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TOG - Deeper? Can you explain that further for me?


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There's a mention in the Worldview category in the DE Year 3 to refer to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints website in order to understand Mormon teachings and therefore to be able to explain to your child. It is left open to the parent to make his or her own decision about presentation.


I also skimmed a little through some of the notes after Heather mentioned it and did not see anything that should be considered offensive, in my eyes of course :). It is normal for any Christian curricula to also express their point of view when presenting another's beliefs. Parents of Protestant faith would want this guidance for their children and then I find this opportunity can of course (as Heather said) be used by non-Protestants to show their kids how their faith, in their eyes, refutes the Protestant. Or the entire section can be avoided and presented from a Mormon pov if that is what the parent chooses to do. This is the same approach SL takes to my knowledge, which once again in my pov makes sense. I do not think someone should give up the opportunity to use a great curriculum with their children when the approach is respectful and there are no derogatory remarks, once again my pov of course. I am sure if those concerned approached TOG on a personal level TOG would supply them with the information before they decide to buy. Not speaking for TOG of course but I assume they would be helpful in clarifying and addressing any concerns.



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I’m sure that no one really wants to see this thread revived.:lol: I had just to mention that I am seriously considering trying a unit of TOG soon. If I buy YR 2 Units 1&2 it will save me from going through all the of the trouble of planning logic stage MA and matching it up with the grammar stage kiddos, this way, we can actually experience TOG and see if it’s a fit for our family. I also like the idea of doing year two at half pace. (and especially since we are already doing some of SL 3+4 ATM. Also, we have plenty of US history under our belt.) Does anyone have a TOG unit for sale? <wink> Wait! I need the DE version, never mind.



I did a trial run with one week of TOG free samples. I ordered every book from the library on the first page of reading lists for all of the levels. I was able to get 90% of what I ordered within one week. There were a couple of stragglers that came the next week and just one LG book that came later than that. There were some spines, like SOTW, on the second page that I couldn't get at all. But at least in our library system, I think I can do TOG without buying hardly any of the books.


(I tired the library again and used author’s names instead of book titles and this time I had more success.) Oh, and doing the math for all of my children and for subsequent years; …wow! TOG is cheap, considering I do plan on using the literature and the writing as well. We’ll see how it goes. $4 updates, who can beat that! :tongue_smilie:


By the way, I really value everyone's comments in this whole thread. It's really helped me narrow down what my thoughts/plans will be for the future.


I was not offended ;). I just didn't want any misconceptions formed in others minds that might be reading this thread regarding TOG and its authors. I do agree that any program needs to be researched for suitability to our family values prior to purchasing it for our family.


There are people from all religions (my own included) that are disrespectful of other religions, and there are non-religious folks that are disrespestful of religion in general. everywhere, and I am so sorry that I came across as judgmental.


I absolutely agree; we all need to be respectful of each others beliefs no matter what our religious POV may be.

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Wait! I need the DE version, never mind.


There's a resale option now also. If you are interested you might want to check that out first before pressing the order key ;). If you have a hard time tracking down the info, let me know and I can find it for you.

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Thanks to all those that shared their reviews of TOG concerning Mormons. For anyone that might be following this thread, I was made aware of a book in Year 3 that has a substantial section about the Mormons in Nauvoo. It is pretty derogatory, but the book was written around 1920, so for me, it would be easy to use to demonstrate how people have viewed the church historically, and how history is never neutral, always biased in some way.


At any rate, I certainly don't see anything to deter me from using TOG. As far as I can tell, it is far better a program than any LDS program I have looked at.

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Alright ladies, I bought the DE version of TOG Year 1 unit 4, since that is roughly where we are right now. I guess it's the only way I'll know if it would work for us. I could definately see where it might work for high school just not sure about elementary. I see many of the same books again but also a few new ones I haven't seen. :)

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There's a resale option now also. If you are interested you might want to check that out first before pressing the order key ;). If you have a hard time tracking down the info, let me know and I can find it for you.


Wait! What do you mean?!? Are you referring to the DE/print package? And then I would be able to resell the print version? If not, do you have a link?



