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I completed Couch25K today!

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I completed Couch 25K today in sweltering heat. It's 81 where I live and feels like 89. Yucko.

My story began when I attended a homeschool convention in May 09. A couple of days after I returned I felt like I had wounds all over my legs and thighs. I was completely out of shape. The distance from my hotel room to the van was about 1/2 mile round trip. A couple of times I left something in the van. I must have walked a total of 10 miles that weekend.

I decided to start walking to get in better shape that week. I walked one hour a day no matter how hot it was or if it looked like it would rain or whatever. I went back in the house to check on the kids every 15 minutes. I live in a circular development that is 1/2 mile. If anyone had an argument or complaint their consequence was that they would have to walk with me and keep up with me. If it was blistering hot I would let them ride their bike. My child who tends to be the most challenging only suffered the consequence three or four times. :D

I lost 14 lbs. I started my boys running laps in July or August. I didn't want them to every be in the pitiful shape that I was in. In September I noticed I stopped losing weight and that my heart rate was not raising any longer. I decided to run and I ran for about 20 seconds a couple of time. I felt like I was going to perish. When I got home I felt great and very high! I was hooked! I started Couch 25K on 9/14/09. I did have some complications as far as asthma. My asthma doctor recommended that I use my bronchodilator inhaler 1/2 hour before I run and to let him know if that didn't work. That only worked for two or three runs. So now I also take Singulair at bedtime. I had to repeat some weeks and finished the program in 13 weeks instead of 9 weeks. Whatever. Who cares? I don't.

I've never been in shape. My mind is more clear. I got rid of a lot of clutter in my house. An injury to my ulnar nerve improved. I think running facilitated that by improving circulation to that nerve.

I ran a 5 K slowly on Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to run another one next month. My 10 y/o son runs the 5Ks with me. Fun!

I'm more confident now. I was the girl in P.E. who watched everyone else and wished I could be more athletic. Exercise induced asthma probably slowed me down as well as just not being in any kind of shape.

I'm not as afraid of the very sick patients who come involuntarily to be admitted at my job either. I work as an admissions nurse in a psychiatric hospital. I know I could still get hurt but I'm not as afraid, you know?

My next goal is to increase my distance and to become a one hour runner.

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Congrats!!! That is an inspiring story!!! Keep it up!!! Now, I need to get back to that hour a day walking, before I consider running....Running is so awkward and uncomfortable for me...Not a lot of fun....While jogging the voice in my head is saying things like I hate this, or I'd rather be fat. I'm not even that much overweight. I could stand to lose 10 or 15 pounds. Can I do this? How do I shut that I hate this voice up, when running!!!!????

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Congrats!!! That is an inspiring story!!! Keep it up!!! Now, I need to get back to that hour a day walking, before I consider running....Running is so awkward and uncomfortable for me...Not a lot of fun....While jogging the voice in my head is saying things like I hate this, or I'd rather be fat. I'm not even that much overweight. I could stand to lose 10 or 15 pounds. Can I do this? How do I shut that I hate this voice up, when running!!!!????


Lynn, maybe give yourself a little reward here and there and make a goal for yourself. At some point I bought cute wicking running shorts, wicking tops in colors I liked, a colorful watch, one song from iTunes a week for my OntheGo running playlist. At another point I threw away all of my fat clothes and bought some new outfits. Being a Christian, when things got real tough I would say this scripture out loud, "I can do all things thru Christ which strengtheneth me" Phil. 4:13 KJV. Running is all mental. You have to replace the ugly voices and lies with something pure and noteworthy and of good report. If I can do this with crappy lungs you probably can too.


You look like you're in good shape to me from your picture! Great job! You really stuck with it and must be so proud. :)


Thanks pack of fun. I sure didn't start out that way. lol



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Our temp is up to 30' this morning, but it feels colder with the windchill:001_huh:. 81' sounds absolutely divine! I can hardly imagine going out without bundling up today.


I might be a little green with envy, enjoy your celebration!

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Congratulations on such a wonderful accomplishment!


