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Keep us in your prayers tomorrow

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Tomorrow my oldest son has some very important doctor appointments. I am nervous already.


He has severe eczema and life-threatening food allergies. And I know, so many people say "big deal" to food allergies but his are on the rarest side of extreme. He is allergic to dairy, eggs and peanuts. And is so allergic to dairy that he has gone into anaphylactic shock from the breath of a child who ate cream cheese. Many people do not believe the severity including family members. We live in a bubble, don't go to public places (library), never go to restaurants, never get take out, can't play with any except those who understand and do not eat dairy, eggs, peanuts before seeing us... on and on.. Hoping to get some answers for his full body eczema and perhaps shed some light on potential for outgrowing the food allergies.


We see three specialists and I am sure he will have a battery of tests run as well.


We live in Maine and the appointment is in Boston, so we are leaving tonight/soonish if DH gets out of work soon.


Prayers welcomed!


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Tomorrow my oldest son has some very important doctor appointments. I am nervous already.


He has severe eczema and life-threatening food allergies. And I know, so many people say "big deal" to food allergies but his are on the rarest side of extreme. He is allergic to dairy, eggs and peanuts. And is so allergic to dairy that he has gone into anaphylactic shock from the breath of a child who ate cream cheese. Many people do not believe the severity including family members. We live in a bubble, don't go to public places (library), never go to restaurants, never get take out, can't play with any except those who understand and do not eat dairy, eggs, peanuts before seeing us... on and on.. Hoping to get some answers for his full body eczema and perhaps shed some light on potential for outgrowing the food allergies.


We see three specialists and I am sure he will have a battery of tests run as well.


We live in Maine and the appointment is in Boston, so we are leaving tonight/soonish if DH gets out of work soon.


Prayers welcomed!





Oh, I really feel for you! Two little guys, pregnant and life-threatening allergies for your oldest --- you have a lot going on!


Let us know how it turns out!

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I feel for you. I can soooo understand people not taking the food allergies seriously. My daughter's teacher in school was upset about kids washing their hands after lunch.... And she has eczema,too(along with nut and peanut allergies), although it is SO much better now than when she was younger. (She's 11) So, have hope... it can get better!! I had always heard that if it's not better by 3 or 4... it was here to stay. She was a bloody mess at 4... and at 11... you can barely tell.


Hope the Dr can help!!

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Many people do not believe the severity including family members. We live in a bubble, don't go to public places (library), never go to restaurants, never get take out, can't play with any except those who understand and do not eat dairy, eggs, peanuts before seeing us... on and on..


I completely understand.:grouphug:


I can also tell you that that nervousness and fear can somewhat subside as your kids get older and more aware and more knowledgeable about how to take care of themselves. I was freaked out a lot of the time when my kids were younger, because of their severe food allergies (peanuts, eggs, sesame here). It was SO hard to make people understand. Ds did outgrow the egg allergy, though. He eats eggs all the time now, and the first few times it was really, really weird for me to watch. His allergy had been "severe."

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Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers.


We did very well. He is still highly allergic to dairy, eggs and peanuts. But we have a very different eczema treatment plan. The specialists were all very kind and good with him. They gave us so much extra information that our old allergist never gave us.


We have great hope that this new eczema routine will help him. I am happy we went there. They wanted a follow-up in 1 month but I am due in 6 weeks, so we will do a phone consult then 6-8 weeks postpartum do the follow-up and they will test my other son (who we suspect of having the egg allergy.)


They were wonderful and I am so glad that we may find some relief for my Charlie.


Thank you again everyone!

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