Alright ladies, I bought the DE version of TOG Year 1 unit 4, since that is roughly where we are right now. I guess it's the only way I'll know if it would work for us. I could definately see where it might work for high school just not sure about elementary. I see many of the same books again but also a few new ones I haven't seen. :)



So, do you think that you like SL better for elementary? That seems to be the general consensus.

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Why? Simple: we had a high schooler and TOG provided the depth he needs for his studies.


We were trying to use one core for 4 kids over a range of grades and adding or removing as necessary. I wasn't up to doing multiple cores and we were at the point that we needed THREE cores!! I loved the idea of all the kids studying the same thing and listening to the same read-aloud that SL provided, but three cores wasn't feasible for me.


Also, the upper SL cores seemed to me to be more scattershot--a bit of this, a dash of that. What they covered seemed to be covered nicely if not as deeply as TOG. But there was no sequence for how the cores presented material. American History then Church History, then 20th Century History, then ???? TOG is definitely deeper than SL and more of a variety of literature across genres than SL. Also, there is more of a systematic presentation of literature and poetry terms.


I really liked that in our last 4 years of hsing our oldest, he would hear lit and history from beginning to end, in a coherent manner. Plus, the TOG discussion and teacher's materials really hold my hand in discussion time. TOG also adds a big philosophy and world view component that SL has, but not to the same extent.


I regret that my younger two will have fewer books read aloud to them. I missed the daily lesson plans of SL, but make up my own for TOG. I'm teaching 3 levels of TOG (lots of books to buy), but it is not overwhelming, honestly. Plus, the kids are all still studying the same thing. Lots of bonding has been going on.

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Wait! What do you mean?!? Are you referring to the DE/print package? And then I would be able to resell the print version? If not, do you have a link?



Let me look into this further. I remember it was either in the Newletter or something like that. I remember there was a resale option for the DE version but that this version did not offer the flexibility of the version that cannot be resold. They also had a comparison list as I recall of what the resale version does not offer. I did not pay much attention because I don't resell curricula but now I can't find it. Unless I was just dreaming LOL! I am severely sleep deprived lately :p. If someone else remembers something on this could you please chime in? I am still looking and will get back to you.

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Wait! What do you mean?!? Are you referring to the DE/print package? And then I would be able to resell the print version? If not, do you have a link?



Let me look into this further. I remember it was either in the Newletter or something like that. I remember there was a resale option for the DE version but that this version did not offer the flexibility of the version that cannot be resold. They also had a comparison list as I recall of what the resale version does not offer. I did not pay much attention because I don't resell curricula but now I can't find it. Unless I was just dreaming LOL! I am severely sleep deprived lately :p. If someone else remembers something on this could you please chime in? I am still looking and will get back to you.



Sorry to leave you hanging. I just e-mailed TOG and will get to the bottom of this. More later.

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My understanding is that they are going to start selling print only year plans again and those will be able to be re-sold.


The announcement on the forums - http://tapestryofgrace.groupee.net/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/632107482/m/971108482


The link to the comparison page - http://www.tapestryofgrace.com/2010prices/

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My understanding is that they are going to start selling print only year plans again and those will be able to be re-sold.


The announcement on the forums - http://tapestryofgrace.groupee.net/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/632107482/m/971108482


The link to the comparison page - http://www.tapestryofgrace.com/2010prices/


Print only? After all of the DE plans?


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Originally Posted by 4evercanucks viewpost.gif

Let me look into this further. I remember it was either in the Newletter or something like that. I remember there was a resale option for the DE version but that this version did not offer the flexibility of the version that cannot be resold. They also had a comparison list as I recall of what the resale version does not offer. I did not pay much attention because I don't resell curricula but now I can't find it. Unless I was just dreaming LOL! I am severely sleep deprived lately :p. If someone else remembers something on this could you please chime in? I am still looking and will get back to you.



I think it was in a newsletter. I remember this too. However I too am severely sleep deprived and could also be dreaming.:D If I remember right this was going to an option in the future. I didn't pay much attention but I though they were talking DE with a resale option.

