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I didn't like Avatar, but I really wanted to.

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As an American who lives out of the US - I have to tell you all - the big bad environment damaging American image is alive and well almost everywhere but at home. It might be uncomfortable to hear it, it might be difficult to appreciate and it might require drastic changes to meet it but the reality is the US is very unaware of the impact it has on environmental issues. The whole "I live the way I want to live and sc**w anyone who thinks I shouldn't" is fairly unpopular now in the rest of the world. I am really surprised and the defensive nature of the comments regarding "being hit over the head with an environmental message." It is clear the that US doesn't get it. Compared to other nations we still don't appreciate the limited nature of our resources and the fact that everything we do has an impact on a global scale.


I saw the movie...it was ok. Visually amazing. Interesting message. Nothing new in it but nothing offensive either.

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It really was beautiful visually, but the story line was incredible trite. It was Pocahontas meets Dances with Wolves. All of the character were cardboard cut outs: the disillusioned soldier with a heart of gold, the tough minded, chain smoking but ethical scientist, the cold hearted corporate weasel, the psycho military leader who goes nuts. Even the Na'vi tribe character were just rip-offs: the princess warrior, the jealous boyfriend, the wise chief, the shaman medicine woman. Gee gods. Get an original idea would you.


I really don't mind the environmental "message"; it's the whole worshipping nature as a diety that I find annoying. Everyone seems to need a god, and secular folks aren't really Christians or Jews any more, so the turn the worship of nature in to a diety. It is kind of pathetic, really.

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I really don't mind the environmental "message"; it's the whole worshipping nature as a diety that I find annoying. Everyone seems to need a god, and secular folks aren't really Christians or Jews any more, so the turn the worship of nature in to a diety. It is kind of pathetic, really.


It really is a religion, isn't it? It has it's own evangelism & preachers as well. I don't think it's across the board, but there are many who worship the earth without really realizing that is what they are doing.

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I am really surprised and the defensive nature of the comments regarding "being hit over the head with an environmental message." It is clear the that US doesn't get it.


I don't want to be hit over the head with any message in a movie, nor do I watch movies in order to be preached at, no matter what religion, political ideology, or cause they're pushing. It insults my intelligence when filmmakers assume the audience is incapable of appreciating nuance and subtlety and must be bludgeoned repeatedly to get the message.

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I've watched the commercial for it and knew I didn't want to see it. :tongue_smilie:




I love movies. I mean, I really, really, really love movies.


But I didn't enjoy Avatar.


The visuals were gorgeous. It was a feast for the eyes. But the story was just so dismal. In the battle scenes, I didn't want anyone from either side to get hurt. I hated watching those parts. And I'm a die hard Terminator-type movie lover. I love action and "blow everything up" scenes. But this one just made me feel very sad for both sides. I never had that feeling of, "Oh good, the bad guys got what was coming to them!"


And I can't help but being a little cynical about all the young men who like the movie, because everyone is naked through the whole thing. Yes, I know it was in a "naked natives" sort of way--not sexually at all. But they're still naked... so no wonder they want to go and see it again and again.


And I get so tired of being hit over the head with a mallet with messages about the environment. I got it guys. I already save my kid's bath water to water my plants with and stuff like that. I'm tired of being made to feel guilty for living in a country that has running water and easily obtainable food.


I really am disappointed. Normally I'd love a movie like that. Am I getting old??? Today is my 37th birthday and we went to a movie and dinner to celebrate. Maybe I'm finally too old to enjoy action movies :sad:.

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I don't want to be hit over the head with any message in a movie, nor do I watch movies in order to be preached at, no matter what religion, political ideology, or cause they're pushing. It insults my intelligence when filmmakers assume the audience is incapable of appreciating nuance and subtlety and must be bludgeoned repeatedly to get the message.


Precisely!! And why in the world would I pay $$ for it? We pay them to entertain us. That's it.

Edited by Texas T
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We went Christmas day and my family loved the movie. I thought it had messages on all levels, not just environmental issues. As far as religious differences; one thing I have learned, is that there are always different opinions, feelings, etc. Especially here on this board! I also felt that the movie really hit home about learning to accept others for who they are, and not what we want them to be. Absolutely loved, loved, loved this movie.


Both my children really enjoyed it. One is 23 and the other is 10, neat hearing their interpretations of the movie.

Happy 2010!!!!!!!!!!!


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17 yr old: "Yes. Is someone arguing that powerful, greedy people or corporations don't want to steal from others? Remember Blood Diamond?" (Movie she and I saw, but my 10 yr old did not)


ME! :D


not every corporation or powerful person is greedy. ;)

and not every greedy person is prone to theft.


I think it fine to help someone find god if they are searching. If they ask. If they come to you.

except evangelism isn't about watching someone die as a spectator sport.


And thankfully our constitution secures us religious freedom, and not just for Christians. :)


amen :)


...the reality is the US is very unaware of the impact it has on environmental issues. .... It is clear the that US doesn't get it.


oh, we "get" it, but after seeing proof that data has been manipulated, discarded, and invented for YEARS we get that there's obviously a lot more being done that simply does NOT have the impact that people think it does.

