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knitting plans for 2010?

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So, my kids are each getting one sock for Christmas. The matches will go much faster once I can work in front of them.


I'm also doing secret sock knitting--for dh. I just started the second sock last night. :eek: So he'll be getting just one sock as well.




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Heheh. I have one of these, but mine is made from woolen cloth and takes much less time to make than knitting! They are VERY warm!



Rosie- hoping to learn to knit lace one day!



Ooh, great idea for a quick fix! I will probably still knit one . . . eventually.




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OOH! Love them, Firefly!


I've got some stash yarn that would be PERFECT for this! You may have solved my dilemma about what to get Ray's grandmother for Christmas!


Knit on, ladies!




Excellent! I'm glad I could help!


Really loving this thread. We should have more knitting threads. :D

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You all are inspiring me! Since we moved to Arizona this summer, I haven't been much in the mood to knit (for some reason, it's a "winter, snow-on-the-ground"-type thing for me). I am going to check out some of the links you posted and try to get back on the knitting wagon :)

check out the Mason Dixon books. There's a ton of cotton knitting going on in there that's cute and fun.

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Another thing I do is knit while we're traveling to dog shows. Dh drives, and dd is in the back seat looking out the window or listening to her iPod or drawing, so she's not really paying any attention to what I"m doing. I can also sort of shield the project with my body. Then when we stop, it goes back in the bag before I get out of the car. I get carsick if I read in a car, but I can knit just fine, so I'm able to get a lot of my knitting done on the long drives to dog shows.



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You are an inspiration!


I am a beginning knitter who loves to knit patterns. There is just something about the repeated patterns that is soothing to my mathematical soul. Last night as my husband and I watched a DVD I knitted more than half of a feather and fan cotton dishcloth. I love the feather and fan look and thought I'd try this as a sample with the thought of making a lacy scarf in this pattern down the road.


Perhaps 2010 will be the year I learn to knit socks. Double points intimidate me. There, I have said it.



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so like I cast on a pair of socks and knit 4 inches tonight. I needed to feel clever, and I did. I can still wrestle a pointy octopus and make a pair of socks. Spiral Tube Socks in Kids Knitting by Melanie Falick. My kids love those socks and I love them because they always fit even when their feet sprout and inch or two overnight. Yee Haaah, socks!


Don't you just love feeling clever? I made leg warmers for my daughter using that pattern. Instead of knitting a toe I just knit another cuff. She loves them!


I'm making the cap shawl from Victorian Lace Today in green Zephyr wool/silk.

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JANE! That's wonderful!!! Congratulations! I'm no inspiration-- YOU are your inspiration! Look what you accomplished! See? It's like my mom says-- Find a pattern that you love and then GO FOR IT! Isn't it a great feeling to look down and think, WOW! I MADE that! I love Feather and Fan too. It's so versatile, and so pretty.


Don't be intimidated by double points. All they do is just lay over each other to make a circle of knitting, a tube rather than a flat piece of fabric. You just knit all the stitches off one needle with your free needle, then the one that was just part of the circle is free (because you've knit all the stitches off from it) and you just knit the stitches off the next needle to the left. Round and round you go, and before you know it, you've got a sock or a mitten or a cuff all done! Don't let all those points intimidate you!


You'll be knitting socks and lace shawls before you know it.



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Don't you just love feeling clever? I made leg warmers for my daughter using that pattern. Instead of knitting a toe I just knit another cuff. She loves them!


I'm making the cap shawl from Victorian Lace Today in green Zephyr wool/silk.


OOOH! I LOVE Cap Shawl! It's one of my favorite VLT projects! I've done several from the book, and Cap Shawl is always one that I WANT to start! it will be gorgeous in green--- post pictures!



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