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My understanding is that they are going to start selling print only year plans again and those will be able to be re-sold.


The announcement on the forums - http://tapestryofgrace.groupee.net/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/632107482/m/971108482


The link to the comparison page - http://www.tapestryofgrace.com/2010prices/


Man... I am sleep deprived!!!!! This is it. It was night when I was reading this and I obviously misread it :blushing:. Sorry to get your hopes up lovemykids. I wish I had just kept my mouth shut :leaving:.

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I think it was in a newsletter. I remember this too. However I too am severely sleep deprived and could also be dreaming.:D If I remember right this was going to an option in the future. I didn't pay much attention but I though they were talking DE with a resale option.


I guess we were both having the same dream :lol: :lol: :lol:!

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Man... I am sleep deprived!!!!! This is it. It was night when I was reading this and I obviously misread it :blushing:. Sorry to get your hopes up lovemykids. I wish I had just kept my mouth shut :leaving:.


LOL, that’s okay Marie! Funny, you weren’t the only one who thought that’s what TOG meant. Being able to resell the CD would be a nice option though, oh well.


I mean you can get DE only, or print only, or DE/print combo. Only the print only can be re-sold. Clear as mud.:tongue_smilie:


Check! Clear as mud.;) Thank you.:)

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So, do you think that you like SL better for elementary? That seems to be the general consensus.


I have only had time to go through the first two or three weeks of the unit but as of right now, I am leaning toward that opinion. I do however like the looks of the rhetoric stage for high school. I picked up printer ink today so I will be printing out some of the pages to really spend some time on.


I like the teacher materials in TOG from the weeks I've seen so far, but love my SL schedules. Those I already add to and adapt as needed. I question if I really need that much detail and information at this age level. (I can definately see that as an advantage when we are talking rhetoric level discussions.) Then I have to look at cost. My library searches turned up only a few of the books on the lists for the unit I am looking at and I am already spending what I consider to be a lot on SL. I would also need to look at time. I already spend a nice amount of time on lesson planning and don't want to add that much more to it until I have to. So all in all, right now I am leaning toward SL through middle school. :)

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I have only had time to go through the first two or three weeks of the unit but as of right now, I am leaning toward that opinion. I do however like the looks of the rhetoric stage for high school. I picked up printer ink today so I will be printing out some of the pages to really spend some time on.


I like the teacher materials in TOG from the weeks I've seen so far, but love my SL schedules. Those I already add to and adapt as needed. I question if I really need that much detail and information at this age level. (I can definately see that as an advantage when we are talking rhetoric level discussions.) Then I have to look at cost. My library searches turned up only a few of the books on the lists for the unit I am looking at and I am already spending what I consider to be a lot on SL. I would also need to look at time. I already spend a nice amount of time on lesson planning and don't want to add that much more to it until I have to. So all in all, right now I am leaning toward SL through middle school. :)


This is my main concern, almost as much as the cost! Hmm, I'll have to try it out myself, but I always end up tweaking the SL schedules anyway. (we have never used a core as written) Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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Did you use something different for year 1 then?


By the way, I really value everyone's comments in this whole thread. It's really helped me narrow down what my thoughts/plans will be for the future.


We are using Year 4 now, and next year would be our first time using Year 1.


I've been focusing on my oldest, who will be in 9th grade next year, and I'm planning a kind of WTM-Great Books ancients year for him. After that, we'll decide whether we want to stick with that method, or go back to TOG for the rest of high school.


I've been so focused on my high schooler that I haven't thought about what we're going to do for my 7th grader :lol: I will use Story of the World for my little ones.

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I wouldn't be of much help there LOL. I love both for different reasons and am hoping to do a combo. I want to follow TOG for their main focus in history and the 4-year cycle and the hands on (these are only two of the reasons of course) but I love SL's literature selections and want to add SL also. I like that TOG uses a lot of non-fiction since both Adrian and I like factual books but at the same time SL is so... great at selecting books and all the books selections are award winning with five start reviews.


