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With all the "female" questions going around.....

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I just have to ask..........................


Do you find that when it is time for your yearly or tri-yearly (if that is even close to correct) you prep more than you would for a date with your DH?


My goodness. The amount of preening that goes into a check up is insane.



Please tell me I am not the only one......LOL

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I just have to ask..........................


Do you find that when it is time for your yearly or tri-yearly (if that is even close to correct) you prep more than you would for a date with your DH?


My goodness. The amount of preening that goes into a check up is insane.



Please tell me I am not the only one......LOL


Well, I take a shower... but I do that practically every day.


I'm kind of intrigued- what exactly are you "prepping"?

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I just have to ask..........................


Do you find that when it is time for your yearly or tri-yearly (if that is even close to correct) you prep more than you would for a date with your DH?


My goodness. The amount of preening that goes into a check up is insane.



Please tell me I am not the only one......LOL

I have never heard of this kind of doctor's appointment. I have a pap smear every 5 years or so, and have a doctor present when I give birth. nothing much else.


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I have never heard of this kind of doctor's appointment. I have a pap smear every 5 years or so, and have a doctor present when I give birth. nothing much else.


Melissa, you just made my day :001_smile: I haven't had a pap smear in 4 years so it's good to know I'm not the only one that doesn't religiously go for them every 2 years :D

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Count me in too. I always make sure I am "prepped"


Today I had an appointment with my OB (for my pregnancy) and because of certain issues I am having he said "Well as much I hate to spring this on you, lets check your cervix today." I nearly fell off the table! First thing out of my mouth (after dr left the room) to dh was "Crap I didn't shower and shave!" :D

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