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Where are you on your list?

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Tonight I need to complete Swiss Colony orders, do money and bills and make note to order prescriptions refills before the end of the month because our insurance changes nest year and prescriptions can't be transferred.


All presents are ordered and coming on a daily basis.


They all still need to be wrapped.


House decorated today thanks to the teens.


I have a few last minute errands to run for stocking stuffers, white elephant gift and some holiday food items.


WE are making stained glass Christmas ornaments, gingerbread house and doing holiday baking.


Next week I have dleivery of the dryer my kids, brother and hubby threw in to get for my birthday and then later in the week my hubby managed to get someone to install my bathroom tiles.


We have some people coming to buy stuff off Craig's list, a dentist appt. and two physical therapy appts. I have to pick up hubby from the airport on Tues.


One week of school left, mostly exams. :glare:


I have to pack everything up and make a trip to AL next weekend to deliver baby stuff to son.


I want to clean before I go so I come home to a clean house.


Then pack up family for trip to dd's in GA the week of Christmas. I have to pack family, presents, food, games, dog (his cage, food and other stuff), sleeping bags, pillows and blankets. She is going to have a house full and this is her first year hosting so I am taking a lot of stuff. Two cars to make the trip.


My dd from TX flies in the day before we drive to GA and I have a pdoc appt that same day.


Grandbaby is due Dec. 30th so also a trip in there somewhere for a birth.


I feel like I have got most everything done but that sure looks like a lot when I put it in writing. Oh, and I have two sleeping over tonight because one is moving permanantly on Sunday and the other is Jewish and Hanukkah starts tomorrow. Luckily, I have my bottle of butterscoth schnapps by my side so hopefully, I will make it through the night.

Edited by KidsHappen
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It's a first for us, most of the packages are mailed out west. Yea! But the house looks like Santa's workshop other than an advent wreath and calendars. Tomorrow is clean up and make a few little presents to take with us visiting on Sunday. And ds is going to a sledding party but his snow boots are too small and his sister's are too small and Dad's are too big. We only have two places to shop so I'll say a prayer now. I guess it'll be Tuesday before, oh wait, that's Lessons and Carols and on it goes. I guess I should tell Santa to bring a tree. :)

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All the gifts are purchased and I began wrapping today.

We had our tree up and decorated until it fell over and for the life of me I can't figure out how to get it back up. So, it's been disassembled and my bedroom now looks like a pine forest.

The lights our up outside and house is decorated inside except for the tree (see above).

We've baked countless cookies and passed them out to all our friends, neighbors and friendly neighborhood dogs.

Our first holiday performance was two Sundays ago, one down three to go.

Our first holiday party is tomorrow.

Christmas pictures have been taken.

Christmas cards have been created, printed and picked up.


Still to do:

Celebrate St. Lucia.

Finish wrapping presents.

Write Christmas letter.

Get cards and gifts mailed.

Decorate sugar cookies with friends.

Winter Solstice party.


And the list goes on....


The thing is that I love every single one of the things we've done and the things we've yet to do (except for one - see tree issue above). Tis the season to be jolly!

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Well, things are in bad shape here. I don't even have a list. I have to work tomorrow, so LA LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!

:iagree: Me too! And my dd's birthday is this week. I can not do more than one big thing at a time. This is my list...

Work tonight

Roman-themed birthday party for a bunch of 8 &9 year olds tomorrow early after noon.

Somebody is supposed to pick up my mom at the airport - tomorrow.

I work tomorrow right after the party

Off on Sunday for dd's real birthday so at her mercy all day.

School Christmas party the 17th.

Attending a wedding the 17th.

doing something until the 20th when my brother and his family show up for Christmas.

sometime before then I need to decide what everyone is getting for christmas and order and wrap it, plan the meals for 10 people for 2 weeks, make ski school and ski-condo reservations, find out how we are going to transport 10 people in my cars that only seat 9 people total. figure out what we are doing with the dogs and the chickens while we are at the ski condo. Oh and figure out how i'm paying for all of that. :D

Oh and I don't have a tree yet. and we're the only house on the block without Christmas lights. and.......


la la la la la - I can't hear you. Tomorrow, I'm going to work. Thats all I know.

Edited by Karen in CO
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~Almost done xmas shopping, have to pick up 1-2 small things for dd10, my folks, my bil and my 2 little cousins and stocking stuffers.

~Nothing is wrapped yet.

~Xmas party tomorrow night.

~Decorated at my folks already, not sure if I will bother here since we are doing xmas at their place again.

~Old fashioned xmas on the 22nd at Fort Edmonton with the extended family.

~Already went out with the kids too see our favorite decorated house when it was still spring like temperatures.

~ picked up med refills yesterday

~ paying bills and Jan rent tonight to get it over with before I forget.

~no baking done yet, we will see how much baking we eat at tomorrow night's party and then decide if I want to risk the calories/sugar doing more baking.

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Where I'm at is that I'd like to crawl in a den for a long winter nap!!!


Tuesday I have a hysterectomy scheduled so I'll be done with all Christmas preparations when I leave home that morning.


What's done--


I have a freezer full of freezer meals and I did my last cooking tonight (a spiral sliced ham we can eat off of this weekend).


Typed up a schedule for my husband for the next two weeks so he can get kids to and from school, finals, ballet, jazz class, band, jazz band, youth group, Awana, flute choir, junior high band, worship band, 4-H and assorted Christmas parties. This ought to be good. :lol:


All gifts bought and about half wrapped. Stocking stuffers ready to go. My daughter and I were going to sew a tote bag for my mom and I purposely saved the project for this week thinking it would be fun. I came down with a bad cold and it doesn't sound fun so it will wait until after.


Enough baking that we'll at least have some homemade treats with our Christmas Eve spread. I have roast beef for sandwiches in the freezer and everything else will be appetizers that the kids either make or buy.


Four days of independent work nearly planned for my daughter next week. I still need to put together a fraction review and will be hitting up the internet because what's in her book is too disjointed.


What's left--


MAJOR cleaning--living room, kitchen, and bathrooms. If I had more money and less clutter, I'd seriously be calling in some cleaning help.


Put away Christmas boxes


Laundry lesson for my 13 year old


Card and newsletters--not gonna happen before Christmas


Poking/prodding/tutoring my oldest for finals preparation, especially in chemistry. It must be a mom thing, but I'm more worried about them oversleeping and not getting him to final exams on time than I am about the surgery.


Buy more rabbit food and other errands

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