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Do you feel like you're being punished. . .

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when you go to bed at the same time as your children?


Just wondering. . . . . ever since mine have been little, I have really hated going to bed within 30 minutes of when they do. I feel like I'm being sent to bed early, kwim?


But my dh goes to bed as soon as the kids are down, so he can get up early. In theory. :D


Random thought for a Saturday night. Am I kooky?


Oh, and my 17yo dd is an early-to-bed girl; she's often down by 9 pm, and up at 6. Strange, I know!!!

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My oldest is 13 now and stays up until 10pm. At first, I felt that was unfair because it only gave me an hour or so without kids. So, in a way, I guess I did feel like I was being deprived of the treat of childfree time. Now, if I need childfree time I just go to my room or office.

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LOL No. No. Never.


I wish I could fall asleep that easily. I used to love when my children nursed me to sleep. ;) You thought it was the other way around, right?


My 17 yr old has been asleep for hours and will be up by 5. My 16 yr old went to bed at 9:10. (He dones't have any electronics in his room, and his cell phone is on the kitchen table). I've never been a stickler about bedtime.


Of course...my 10 yr old is wide awake reading in her bed. Dh is sleeping.

Edited by LibraryLover
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the kids here wake at leaste every 2 hours here. so i sta up and try to get alone time with dh

tonight he went out and left me the laptop so if they wake they are right next to me and i tell them to go bac kto sleep :)


we all get out of bed together

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No, I really value my sleep. I know what you mean though- I used to feel that way a bit, especially when I didnt get so much free time. But now that I get plenty of time to myself, and it's holidays, I am frequently in bed before my kids.

I am however usually up well before everyone. I prefer to have the house to myself at 5 or 6am, when i am fresh, than at 10 or 12 uin the evening, when I am tired.

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