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*sigh* I am hiding. I hate having house guests.

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I love having house guests. I particularly love the idea of having house guests. I like the idea of being welcoming, of meeting new people, of inviting others to share our home.


But I hate making small talk with strangers. I am horribly bad at it. Dh says I am good at it, but I am shy and I feel awkward and it drains me.


Our Japanese student's father is visiting. I love her, she is darling. Her father is very polite, speaks English well, and is a little bit shy too. I've been chatting with him since they arrived at our house after a short trip to another city, I've made coffee, gave him the newspaper and complimented his lovely daughter. The conversation is fine, we're enjoying visiting. But he started talking gadget talk to dh and I've escaped for just a few minutes, lol. (Dh knew exactly what I was doing and understands.)


Please tell me I am not the only one who feels this way!


The funny thing is I just poked my head out and our guest has headed to his room for a bit. I suspect he's doing the same thing. ;) Obviously I'm not the only one.



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Even though I'm more sociable than unsociable, I still need alone time each day, too, after being around people all day.


Maybe if I were more comfortable sitting with someone in companionable silence it would be easier. But I feel a need to fill the silence with talk, and that wears me out after awhile.

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Having to be on for strangers or even family members is very draining!!!


I'm suffering through this right now... very much wishing I could hide. My mom and stepdad are here. My mom is fine; however, my stepdad grates on my nerves (and my mother's!), so having him around has been difficult for all of us. I'm praying for patience practically every hour.


I am longing for early Sunday morning, when I can bring them to the airport and have our home back. It makes me feel awful because I really enjoy having my mom visit. She's not the same when my stepdad is around though, and I'm tired of hearing their fighting/bickering because he cannot get along with anyone. Ever.


Anyway, sorry to vent... You are definitely not alone in wanting your space! I hope it gets better for you soon!

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I'm with you. I love the idea of hospitality and all that. I hate hate hate having people in my house. My house is my place of peace (relatively speaking, having kids and all) and my refuge from the cold cruel world. So I have learned not to have houseguests if I can avoid it.





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I'm like that, too. It's one of the things I liked about having nursing babies/babies needing sleep routines. It gave me a natural "out" during our extended family parties or at our beach house that we share with the in-laws. I really liked that I had a perfectly good excuse to beg off from the endless socializing.

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I love having house guests. I particularly love the idea of having house guests. I like the idea of being welcoming, of meeting new people, of inviting others to share our home.


But I hate making small talk with strangers. I am horribly bad at it. Dh says I am good at it, but I am shy and I feel awkward and it drains me.


Our Japanese student's father is visiting. I love her, she is darling. Her father is very polite, speaks English well, and is a little bit shy too. I've been chatting with him since they arrived at our house after a short trip to another city, I've made coffee, gave him the newspaper and complimented his lovely daughter. The conversation is fine, we're enjoying visiting. But he started talking gadget talk to dh and I've escaped for just a few minutes, lol. (Dh knew exactly what I was doing and understands.)


Please tell me I am not the only one who feels this way!


The funny thing is I just poked my head out and our guest has headed to his room for a bit. I suspect he's doing the same thing. ;) Obviously I'm not the only one.




Cat, as you can see from the responses, your are not the only one. :)


I enjoy extending hospitality. But it does drain me. However, I find the better I know someone, the less it drains me. So, when making a new friend, I keep that in mind.


I also find I get drained by being around mobs of strangers. Like yesterday, I took all of the children to the mall by myself. Dsd wanted to 'hang out' with a friend. I lugged all three boys around a huge mall for two hours while dsd and her friend went off together. The boys had fun, dsd and her friend had fun. Me; well, I put on a good face for the kids. When we met up to leave, dsd asked me 'Are you ok?!' Apparently I looked a bit pale, LOL. I told her, 'Well, that almost killed me'. :D Hope that girl can see how much I love her... :tongue_smilie: I fell asleep in bed with Zee when I tucked him in, I was so tired.


Today, we are staying in. :)

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I totally feel your pain.


I love the idea of Southern Hospitality and having cakes and pies and sweet iced tea and lots of free flowing gregarious conversation . . . but I have such ridiculously stunted social skills and I'm such a social introvert. It just isn't happening.


We had three get-togethers over Christmas, and I spent a significant portion of all three of them hiding either in my bedroom or in the bathroom. Everyone probably thinks I have severe IBS :001_huh: . . . but I really just needed a break.:lol:

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