I am looking at Core 1+2 to add to TOG Year 1. Luckily we got the TOG Year plans 1-3 when the specials were on in January last year when DE first came out and we also purchased all the Year 1 supplements (for LG) and about 1/3 of the Year 1 LG books so I at least know we won't need to dish money out for that again. I now have to see how I can squeeze in SL and I still want to use SOTW at some point in the future... Ugh, sooo... many good choices so... little time (and funds :p).

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I saw that SOTW 1 is an alternative text for the Year 1 Unit 4 that I am looking at for the upper grammar stage if I am remembering right. I also saw that Augustus Caesar's World is an alternative for the dialetic. We are using both of these right now with SL. So a lot of the books can be interchanged from what I can see.

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I haven't followed the talk about credits for TOG much, but I know if you do 80% of the work it is considered AP, so obviously they don't have to do it all to get credit. Heather




Could someone give a link for this or some amplification.


My understanding of AP courses was that in order for a school to label its courses as AP that they had to submit the syllabus to The College Board (which owns the AP brand). Anyone can take AP tests and use the results for validation or college credit (depending on the policy of the college).


I'm just wondering how the original comparison of TOG with an AP level class was phrased.

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Could someone give a link for this or some amplification.


My understanding of AP courses was that in order for a school to label its courses as AP that they had to submit the syllabus to The College Board (which owns the AP brand). Anyone can take AP tests and use the results for validation or college credit (depending on the policy of the college).


I'm just wondering how the original comparison of TOG with an AP level class was phrased.


I think what Heather meant (if I may ;)) is honors - not AP. I'm pretty sure this info is in the loom that you get when you buy the year plan. It might be elsewhere but that is where I've seen it.

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Wow, you all have made me want to run out and buy a unit of TOG to try. I LOVE Sonlight but it's becoming less and less of an option for my family. My youngers are using WP and I like the way it's divided into topics with units- it's so much easier to add in other things that way, so I think I would like the weekly topic in TOG a lot. Hmmmm. My 9 yr old will be in 5th grade when we're done with AS 1 and 2, leaving him just enough time for 2 TOG rotations.


Anyway, thanks for all the great info Choirfarm, I appreciate you typing all of that out re what your kids are doing in TOG right now. I'm going to save this thread for future reference, it made TOG clearer to me than anything I've read yet.

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Just wanted to chime in here in case it will help. The biggest advantage of TOG over SL at the lower levels is the combo factor and that fact that TOG doesn't have a daily schedule. If you love the SL daily schedule though, it can be hard to let go of it. By comparison SL really is pick up and go. So why spend the extra time and money to use TOG?


1. Training kids. Teaching kids how to plan their work and work their plan is an important middle-school skill. It takes a ton of time, but it is time well spent in 6th/7th/8th grade. TOG is a great tool for that because it doesn't lay everything out in bite sized pieces. It requires the student to plan and then move through their work in order to prepare for that face-time with Mom - think college and life. But it will initially require more work from you in order to train them to do that. I think that it is/was worth it. But you have to decide that for yourself.


2. Combining everyone's education. For me, this didn't just mean combining my kids across an age spread. For me, it had to do with looking ahead to learn on my own before my kids hit the R level. Working through the R level material is do-able with TOG; it's all broken down into 144 (4 yrs x 36 week plans) manageable chunks. Offering a great-books education to my kids was a priority for me. Starting and then plugging along in order to prep to do that was tough without a map. TOG provided that map for me. But if I had a different background and had the confidence to teach high-school level humanities OR if I had different plans for high school OR if I had different goals for my middle school OR _____, then TOG might have just been a ton of work with little pay-out. :001_smile:


I'm happy to report that things are going well. I'm glad that I have done the work that I have done, and yes! I'm still stepping to get it all done. High school has been a busy time for us (11th, 9th, 7th grade this year). But no regrets here. The TOG methods drive efficiently at our house.





Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey


P.S. If you need help wading through a week-plan after you get it printed, let me know. I might be able to squeak out some phone time today if things go well. :001_smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I do not think someone should give up the opportunity to use a great curriculum with their children when the approach is respectful and there are no derogatory remarks, once again my pov of course.