Your post came at a great time for me, as both my older dds have chosen not to participate in a sport this coming term. I've just told them they will then participate in the Couch25K program! As an incentive, I will do the program with them. They both know they can outrun me. :lol:


They are both comfortable mile runners and participate in children's races, but I haven't been able to get them to the next level. This is a perfect time and program for doing that. They will have to run a 5K at the end in order to complete the program. I think they will enjoy it more than they currently realize.


Thanks again for the post!

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You're welcome. Melissa that sounds like a great idea.

Sarah Palin was recently interviewed by Runners World magazine. Palin is a short distance runner. She grew up in a running family. It was an encouraging article. I think you would enjoy the article, regardless of whether you like her or not. The picture that Newsweek magazine used was from a photo shoot with RW magazine. I really enjoyed reading the article.

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WOW! that is inspiring! I was on my way, but only had 2 weeks down before I had to stop because of family issues (my MIL died, she lives 6 hours away and we had to travel) I plan on starting this again after Christmas though. Thanks for the encouragement, sometimes it just helps to know it can be done, others have done it before you.

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I'm sorry your m-i-law passed away. :grouphug:

Become my WTM friend, Free Indeed, and drop me a line when you start. I love running talk. :)

The C25K forum was of great help to me at coolrunning.com. You can join a thread with folks who start 'round about the same you start the program. It's so encouraging to go thru others who are start with you and end with you.

Edited by Karen FL
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:hurray: Congratulations!!! :hurray:


I'm on Week 3. And have been for about two weeks. :lol: Will be back on the pavement tomorrow morning!! I originally started in late Spring. Then it started getting hot and since I HATE the summer heat, I stopped the program. I am definitely a cold weather runner!!!


Lynn ~ I've always hated running too but the Ct5K really eases you into it. And I totally agree with Karen, there is a total "high" after I finish the walk/run!! It's also MY time. There's something about putting on some music and taking off. It's hard to describe but when I do the jog intervals it's almost like as I jog, I'm running away from it all and feel powerful.

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Thanks, Heather. I so understand what you mean when you say you HATE the summer heat.


I lost a mole this summer due to the summer heat. May the mole RIP. I got a heat rash and I think I was scratching my neck in my sleep. I came in from a run to take a shower. I scratched the heat rash on my neck. When I took off my sweaty shirt blood was running down my chest. I had scratched off a mole! It was a very bloody event! I just checked to see if it grew back yet. Nope. Ha ha.


Yep, C25K is a gentle program. I turned on my iPod and then the Couch25K app on my iPhone. A lady tells you when to run and when to walk. I think it was $1.99. I like your description of running away from it all. I don't feel like that because my children usually join me for part of the run by running, riding their scooters, or riding their bikes.

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Congratulations! What an inspiring story! I love that you pulled your kids into your new goals with you. DD7 has agreed to jog with me in the mornings (at this point, she can probably outlast me :glare:), but I really need to get us both started on it. Thanks for sharing with us!

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You go girl! I am so impressed with your story, especially because you were doing it in the Florida heat. I am such a pansy, always using the weather as an excuse to not get outside and walk. Too hot, too cold, too cloudy - what if it rains??, etc. :) Thanks for sharing this with us. I am going to check out this program.

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The iPod app I have has an option to load in music from your library. When you need to change from walking to running there is a short pause, the person says, "run", and then the music starts again.


I don't feel like that because my children usually join me for part of the run by running, riding their scooters, or riding their bikes.

I have to have music when I run which means the ear buds. Because I am focused on what I'm doing to keep going (the distraction Lynn mentioned) I can't engage with them if they come along. I also use the time for just me. Maybe it's because I'm an only child..lol..I MUST have a bit of time in the morning to myself before I get going.

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You go girl! I am so impressed with your story, especially because you were doing it in the Florida heat. I am such a pansy, always using the weather as an excuse to not get outside and walk. Too hot, too cold, too cloudy - what if it rains??, etc. :) Thanks for sharing this with us. I am going to check out this program.

Thanks! Let us know how it goes if you do it. If you can get past 30 days you might get hooked and not care about any excuse. I am so excited on my running days.

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