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Anyone Here Ever Have H. Pylori?

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I have had stomach discomfort for the past few weeks. My dr ran a test for h. pylori (sp?) infection and I came up positive.


I did a search on it and came up with basic information but I was hoping to connect with others who have had this. If you have, then what can you tell me about it? I have to take antibiotics including a sulfa drug for 2 weeks. Will that take care of it permanently, or will this be a chronic infection I will have to deal with forever?


Also, did you have other symptoms besides stomach pain, like discomfort in the esophagus, upper back and/or chest discomfort? What about breathing problems?


Sorry for so many questions, but I want to get a handle on what to expect.



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My mother had this. She took a long tern anti-biotic I believe as well as meds for the symptoms. This was back when they first found out that ulcers were caused by this bacteria. It went from a chronic health issue to one that was cured. I don't think she had any additional problems after that.

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My DH was diagnosed with this several years ago. It was explained to us that they treat it with an antibiotic, well, several, and IF it helps great. If not they try another round of antibiotics. My DH is very against taking unnecessary meds and refused that treatment. I am not saying I agree with his theory, I am just saying that is what he did.

Every now and then he has a flare up. After some research he found that taking cranberries, as in Craisons really help him. He eats a hand ful or so of those for a couple of days and things go back to normal. So until they come up with a guaranteed success treatment, he is sticking with his regiment.

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My dh, FIL and SIL had it. They all had sever, chronic stomach problems for YEARS! My dh was actually in the emergency room and was referred to a specialist (about 14 year ago), who had just learned about h. pylori. My dh did two weeks of antibiotics and was cured! He had his dad and sister go get tested and they were both positive. My FIL had to do 2 rounds of antibiotics (must of had it worse) and hasn't had problems since. Before treatment my FIL would not eat anything seasoned, tomato sauce, ect... very blan diet. He popped antiacid pills like candy. My SIL took the antibiotics and it helped a lot, but I think she is lactose intolerant and still has some stomach problems, but not like before when she was in the emergency room with stomach pains.

I think that the bacteria is killed by alcohol, so people who drink are not as likely to get the bacteria.

Edited by Tabrett
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My twin DD's had it, probably since shortly after their birth (We think they got it from my MIL) Anyway, one exhibited no symptoms, but Sarah was ALWAYS having stomach aches and frequent vomiting. The doctor had our entire family tested for it after he found it in Sarah. They were on a Anti-biotic/antacid combo for 6 weeks, and things improved greatly for her. She still has occasional stomach issues but I believe it's either from the damage 7 years of dealing having it, or genetics (DH's side of the family has a lot of stomach issues)

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The combination of antibiotics and the proton pump inhibitor (prilosec, prevacid etc) is supposed to cure the H Pylori infection permanently. It won't be a chronic infection. There are times, though, that the doctor has to prescribe another few weeks of antibiotics (different ones) + PPI to make sure all the bacteria is gone. Otherwise, once the antibiotics is done, then you should be fine, unless you get infected again.

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My husband and I were diagnosed with this recently. Both kids don't have it. We were actually testing us because of an infection my son has to make sure we didn't have his essentially. But we are both symptomatic. I suspect I've had this a long time because I had just thought that pain that came at times was part of life.


We finished up a long course of Alinia to see if it gets it. Our doctor wasn't really pleased with the therapy usually given. If this doesn't work we're trying something holistic next that he recommends instead.

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It came up as an "extra" when I was being treated for chronic headaches - I think because continual use of aspririn makes it more likely? Anyway, they tested for it, I was positive, and I had one course of antibiotics, and that was the end of it, although I suspect at time I might still have it / have it again due to continuing aspirin use in the face of continuing headaches and occasional stomach symptoms. Not enough of a bother to investigate.

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Thanks everyone. I'm glad to hear it can be cured.


While I'm taking the 2 antibiotics, I don't want to take the proton pump inhibitor. It was on a list last year published by some men's magazine as the 5 drugs physicians prescribe but won't take themselves. I forget what the problem was.


Do I have to take the PPI? Will the antibiotics be sufficient?

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Thanks everyone. I'm glad to hear it can be cured.


While I'm taking the 2 antibiotics, I don't want to take the proton pump inhibitor. It was on a list last year published by some men's magazine as the 5 drugs physicians prescribe but won't take themselves. I forget what the problem was.


Do I have to take the PPI? Will the antibiotics be sufficient?



The PPI is a very important part of the equation. The pharmacists that I have worked with, (many, many pharmacists) have all told patients that if they don't want to buy the PPI (ins doesn't always cover it) that they shouldn't bother with the antibiotics, because they won't be effective enough on thier own to kill it.


PPIs are over-prescribed to treat gerd or acid reflux, but you are not taking it to get symptomatic relief. You are using it for a very specific medical problem, that can most likely be cured by taking the PPI/antibiotic therapy for a short period of time. The doctor isn't just throwing the PPI in to make you feel better, it has a very specific purpose in this treatment.


PPIs reduce the acid in the stomach. The H. Pylori like an acid environment, so this step helps to upset the environment. They have also found that PPIs are helpful by having a effect on the bacteria itself.


There are treatments out there with using Pepto instead but it doesn't disrupt the enviroment as well and the antibiotic regimin is different.



Here is a medical journal entry about H. Pylori. It is in medical terms but if you have had any medical training it isn't too hard to read.

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I began taking a product called CeaseFire for acid problems in my stomach. It gives powerful and immediate relief to me--better than any product I have found so far. Here is one link that talks about CeaseFire (or mastic gum) and h. pylori and how it is an "effective anti-bacterial agent" against h. pylori. http://www.vitaminresearchproducts.com/CeaseFire_Tech_Sheet.pdf

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