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Motivated moms users...how is this working for you?

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Do you feel it covers everything you need to get done? I'm working like crazy to get the house deep cleaned, and I'm thinking about starting MM when I'm done to keep it that way! I just can't/don't want to take time out anymore to do a huge month-long "deep cleaning" like this, so I hope MM will help me avoid that. Thanks!

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Week 5 for me and I love it. I've had to do very little tweaking and it's helped tremendously. I love knowing that if I can just do this much, I'm done. I used to get overwhelmed and then paralyzed. Now, I usually end up doing more, but I'm not attempting to do too much at once, either. I can let the kitchen floor go after "only" sweeping because I know it'll get mopped day after tomorrow, for example.

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I don't always get everything on the list done every day. But it does help me (and the kids) keep the house cleaner than it was before, without too much work all at once.


Since the kids are responsible for some of the chores, I have had to settle for jobs that are not done perfectly, kwim? For instance, their bathroom is not as clean as mine is. But how else are they going to learn to clean it? They'll get better as time goes on.


Anyway... yes, I think MM can certainly help maintain a house after a deep cleaning... some days have more difficult or time consuming chores listed than others; I tend to shift the schedule around so that I can do those chores when I have a bit more time to do them. As long as most everything on the list has been done by the end of the week, I'm happy- and the house is pretty clean!


(I do the vacuuming on the MM schedule, but I also run the roomba every day during the week; a different room each time. I think the floors would get pretty icky if I only vacuumed certain areas once/week.)

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I don't ever cross off every job, but the weeks I try harder are great. I do some tweaking, for example, I do all the vacuuming on one day, rather than two. I clean the entire bathroom in one day, rather than dividing it up over a couple days.


I look the list over each week, and highlight the jobs I will have DS do. Usually the dusting, wiping down appliances, wiping counter tops, etc. Then I cross off any jobs I know I will not do, things like cleaning the lights in various rooms.


I'm really lazy, so I tend to fall behind, but I do think MM is a great system anyway.

Michelle T

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I don't try to do it by the day, but rather aim to finish the list by the end of the week. I cross some things off ( my youngest child is a teen so I don't have to clip his nails!) and add other things.

It works well with the teens...they can find something to do on the list and then cross it off when finished. We keep it posted on our fridge and that's been a good way to see what still needs to be done.

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Well, I bought the week one last year, and didn't follow through with it. I decided it was becasue there was too much on a page.


This year, I bought the day by day page, only 1 day on a page, along with calendar and menu space, and I LOVE it! I have been so much more consistent in using it. Each day I have been able to label which chores I'm deligating to which dc, and they don't have to ask "what is for dinner" and I don't have to wonder what I'm fixing. I can also put all the appts. there on that page, so they know if they are going to the orthodontist that day or that it is wednesday night and they're going to church.


So, in short, I love it. I've finally found the format that works best. So, if you find it doesn't work, maybe it is the format of weekly rather than daily.

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I don't want to have to add such a huge deep cleaning to my schedule again (I'm pooped trying to do this on top of schoolwork/cooking, etc.!), so I think that will help keep me on track with MM. Little nibbles over a long time rather than big exhausting bites trying to get massive amounts done to catch up! Thanks all!

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I'm happy with it.


It would work a little better if it came with a maid who would actually *do* everything on the list, but other than that, it's great.


Whu....? Bu......? Staci, you're not blonde? I thought.... Hmmm.


This board is just changing my world.

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is add in changing the bathroom towels and crossing off clipping the kids nails


I actually have the week pages, but I aim to finish the page by the end of the week instead of each day's stuff.


I also highlight what I didn't accomplish and which I still need to do - like phone for a vet appointment - I didn't do it, and I don't want to actually ignore it. Ditto changing the furnace filter....


As with all organizational products - you need to use it in order for it to work. Good intentions don't clean my house (unfortunately), but FlyLady, who has great ideas, absolutely did NOT work for me. I spent more time dealing with the emails than cleaning.

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I'm considering doing this also...flylady isn't working, I just am not getting everything done each done with it. Thinking maybe a daily check off list like this would work since I love check off lists! :) Gonna work on a deep cleaning over the next week or so and then give this a try a think!

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I will start my second week of this tomorrow. So far, so good. I didn't do a deep cleaning before I started because deep cleaning overwhelms me. I've never been able to do it as well as I would like, so I just didn't do it.


So far, I love this system. I'd really like to tweak it a little myself (kinda like curriculum), but I'm going to use it as is for a while. I don't work on saturdays, so switch those things to another day. Plus, there are some things that I just don't do. I haven't gotten to cleaning the sinks every day, but we did clean the bathrooms and mop. I really like that everything is written down in steps. In fact, I was talking with my dh about this tonight. Usually, if I were to clean a room, I'd start at one end and finish it. It'd take me several hours if I actually finished it. More than likely, I wouldn't finish it and it would take me days/weeks/months to get off my duff and do it.


With this system, since I only do a portion each day, I feel like I'm accomplishing something and it's not overwhelming. Plus, if my girls look bored, I can tell them to go and do something on the list.


So far, so good. I'm very glad that I found this. Time will tell how it works in the long term. It was certainly less expensive than paying a home organizer.

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