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Food allergy testing - AGAIN

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DS9 had scratch tests done today. He's been allergic to different foods since birth. Gradually, he's outgrown everything but peanuts and tree nuts. But, lately, he's been having random hives and his lips and tongue have been swelling randomly. So, we took him back in.


Well, he's now allergic to peanuts, all tree nuts (except cashews and pistachios), sweet potato (this is something I've just added to our diet), rice, and barley.


The sweet potato reaction was worse than the peanuts and tree nuts! How is one THAT allergic to sweet potato!? He never liked them. I'd make him take one bite though. (I bet those were the nights he had the "random" reactions. Dr said that the next reaction could've been the anaphlyctic one given the strength of his reaction on the skin test.)) And, rice???!!! He's NEVER liked rice. I'll never doubt his insticts again. (He used to be anaphlyctic to egg and would SCREAM if he had anything with egg in it in his mouth. Then, he'd stop breathing! Ack.)


I'm so discouraged. I feel like we've taken a step backward. I'm sad for him too. All he asked for for Christmas this year was not to have his allergies anymore.




After Christmas we're going to do an oral challenge in the office of cashews and pistachios. He's SOOOO looking forward to it!


Anyone else been there? I could just use some hugs and encouragement right now.

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My ds' issues are not nearly as severe as your poor ds', but he cannot have milk products at all. As he's gotten older he's felt sadder and more left out. He'd love to taste cheese on his pizza just once. My heart always breaks for him--he's so good about policing his food, and he's really not a complainer. He'd just like to be like everyone else and not have to be careful.


My heart goes out to your dear, dear son and to your family, who walk this journey with him.



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Oh, the poor kid.:grouphug:


DS9 had scratch tests done today. He's been allergic to different foods since birth. Gradually, he's outgrown everything but peanuts and tree nuts. But, lately, he's been having random hives and his lips and tongue have been swelling randomly. So, we took him back in.


Well, he's now allergic to peanuts, all tree nuts (except cashews and pistachios), sweet potato (this is something I've just added to our diet), rice, and barley.


The sweet potato reaction was worse than the peanuts and tree nuts! How is one THAT allergic to sweet potato!? He never liked them. I'd make him take one bite though. (I bet those were the nights he had the "random" reactions. Dr said that the next reaction could've been the anaphlyctic one given the strength of his reaction on the skin test.)) And, rice???!!! He's NEVER liked rice. I'll never doubt his insticts again. (He used to be anaphlyctic to egg and would SCREAM if he had anything with egg in it in his mouth. Then, he'd stop breathing! Ack.)


I'm so discouraged. I feel like we've taken a step backward. I'm sad for him too. All he asked for for Christmas this year was not to have his allergies anymore.




After Christmas we're going to do an oral challenge in the office of cashews and pistachios. He's SOOOO looking forward to it!


Anyone else been there? I could just use some hugs and encouragement right now.

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I lived in a house a few years ago that had a mold infestation after a flooding. BAD mold infestation - the CDC had to come and everything (military).


Anyway - I got really sick (duh). During that time, my allergist did various rounds of prick testing on me. What I would test "positive" to would change depending on the day (literally). One time, I was just so bloody sick, I didn't test positive to ANYTHING - not even the "control", or penicillin, which I've been horribly allergic to all of my life - my immune system had just given up the ghost.


All of that to say that my allergist finally threw up his hands and said that, although I was obviously part of the issue, he was convinced my environment (not my foods) was what was wrecking havoc with my allergies.


Sure enough: we moved and they all went away. Until I had to re-start a particular medication and got 2 back, but that's another story...


(The same thing happened to the daughter of a friend of mine - one of the places they lived, the daughter was allergic to everything. They moved - nothing. The immune system is so weird.)




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We're going through similar here with numbers going up, growing out of one thing, into another, unexplained reactions, reflux, eczema, and allergic eosinophili esophagitis.


I'm curious about the nuts though as to why the oral challenge since nuts are likely cross contaminated with other nuts anyway?


Have you looked into cross reactions and oral allergy syndrome as well? My oldest was tested for 35 foods and was "positive" to 27 of them.


My ds had and failed an in office oral challenge to egg last year.


Just when you think you have the allergies figured out they change. Try to focus on the foods he can eat safely, but always be prepared just in case. I hope someday they have a cure for our kids.


IMHO I would be a little leery of trying cashews and pistachios since there might be cross contimation, but, again, I am definitely not a doctor. My ds is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts and I am really of the opinion at this time that he should stay away from all tree nuts even if it turns out he is not allergic to some.

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We just did skin testing which was discouraging too.


I really question the wisdom and usefulness of doing an oral challenge of the two negative nuts. My son is negative to only two nuts as well. But an allergy to one tree nut is an allergy to all because of cross-contamination. In fact my son's anaphylactic reaction was to one of two nuts he isn't allergic to (probably x'd with cashew).


Also, cashew and pistachio are the two most serious nut allergies in terms of severity of reaction. If he just sensitized to sweet potato and he is allergic to every other tree nut I can't imagine feeding him either of those nuts. Particularly since a negative food challenge when you're dealing with other tree nuts means basically nothing in terms of what he can eat. You couldn't pay me to oral challenge my son on his two "safe" nuts.


If you really want to know I'd do a RAST. Those numbers will show you something about sensitivity to the nuts without actually exposing him to them. He still couldn't eat them but you'd have the information anyway.

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