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Perspective on our dog, if you please

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I need a little perspective on this situation, and I'll try not to bore you. . . .


Last May, we got a terrific golden retriever/lab mix puppy. She's a dear, great, friendly dog - big as a horse, but really a great dog. She's an inside dog, with an electric portable fence that works great.


My kids, esp the 17yo, have wanted a dog FOREVER. . . . and even though we knew we'd have to sell our house/move, we thought we could handle it. No problem - the puppy would be small enough to contain during showings, the carpet's old anyways and we need to offer an allowance to replace, and when we move we'll just find a place that allows dogs.


Fast forward to now.


Long story short: the house did NOT sell. And on top of that, dh lost his job in November. We have GOT to sell our house. In this market, according to our realtor, we need to put in new flooring (read: carpet/laminate) and keep it dog-free.


So, now what? We have friends who have offered to take our 10mo. old doggie until we sell our house. But, really? It would just be - easier, I don't know - to give them the dog. We've not had her for a week - we've been doing some painting, and these friends have taken her in - and I hate to admit it, but it's been really nice. Right now, she's just one more "stressor", kwim?


Maybe this post was just a vent. Probably. But if you were me, what would you do? Put the dog out on loaner, and hope to get her back? Just outright give the dog to the friends?


Really, I think the dog is just the straw that's breaking this Mama Camel's back.



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Is there a way to keep him contained in the laundry room, entry way or something? Then have him outside more than in?


We are very attached to our animals, they are like my kids so I cannot see giving him away. Unless there is absolutely no other option.

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I need a little perspective on this situation, and I'll try not to bore you. . . .



My kids, esp the 17yo, have wanted a dog FOREVER. . . .

Fast forward to now.



So, now what? We have friends who have offered to take our 10mo. old doggie until we sell our house. But, really? It would just be - easier, I don't know - to give them the dog.


Really, I think the dog is just the straw that's breaking this Mama Camel's back.




Hey, Heather: I have BEEN THERE for sure! I hear you! I don't even want to trip down that portion of Memory Lane and make myself sick with the details, KWIM? :glare:


I have to ask: do your friends WANT the dog? If so, then definitely a family meeting is in order. This is probably also a good time, with the dog out of the house, for you to bring to everyone's attention (KIDS) the many many doggie details that don't have to be done. My kids are almost 11 and the twins are 9 and they love the dog BUT are still surprised at the routine, chores, care etc that he requires. They've been off the hook about taking him out to do his business since we are in the hotel, but when we get back home, I am sure it will be a rude awakening to them when they have to put on a coat and take him out to the yard. So, if your friends would like the dog, and if the family is sitting on the fence about it, they might want to be aware of how it is right now without any dog stuff.


My oldest daughter had a similar situation with her yellow lab when her house was on the market. The folks who took the dog to make her life easier, did eventually become the dog's 'forever people.' It worked out for the best.


Let us know what happens! :grouphug:

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Do you have to decide right now? Could they take the dog for now and then you all revisit the issue once the house is sold and you're settled in a new place? Things may look different once the stress of selling the house is gone; you may find a dog would fit into your lives again. Or you may find your friends and the dog have gotten so attached to each other that it's better for everyone if she stays with them.

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Hold a family conference. Explain all the issues. Allow the kids to have their say. Since they were the major reason for getting the dog, I think they should be allowed to vote on if the dog goes completely, or just 'until'. Especially the 17 yo.


Yup!! :iagree:

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I have heard that when you're selling it's best to not have small kids in the house either to keep the house looking really nice & clean.




Sorry but I canNOT imagine giving away my dogs or cats to sell my house. I bought this house from other dog owners. :)


I think you're very fortunate to have friends willing to look after your pet. If it were me & I needed to do this, I'd be paying them for boarding my pet & taking it back asap.

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I'm not feeling the realtor. It may be true about the flooring. I get that. (And I have 4 dogs with bad carpet). But people have real lives, they live real lives in homes.


I'd give a flooring allowance.


My kids would be devastated to lose their animals even temporarily.


I do understand about sales, money, unemployment.

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Your agent really wants your house to sell. This is how she makes money. If she could get you to send your kids off to friends houses for a few months, she would do it in a heart beat. She may be the nicest person on earth, but she is giving you advice to try to sell a house, not to try to live the best, most ethical, and most family sensitive life you can.


When you take a dog, you take a responsibility. If your friends want to offer a permanent home to this dog, that's okay. Really. You honor your responsibility to a dog by rehoming it well. You can let your friends take your dog temporarily or permanently, and I will not judge you at all. I think it's absolutely fine *for the dog* if you find a new home for it that is a good home. And I think it's fine for the dog of you let your friends take it for a while.


It's your kids I worry about. Only you know what kind of impact this will have on your children. It would have killed my children if I gave our dog away when we had had him for 10 months. I can't even imagine doing that to them. But my children were very bonded to the dog. Your children may be different, may feel differently and may respond differently. Your children are aware of how hard things are right now for you and your DH, and they may consider this a small sacrifice if you can find an appropriate, permanent home.

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