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How many hours per day do you spend on school?

Guest mrs. logic

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Both dtrs have fairly rigorous classloads (Both math and science take 2 hrs a day):

12th grader - Adv Biology, PreCalculus, Literature/Writing, Economics, Amer Govt, Leadership/Job Shadowing, Bible, Choir, Parttime Job

10th grader - Adv Biology, PreCalc, Literature, Spanish 3, Writing, First Aid/EMT Basic


lisaj, tired of the late nights

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This question came up at the home education group I facilitate, "How many hours per day do you spend on school?"



Not enough really.... that is why my twins are "behind" the schedule I have planned out. We will work into summer until the work is completed.


Some days they do 3 hour of official schooling, other days it is 8 hrs. Also sometimes they do "catch up" over the weekends.


We are flexible and not on a strict schedule. But I am considering getting a bit more scheduled.

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Wow! Guess we are way "under achievers" here...


We have 2 boys, gr. 10 and gr. 11, who are NOT headed toward math/science fields or interested in big-name universities or AP classes. Neither have ever been that "into" school, though they prefer homeschooling to a "brick and mortar" education. Both are slightly more interested in some of the media arts fields, and are looking past high school graduation towards working and dabbling with community college or other local associate degree institution to start with while they figure out their futures.



We school a SOLID 5 hours to 5-1/2 hours a day (lunch break NOT included in that), M-Th, with 2 Fridays a month as full days, and 2 Fridays a month as short days (1-2 hours). That is about all our brains can take in per day. Outside of those school hours, I also attempt to require 1-2 hours solo reading per week (which they often do in the evenings or over the weekends), and 1-2 hours of PE per week (often on the weekends). We also school a SOLID 36 weeks (meaning, if we take 3 weeks of for Christmas, or a vacation during everyone else's school year we DO make it up by going into June or starting earlier in August).


Both boys also do several extracurricular activities -- 2 meet weekly, 2 meet monthly. We're also working on life skills and learning to drive. I just can't imagine taking ANY longer to do school and still have time for them to just relax, think, try out hobbies and interests, read for fun, enjoy time with friends, have discussions with us, etc.....


I guess it's the "rebel" in me, not wanting our family buying into our American / western culture philosophy of constantly running / doing / overworking. ;) BEST of luck in determining the schedule that works best for your family! Warmest regards, Lori D.

Edited by Lori D.
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I guess it's the "rebel" in me, not wanting our family buying into our American / western culture philosophy of constantly running / doing / overworking. ;)


:iagree: Another rebel here. While I know my science oriented ds needs to "step up to the plate" with a little more study time, I also believe in the value of non-classroom learning. He learns so much through all our shared reading and discussing, and through his participation in projects like FTC robotics and working with an engineer friend. The public school kids I know who do extra outside activities don't get enough sleep because of all the homework they are assigned each night, so much of which seems like busy work.


I'd say pure book work takes 4-5 hours/day, with some days taking longer when essays or projects are due.

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here is how much per student

1 st grade 1-3 hours

4 th grade 4-5 1/2 hours

6th grade 4-5 1/2 hours

8th grade 5-5 1/2 hours

10th grade 6 7 1/2 hours

this does not include breaks , just time when they are in their seats studying. my 3 older boys also do technology studies with my husband , as I don't supervise this, and they do it in their own time, I don't count it but they spend between 1-3 hours per day on this.

we also do things like cooking etc. formally as a subject, but I don't count it in their school time.


we are just about to start our new school year.

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We're pretty rigorous with our work here.


Ds 15 - 8:00-4:00 pm. (Includes a 45 minute lunch break, and usually a snack.)

Ds 9 - 8:00- 12:30 or 1:00 (Includes 45 minute lunch and one 30 minute break)


Both boys prefer 1 longer break, rather than several smaller ones.


Ds 6 - About 60 minutes for kindergarten, but we break after every subject.

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MY older who is a jr. probably spends on most days M-F, about 8 -10 hours. But she has to do that since she has days when she can hardly get any work done (migraines) and she is a slower worker. On weekends, she probably spends about five hours a day if she has the time.


Her younger sister who is 13 spends about 5 hours. She will be either working longer hours next year.


We work through the year but not at the same level. In the summer, the work may be only 3- 4 hours a day.

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