Picking up on some comments on the forums I feel that my comment here may have been misunderstood so I wanted to come back and explain a little what I meant. First and foremost I was not trying to push anyone to buy anything. With my comment (perhaps worded poorly) I meant that we should always give a curriculum the opportunity to see if it will work for us. This I mean by researching it further ourselves so that we know whether it is for us or not. Reviews from others are just that, reviews, and they are based on each of our own situations and so will be biased to a certain point even if we don't mean it to be. Although I have to admit that one person whom I admire that can give a pretty unbiased opinion is Heather (aka Siloam ;)). Now, I wanted to share my personal experience with SL as an example.


While following a PK curriculum with my son Adrian two and a half years ago (it doesn't matter what curriculum) I got closer with one of the moms on the forum there and so we started e-mailing each other. During one of these communications she told me that a friend of hers had shown her her newly purchased SL curriculum. She then said to me "Marie, I was not impressed. There's nothing to it. Just a bunch of books". Now, keep in mind I had just started homeschooling and had been researching curricula for about 3-4 months. Needless to say I was clueless and so I figured since she has been homeschooling for 2 years now she should know something more than I. So based on this I didn't even bother to research SL any further. At a later date when I decided to switch curricula (that one was just to get our feet wet) I decided to research SL for myself, and boy was I surprised. Seeing it from my eyes and with my own family in mind and researching each and every book selection from Core P3/4 (then Core A) to Core 1 I got really excited about SL. Then I read the 27 reasons not to buy SL and I was even more excited. I figured how bold to put something like this in your own website and in your catalogue (ok, so sometimes I follow Canadian spelling :tongue_smilie:). These people really stand by their curriculum. The rest is history! I/ we have loved SL every step of the way so far.


Now why am I then going with TOG (even though I am still trying to fit in SL)? Well, that's another story and there are several reasons for it. One being that I did not know about the 4-year cycle approach to history at the time and I have now decided that this is the approach I want to take in my family. Another is that I want/ like the focus that TOG puts on history and the factual books. I love historical fiction but I want our history to focus on non-fiction with fiction thrown in. Yet another is that Adrian is a tactile/ visual learner so I like that TOG has done the work for me and incorporated hands on activities that tie in with what we are studying. But I still have a hard time letting go of SL given their excellent choices in books. OK, sure, I can just take the catalogue and go out and buy the books. But that’s not me. A lot of hard work has been put into selecting these books and SL is very open about sharing their booklists (which is more than I can say for others) so I would not feel good with myself in doing that.


So coming back to the point for this post then, this is what I am trying to say and the bottom line. We should all try to research a program for ourselves. Only we know our unique situation and our own family's needs and wants. Reviews are great but we should always take them with a grain of salt and try to see through the comments to see whether what is mentioned would apply to our own given situation.


I hope I have clarified adequately what I was trying to say. I do not want anyone thinking that I would push SL or TOG or any curriculum on anyone. I am the first to always agree that there is no one program for everyone and our decision has to be based on our family's needs. I therefore hope that there are no misunderstandings or hard feelings with anyone. This was not my intention and if I have created any bad feelings then I sincerely apologize.

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I've enjoyed this thread. Thanks ;) Here's my 2cents!


TIME and DEPTH: Well, we never finish in a year either ;) In fact, this year we have switched to completing 2 TOG weeks in 3 calendar weeks. It will draw out our 4year cycle, but it allows for the depth necessary for my D students (I have 3 in D) to make the connections across the board. After a full year of D, I am greatly impressed with my boys' ability to make the connections across the board. We are really hitting hard discussion time now and I find I am only doing about 30% of the discussion now. This skill alone, encouraged by answering the questions and using much of the reading list, has me confident they will be successful in high school and college. VERY worth it for me.


RELIGIOUS/SECULAR We use TOG fully (lit, hist, geo, writing (supplementary for us), church history and worldview. We are Protestant, but not the Somerville's brand. Most of what is there we can get through. There have been some Church History selections in particular I have not agreed with from theological perspective, but I can honestly say, for our family, this was a great time to engrain what we believe and show them why biblically, we differ. I would say this curriculum could offend Orthodox or Catholic users b/c it is clearly Protestant.

