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what do you think of these names?

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Monday I am scheduled for a c-section. WOOT WOOT. I am so done with pregnancy! Anyway we have a girl name picked that we are pretty dead set on and a boy that we like. What does the hive think?


Laina Olivia: Means pathway to truth or pathway to the olive tree or knowledge depending on the interpretation.

Do you think everyone under the sun will hear her as Elaina?


Boy first name: Issac with either the middle name of Parker, Spencer, Everett or Finlay.

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I have a friend named Laine who gets mistaken for Lana (written) or Alaina (spoken) sometimes; I'd see that probably happening to a Laina, too. But so many names get butchered, so who cares :) it's a lovely name, both in sound and in translation.


I have an inlaw whose initials are I.P. ... I guess he made it through childhood without being teased about this, but I always get a kick out of it. Admittedly, I am immature when it comes to humor but I insisted that none of our children have a first name that began with the letter C, letter I, or letter P (given our last name beginning with letter P). So I'd skip Isaac Parker, even though it flows off of the tongue very nicely.

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Monday I am scheduled for a c-section. WOOT WOOT. I am so done with pregnancy! Anyway we have a girl name picked that we are pretty dead set on and a boy that we like. What does the hive think?


Laina Olivia: Means pathway to truth or pathway to the olive tree or knowledge depending on the interpretation.

Do you think everyone under the sun will hear her as Elaina?


Boy first name: Issac with either the middle name of Parker, Spencer, Everett or Finlay.


I love Laina and especially Issac. You may have to correct people, but those are great names.

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I have an inlaw whose initials are I.P. ... I guess he made it through childhood without being teased about this, but I always get a kick out of it. Admittedly, I am immature when it comes to humor but I insisted that none of our children have a first name that began with the letter C, letter I, or letter P (given our last name beginning with letter P). So I'd skip Isaac Parker, even though it flows off of the tongue very nicely.


:lol: If we used Isaac Parker his initails would be I.P.T. I bet all the young guys would get a kick out of that! Still though it is one of my favorite combinations.


Thanks for everyones suggestions. We have had Laina picked out since the begining and it wasnt until yesterday when I said the name to a friend that I saw the potential for mistakes. I am still not sure where I stand on that. LOL I better figure that one out by Monday.


As for Issac vs. Isaac. That was my spelling error. It is Isaac spelled the traditional way, I just cant type and/or spell most days. :)

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I think they are both very very nice -- and best best wishes for an easy delivery, an uneventful recovery and plenty of help at home! :)


We have an 'Eden' -- it is usually not heard as Eden when someone is told her name, no biggie -- the confusion is cleared up quickly. She now responds: 'It's a little name for a little girl - E.D.E.N' and she is, in fact, a petite little thing --:)


Use the name you LOVE!:001_smile:

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