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Looking for a bible study - Help please ...

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Looking for a bible study - Help please ... I am looking for a study to do concurrently with my friend that is a few states away.

I would like to do a Kay Arthur maybe ... the ones I found on Kindle look like they are "fixing" something from the past. Does anyone know a good bible study that is more forward thinking - like 'being a Godly wife; parent ... something positive and uplifting ...

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There are some great ones out there, but my very favorite guided Bible study was Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. This study changed my life and brought me into a close relationship with God. I have done it personally twice (in partnership with a friend the first time), and I have also taught it to groups twice.


Other than this, I bought an Inductive Bible from the Precept website, and have enjoyed going through, book by book, while following the guidelines suggested at the beginning of each one. Sometimes I also use commentary along with it, depending on what books I am studying. (i.e. Right now I'm studying Psalms and I often refer to Spurgeon's Treasury of David if I need more insight.)


I hope this helps.


"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you."




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I think a lot of Kay Arthur's stuff is marketed that way ("Lord, heal my hurts", etc.) but the substance of it is God's Word, straight-up. Her New Inductive Study Series is going through specific books of the Bible, the Lord series is more topical, and the Precept Upon Precept studies are much more meaty but also more labor-intensive. I love Kay Arthur's stuff--it's focused on the Word of God and not emotion, which is what Bible studies should be, in my opinion. :)


The Elizabeth George book mentioned above is also very good (though I think she can be a little idealistic on some points).

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This might not be what you are looking for, but I can't rave enough about doing the Bible in 90 Days program. You may have read my post on here about it. It would be great to walk through with your friend and be able to check in after say each week about what really spoke to you in the weeks readings.


Just a thought!

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There are some great ones out there, but my very favorite guided Bible study was Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby.


:iagree: This is my favorite study as well. I've also done several by Beth Moore but those were always in a group setting with the DVD. I did the Blackaby one alone and LOVED it. It's set up in a similar format as a Moore study. I think it would work great to do with a friend.

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