Having said that, other than Year 1 (clearly b/c it is so intently Old Testament times), I would think this very easy to secularlize. Just leave out the Church History and Worldview. Most of the Cores are secular and classical literature is easy enough to depict. I actually thought they handled American colonization in a very balanced fashion by not just pushing the, "Christians came here" mantra I often see, but by also truly hitting on the other high percentages of early settlers and the purpose of Religious Freedom, which also includes lack of Religion under the Freedom Banner.


EXPENSE: I may be one of the brokest home schoolers you know :) and we use TOG. I have found the library and ILL to be a great friend. I just order 2 weeks before I need books and I have them on time. I have also been able to purchase spines only at used prices. I probably spend $20 a month on TOG books. Not always b/c I have to (I have a great library system), but for convenience. I generally limit my purchases to spines I will need for more than 6 weeks (only a few) or the literature selections I find for dirt cheap! TOG can be costly, but it doesn't have to. Also, don't forget, although SL is a sweet plan for Grammar stage, TOG is light, easy to implement and certainly enough to introduce topics. For me, since I have a heavy load with my older students, I actually appreciate the easy load of TOG Grammar stages. I spend about 30m a day with the LG/UG gang. This includes history, lit, geo and church history.


HIGH SCHOOL: Probably the best preparation for college I will ever use. Hands down. If you plan on heading for college, then I can't suggest this program enough.


SELF LEARNING: Using this program has created organized students in my house. The gift is priceless.


Just piping in. HTH someone. It doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't have to be crazy teacher load. It can be so much more than history, which is definitely more appreciated as your children enter middle and high schools.

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I must say though Tina, as somebody that does not have the greatest Library system to count on, you are lucky ;). While living in the Middle East we had no access to libraries and so not only had to order any books we wanted to use we also had to pay hefty shipping costs. Now that we are back in Canada we still have to order the bulk of what we need because of a poor library system. OK, I will admit I haven't yet researched to see if I can find the TOG books but many many other hs books I have tried to find I have been unable to. The other day I was looking for Spalding’s book The Writing Road to Reading. I was fortunate that they had this one copy in about 10 or more libraries in our system and so I put it on hold at the end of December but will not be getting it before Feb. 3rd.

To explain about my comment with SL, what I intend to do is at least get the items like IG's and such that I really need directly from SL. The rest we shall see! We really need to cut costs also. We cannot afford what we did while in the Middle East but I am committed to find a way to get what I want/ need for my children because they are priority. Hubby and I will sacrifice whatever we need from ourselves to get what we need for them.

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Tina after your post here and your post in the: Fill in the blank: "I can't believe someone pays that much for ___ !" thread and even though I haven't been very successful in finding teacher homeschool resource type books in our library system I decided to try and see if I can find the TOG and SL books. Well, it seems I am finding at least 90% of the SL books and quite a few of the TOG books for Year 1 LG (that we will be starting in the fall) that we have not purchased yet :hurray:. You are about to save us a lot of money. Now I just need to see when I will start in the fall so that I don't run into others having them when I need them ;). OK, so I am not used to thinking library after living overseas for 11 years :p! Thank you so much for the suggestion/ recommendation.



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1. Training kids. Teaching kids how to plan their work and work their plan is an important middle-school skill. It takes a ton of time, but it is time well spent in 6th/7th/8th grade. TOG is a great tool for that because it doesn't lay everything out in bite sized pieces. It requires the student to plan and then move through their work in order to prepare for that face-time with Mom - think college and life. But it will initially require more work from you in order to train them to do that. I think that it is/was worth it. But you have to decide that for yourself.:001_smile:


SELF LEARNING: Using this program has created organized students in my house. The gift is priceless.


One of my goals is to teach my oldest these very organizational and study skills. What tips can you share on how to teach this? How much do you assign to your D level child each week? Does he/she have a day planner of some sort?

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