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Virginians: What kind of weather are you seeing??

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Hi Everyone,


Dh is driving cross country starting Jan. 11 arriving in Richmond on Jan. 16. I'm flying w/ the kids from No. Cal. through Atlanta to Richmond on Jan. 16.


The weather predictions look so scary from here -- No. Cal -- what exactly is Virginia looking at weather-wise?


Is there any way dh should prepare for a car ride? He'll have chains. Our dog -- a black lab -- will be w/ him.


How should we prep? I'm nervous.





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I don't know about Richmond, but up here in Northern VA we have been having awful weather. But I haven't seen anybody with chains and don't think they are advisable here since what we get is some cleared roads and others not cleared. You can't drive with chains that way I think. We have been having very cold temperatures, heavy snowfall two weeks ago, nasty icing earlier this week, and I think the weather will likely be cold and unpleasant in that time period too.

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It is very, very cold! Remind your dh to pack a warm blanket or sleeping bag in his car in case he were to break down and have to wait for help. Hopefully he won't encounter any snow, but if he does, he should be ok on the main roads. The snow plows work hard to keep the main roads cleared around here.

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I live near Richmond and we're having some cold weather. It will be in the mid-30's during the day this coming week, with lows in the teens and twenties at night. There's no rain predicted, but there's a slight chance of snow on Wednesday (according to the local news). Definitely bring some warm clothes!

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It's coooooold and windy, right now. Really, the weather changes so much it's hard to say. I'd say the mountains would be the most dangerous part of the trip, though.


Water, blankets, emergency kit, that kind of thing. Hate to scare you, but it's best to pack as if you were going to camp for a few days. That way, if something does happen, he's prepared.

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We moved from Hawaii to the Norfolk area last summer and have been adjusting to the cold. We're getting our coldest weather now. We've rediscovered the blessing of warm outerwear and hot chocolate when we come in from the cold!


Have your DH bring some heavy "traction" with him in the car. My sister always gets big bags of dog food and/or cracked corn for wildlife and carries them in her trunk. The extra weight in the trunk helps w/ traction and if she gets stuck in the snow, she can use the corn/kibble for traction on the road and not feel guilty about littering because the local wildlife will appreciate the snack she leaves behind.


ITA with the suggestions for taking sleeping bag/food in the car for the drive. Better to be prepared an not need the supplies, than to be left in a jam.

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With such cold weather, what do you guys do w/ your days? Do you stay in and play a lot? Or is the park bearable? Or. . .?


I'm having terrible guilt all of a sudden taking my boys out of CA weather.




Honestly, it is nothing to worry or fret over. We are having a cold snap right now and did get a somewhat unusual amount of snow the week before last. However, the beauty of the weather in Va in the winter is that one week it will be cold as heck and the next week you could be wearing short sleeves. We don't get too much cabin fever as a result, and this is coming from someone living the the mountains who HATES cold weather. Life goes on around here in the winter, just less playing outside.


Make sure your dh checks the weather forecast for his whole route before he leaves and to check it every day he is gone. As others mentioned, the usual winter precautions are in order (blankets, water, snack, etc. in the car) and he will be just fine.

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This is really very unusual weather. Most winters are mild to moderately cold. In ten years of living here, I have never experienced such a cold winter.


We've been staying inside a lot recently. My husband is home from being out of the country, so we're spending family time together. When this horrible weather calms down, we'll go out more.


Many towns have recreation centers with good programs, including swimming, for all ages. There are lots and lots of homeschool-oriented activities around here.

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Roanoke in western VA is just frigidly cold. We might get reach the mid 30s on Thursday. This is highly unusual.


Chains. I guess if you have chains, and you hit a horrible snowstorm on the highway, they might be good to have. Once you move here, you'll never use them. (It's not like driving to Tahoe, I remember everyone having chains back then.)


Living in Colorado for 20 years, and Virginia for 3, I've seen one car one time with chains. The roads will be plowed.


Your husband will be fine, as long as he listens to traffic/weather info. When it's cold like this, we definitely stay inside, or go places that are inside--you could go swimming, the mall, bowling, skating, library, museums, any of that stuff.


Oh, and when it gets really cold, just don't turn the hose on your car to get the ice off. lol

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With such cold weather, what do you guys do w/ your days? Do you stay in and play a lot? Or is the park bearable? Or. . .?


I'm having terrible guilt all of a sudden taking my boys out of CA weather.



See the following quote... We haven't been total hermits. We went down to the beach yesterday to feed the ducks and gulls. It's not warm CA weather, but normally we get mild breaks between the cold snaps.


Even the cold has its upshots. There are frozen bubbles (someone else will have to provide the link, but that's the coolest thing ever), ice breaking (litterally and the shattering is so satisfying), blowing smoke clouds with your breath, drawing in the steam on the windows, finally having a reason to wear the gloves, hat and scarf you've had forever.


It's not that bad, really ;)

Honestly, it is nothing to worry or fret over. We are having a cold snap right now and did get a somewhat unusual amount of snow the week before last. However, the beauty of the weather in Va in the winter is that one week it will be cold as heck and the next week you could be wearing short sleeves. We don't get too much cabin fever as a result, and this is coming from someone living the the mountains who HATES cold weather. Life goes on around here in the winter, just less playing outside.


Make sure your dh checks the weather forecast for his whole route before he leaves and to check it every day he is gone. As others mentioned, the usual winter precautions are in order (blankets, water, snack, etc. in the car) and he will be just fine.

Dh said to mention a shovel and rope. He said the trunk should be packed as if you're in the mafia (shovel, rope, blankets, duct tape, etc), and the inside as if you were homeless (more blankets, water, food, extra socks and gloves, flashlight, weather radio - one that does not require batteries).

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