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I' ve removed the spoiler above because it would have shown on the Quote background.

smart gal ;)



I saw Avatar in French (bad idea but a concession to the kiddo...) Anyway, that's not what they say in French. They say

spoiler of a sort ---->

And that's an old saying people used to tell their teenage boys to stop

--> <--



I took it to mean that the end tip is very very sensitive and full of actual nerve ending. Would the English version lead to the same conclusion????

not necessarily. It's the specific purpose of this "hair" that is being revealed.

However, it apparently has other legitimate uses that are completely separate from that particular use.

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As an American who lives out of the US - I have to tell you all - the big bad environment damaging American image is alive and well almost everywhere but at home. It might be uncomfortable to hear it, it might be difficult to appreciate and it might require drastic changes to meet it but the reality is the US is very unaware of the impact it has on environmental issues. The whole "I live the way I want to live and sc**w anyone who thinks I shouldn't" is fairly unpopular now in the rest of the world. I am really surprised and the defensive nature of the comments regarding "being hit over the head with an environmental message." It is clear the that US doesn't get it. Compared to other nations we still don't appreciate the limited nature of our resources and the fact that everything we do has an impact on a global scale.


I saw the movie...it was ok. Visually amazing. Interesting message. Nothing new in it but nothing offensive either.


Alright, this is where I get super irked. Americans get it. If I bought a car in Germany (BMW, Mercedes, Audi, whatever) I would have to get the emissions system upgraded before I shipped it home because our emissions standards are HIGHER than Germany's. Same is true of England. I can't buy a Mini over there and just ship it - unless it is built to American specs - because our environmental standards are HIGHER. The air pollution in metropolitan areas in America is significantly less than it was 20 years ago because advancements have been made in coal-burning technologies, the auto industry, etc., etc., etc. While there is a lot of work to be done, it is being done. While the stereotype of the big bad American burning fuel just for the heck of it and stripping the land of all it's attributes may sell, it isn't true anymore. I'm sick of it.

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Alright, this is where I get super irked. Americans get it. If I bought a car in Germany (BMW, Mercedes, Audi, whatever) I would have to get the emissions system upgraded before I shipped it home because our emissions standards are HIGHER than Germany's. Same is true of England. I can't buy a Mini over there and just ship it - unless it is built to American specs - because our environmental standards are HIGHER. The air pollution in metropolitan areas in America is significantly less than it was 20 years ago because advancements have been made in coal-burning technologies, the auto industry, etc., etc., etc. While there is a lot of work to be done, it is being done. While the stereotype of the big bad American burning fuel just for the heck of it and stripping the land of all it's attributes may sell, it isn't true anymore. I'm sick of it.


:iagree: with you and Peek. It's become mind-numbingly annoying. And also, believe it or not, just because someone in another country thinks thus and such about America doesn't. make. it. truth!!! I'm tired of that thinking, that it must be gospel truth if someone in __insert that continent or country__ think it is so. There is no logic to that.


And btw, many of those who are preaching this business so very strongly will do more in a year to harm this planet with their fuel-sucking jets and arrogant lifestyles than my minimalist American family will do in two lifetimes!! Sorry if, like Peek, I'm a little cynical when data and info have been so manipulated...I think much of this is a nice pocket-lining scheme for those who are pulling the puppet strings at the top.

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As an American who lives out of the US - I have to tell you all - the big bad environment damaging American image is alive and well almost everywhere but at home. It might be uncomfortable to hear it, it might be difficult to appreciate and it might require drastic changes to meet it but the reality is the US is very unaware of the impact it has on environmental issues. The whole "I live the way I want to live and sc**w anyone who thinks I shouldn't" is fairly unpopular now in the rest of the world. I am really surprised and the defensive nature of the comments regarding "being hit over the head with an environmental message." It is clear the that US doesn't get it. Compared to other nations we still don't appreciate the limited nature of our resources and the fact that everything we do has an impact on a global scale.




It's interesting that this view exists when a major reason US companies are relocating overseas is due to LESS regulation there than here. It's easier to build manufacturing facilities in other countries. One would think if these countries cared so much about the environment they would up their regs to prove it.

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:iagree: with you and Peek. It's become mind-numbingly annoying. And also, believe it or not, just because someone in another country thinks thus and such about America doesn't. make. it. truth!!! I'm tired of that thinking, that it must be gospel truth if someone in __insert that continent or country__ think it is so. There is no logic to that.


And btw, many of those who are preaching this business so very strongly will do more in a year to harm this planet with their fuel-sucking jets and arrogant lifestyles than my minimalist American family will do in two lifetimes!! Sorry if, like Peek, I'm a little cynical when data and info have been so manipulated...I think much of this is a nice pocket-lining scheme for those who are pulling the puppet strings at the top.

:iagree: Standing with you guys on this one. I for one really think this climate thing is going to end up being a money-making hoax on the people of the world. And the Americans are going to end up paying the most because we are being brainwashed into feeling guilty because of who we are.

Edited by Parrothead
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And also, believe it or not, just because someone in another country thinks thus and such about America doesn't. make. it. truth!!! I'm tired of that thinking, that it must be gospel truth if someone in __insert that continent or country__ think it is so. There is no logic to that.



gasp!! how dare y'all bring LOGIC into such a done deal decision?!!

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