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Miami - Would you go?

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Dh is considering a job in Miami. I'm a New England girl and love the four seasons. Sure, in the winter it sounds really attractive, but our crocuses are coming up! I love spring in NE. WWYD? Pros? Cons? :bigear:
No, I wouldn't. High crime, high cost of living, high heat, high humidity.
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Yuck, yuck and yuck. I've been in Florida in July and there is no way I could thrive in that kind of climate.
But the mosquitos, dust mites, snakes, and alligators love it. And hurricanes seem to like the area too.


My sincere apologies to any of you who love Miami and call it home.

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No way, no how!


We moved back to NH after living in South Florida. It has some nice cultural resources, but it is just not a nice place to raise kids (or live). It is *way* too crowded, high cost of living, terrible summers with heat & hurricanes, can't play in the yard because of fire ants, can't go to the beach because of jellyfish and tar in the sand. Think of a non-stop parking lot with a str*p bar on every corner and you have South Florida.


Stay in New England and enjoy life with your kids ;)

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:eek: I don't even know what these are. I actually grew up in the snow belt of Canada so NE is actually a temperate climate for us!

We made friends a few years ago with kids visiting from Georgia. Everytime one of the little girls saw an ant, she started screaming and hitting herself. My kids were like, um yeah... ants are yucky :mellow: .

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We visited Miami about 4 yrs ago.

We vacationed 2 days in Key Largo and 2 days in Miami and will NEVER, EVER go back to Miami...loved Key Largo though!


Miami in our opinion it was dirty and even though we didn't have any trouble, it looked like trouble..if you know what I mean.

I would never want to live there.

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Pros: Some pretty, old Spanish things to tour.


The beach.


No snow, ever.


The food *is* amazing.


Um, you could tour mementos of my family history, lol.


You could drive up the coast to NASA (ok, that's a *big* plus for us).


That's the best I can do. I would not choose to live there.

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I wouldn't want to live in Miami either - but I love South Florida.


Lot's of people work in Miami but live further north and/or west of downtown or the beach. Unfortunately - the commute is not nice.


The weather is always nice (meaning you don't get the cold and hot extremes that you get in other parts of the country) Yes - it can get hot, but you don't get heat waves, and since its on the coast its more comfortable in south florida in the summertime then it is in say Orlando. Winter and Spring is very nice.


You can get a home with a swimming pool.


Homeschooling is pretty easy.


You have warnings when hurricanes are coming. We've had very mild seasons the last couple of years. I'd take hurricanes over living in say - tornado alley.


There may be red ants - but my kids inform me that we do not have fire ants in south florida (?).


One of the big things to consider are home prices. I'd say that unless dh is getting compensated very, very, very well - you will not want to move here. Have you looked at home prices? You also have to consider property taxes. Even though the legislature just passed some relief - I think it benefits those of us who have owned their homes the longest. I know Broward County you can estimate what your taxes would be on a certain property at http://www.bcpa.net. I imagine Dade County would have something similar at their property appraisers website.


More pros- lots of culture, museums, nature, etc.


You can find wonderful non-touristry beaches with out all the bars.


Anyway - based on your original post you will probably be miserable here, but I had to put in a few plugs for South Florida in general (even if I wouldn't live in Miami either!)

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But, IMHO, you may or may not like it. I'd move to Miami because it would be more like Caracas and we have family there. But, if you're a dyed in the wool Yankee it could get on your nerves FAST (or should I say RAPIDO). The humidity and heat are there most of the year, not just July and August. Leaves do not change color (this was the one aspect of tropical living that bummed me out every year). The beaches are lovely, but the portuguese man'o wars are very painful (like worse than a root canal) Fire ants aren't that bad IMHO, we have them in Texas and my kids have learned to be wary of anthills. None of us have gotten more than a couple of bites at a time.


Now for a more sensitive subject. If you don't speak Spanish you can feel excluded in Miami. It's very much a Latin city, both for good and for bad. When I was living in Venezuela, I never felt like I was back in America until I flew out of Miami. There's lots of Spanish speakers in most American cities but Miami takes it to a whole 'nuther level. If this will bother you, skip it.


If it's a great opportunity, I would invest at least 2 weeks in a test drive of Miami. Spend a lot of time grocery shopping, watching local TV, visiting beaches and parks, etc. to see if you like the local flavor or not. I would also go if it was only for a year or two just for the adventure of living in such a unique place. You can also check out which neighborhoods would suit you best.


Good luck and Suerte with your decision!

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There may be red ants - but my kids inform me that we do not have fire ants in south florida (?).


Oooo, ouch...yes you do :001_smile: I can remember stepping in their soft mounds as a little girl, so they've been around a while.



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I don't want to pile on, so I won't list anymore cons. I think everyone has listed them already. I was born in S. Fl and lived there all my life, so I know Miami first hand as well. Based on what you've said, I think just moving to S. Florida could be a big enough culture shock, let alone Miami, which is like moving to another country. If you're looking for that type of adventure, then go for it! But if not, I think it would be a huge mistake.


Sorry :bored:



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second (or third) most of the pros (+its a quick drive to the Keys) and the cons (did anyone mention hurricanes?) One trip I ended up stranded 5 extra days b/c of a hurricane- at a later time lived there a short 4 months & was happy to leave. Hot & humid. Spanish a real plus. Cuban beans sound good right now.

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As a UMiami Alum, Coral Gables is my favorite spot on earth! I grew up in South Miami, and would do about anything to go back. I've lived in Boston, Philly, Chicago, Salt Lake, Indy, and now West Alabama. Of all the places I have lived, Miami will always be my favorite.


Yes, it is hot, but you will never shovel snow. I love, love, love the cultural diversity. Sure, crime comes with the area, but like any major city, you learn the areas to avoid. Miami is rich with culture, art, food and outdoor activities. Beautiful beaches, The Everglades and the Keys are a short hop away. What better labs for biology, zoology, and botany could you ever ask for?


Miami is like living in a different country from the NE or Midwest. But, for me, it is a welcome change. I would love my children to have the exposure to the culture and activities that I had as a child.


Housing is coming down quite a bit now, and compared to Boston, it's really fairly reasonable -- even in the nicer areas.

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