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OK, I give up. What DO I want for Christmas?

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Hive, you have GOT to help me!!!


I need to make a Christmas list for dh and the kids by tomorrow. And this is pathetic - but I'm struggling with what to put on it!


Gifts need to be not too expensive (no Kindles!), maybe under $25 or so. I'm a pretty plain Jane kinda girl, not real fancy with jewelry etc. If I get one more smelly bath product I may scream. Dh is being sweet - he asked for a list so he can help.


The things I'd REALLY like - you know, a weekend to scrapbook and get caught up on my pictures, a nice digital camera, time in the house with no kids etc. etc. - are just not in the picture.


So, what do you want for YOU this Christmas. Give me some ideas!

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I just went and bought myself what I wanted today. Does that sound terrible or what? But it's been one of those crazy years with everyone sick and dh not being able to find the time to take the kids shopping. So I had fun! Nothing terribly exciting, but good enough for me!


bread pans--$5

glasses (drinking kind)--$10

black socks--$3


scrapbook stickers--$3

black binders for scrapbooking--$5


And then I told dh he has to get me at least one surprise. What I really want is a basket/crate on wheels to use when I go to the library (and I told him so...so I guess it wouldn't really be a surprise).


Hope you've come up with some things to put on your list! Just think of all that you'd love to pick up while you're at Target and imagine throwing it into your cart. Wow...anything you want! CD, DVD that you'd like, any books you want, new calendar, label-maker, watch, gloves, scarf, slippers, picture frames, bathroom towels, candle....

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You want a gift certificate to Creative Memories.


You also want a pair of those new gardening gloves that are made of the spiffy silicone stuff that is practically puncture proof.


A new rolling pin, a pair of laths, and a copy of "Cookie Craft: From Baking to Luster Dust." If you don't like to bake, just ask for the book but no tools and treat it as an art book to read and admire. That's what I do.


You would also like a one year subscription to Knitters or to Handwoven (if you are me). And from Schoolhouse Press, you would like their tool kit (check it out--if you're a knitter or crocheter you will love this. And it's very compact and also certified to be able to be carried onto planes.)


And in addition, for your listening pleasure, if you like hymns you would like one of the collections of Paul Manz's hymn variations. I recommend Collection 1, which includes some of his most stirring works--"God of Grace and God of Glory" being one of them. Collection 3 is quite topical, though--all Advent and Christmas selections (maybe some Epiphany ones as well.)


You would also like some very good fudge that is just for you, not for sharing.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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bathtimesmilie.gif But, can't since the tub doesn't hold water :glare:.


hidingsmiliegif.gif from a few responsibilities and let someone else take care of them without getting in trouble.


shakingcomputersmiliegif.gif to my Mac that's been out for a couple of months.


massagesmiliegif.gif would be really nice, but wishful thinking.


I'd settle for this caravanholidaysmiliegif.gif.




Oh, you mean realistically? How about the family doing this YouAreTheWoman.gif then giving you certificates for time alone to scrapbook, catch up on your photos, or just bedtimesmilie.gif.

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A basic MP3 player (iPod not necessary) because the library is no longer buying books-on-CD. I don't need bells-and-whistles, just enough to download things to listen to.


A new flannel nightgown.


An interesting cookbook.


From what he's wrapped so far, I think that's what I'm getting!

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magazine subscriptions


anything on my amazon.com list


stainless steel serving utensils


swivel for putting the net swing in the ceiling


plants - any kind


I had to come up with an inexpensive list too. Who knows if I'll even get anything off there but at least they can't say they didn't know what to get me. :D

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I saw some great scarves at Target this weekend - super soft and great colors. I think they were $15.


I have been meaning to try a new nail polish, Sally Hansen Insta-dri. It is suppose to go on in one coat and dry in 60 seconds.


Make up? Lip balm? Hand lotin for your car? I love Neutrogena Moisture Shine lip gloss in color #20-Dreamy.


New sweater? New boots - more than $25, but you are worth it.


Favorite tea or coffee?


How about a meal planning service. You could ask for a subscription to e-mealz.com.


Magazine subscription? Book gift certificate? Movie tickets?


That's all I got.

Hope you have a fabulous holiday!

Edited by Ferdie
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How about a collage picture frame...I have one on my list and it's about $25 and holds 15 pics.


Some new stickers, glue-I've heard the Martha Stewart glue is really nice and comes out in a very thin line.


Some MP3's of your favourite inspirational person/s to motivate you in whatever area you need motivation.


New office supplies-like some nice pens or a fancy stapler


A multi-visit pass to a recreation centre. We can buy any # of visits where we live. Perfect for any budget, as well as post Christmas exercise.


A new exercise video-if that's your thing, or some new weights or a pogo stick. I've always wanted a pogo stick. :D


Stock up on chocolate supplies for those stressful moments.;)



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