough. I'm not sure, I haven't figured this out. The other problem is there are so many other tempting options out there.


So, I am (as of today) considering Tapestry of Grace. Hmmm........


My other issue is trying to figure out how to fold in my non literature, non history, not very mature, much more interested in science or bugging his brother 7 year old.



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Projected plan for DS 6th and DD 7th



TOG Year 2 UG & D (history, geography & writing)

Lively Latin or Latina Christiana

R&S Eng 4

Queen Copywork

Apologia General Science

TT 6

AVKO sequential Spelling 2

Falacy Detective



TOG Year 2 D (history, geography & writing)

Lively Latin or Latina Christiana

R&S Eng 6

Queen copywork

Apologia General Science

TT 7

AVKO Sequential Spelling 2

Falacy Detective


All of the above will also be used with my DD who is now 8yrs old.

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