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Anyone familiar with Chinese Medicine?

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My dh has a close friend who is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine. We told him about my son and his probable diagnosis of Tourette's and he sent us an herbal dietary supplement. Though I trust this person, I'm still really nervous to have my son try it.


I am becoming more and more leery of western medicine. We did give magnesium a try and it really did appear to work for a while, but right now ds's tics are bad.


Is there anyone familiar with Chinese herbal medicines? The one in question is Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Wan. I can't find any side effects for it.


I'd be interested to hear of anyone's experience with these types of supplements. Oh, the brand is Plum Flower. Thanks for any help you can provide.

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My dh has a close friend who is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine. We told him about my son and his probable diagnosis of Tourette's and he sent us an herbal dietary supplement. Though I trust this person, I'm still really nervous to have my son try it.




While I am not familiar with this specific herb, I would encourage you to research this and if you cannot find any contraindication, try it. I use a combination of allopathic medicine and herbal supplements as well as care by a naturopath. It seems to save me from some prescription meds that I would be loathe to take.


Have you spoken to the doctor who sent you a sample? Can he tell you what it does inside a human body and how it would help? Has he treated people with Turette's syndrome before? Did he graduate from an accredited medical school and then supplement his education with additional postgraduate studies in herbal and holistic or chinese medicine?






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I am not familiar with the medicine you mentioned, but I can give you an anecdotal example of the efficacy of Chinese herbs:


My little sister was (and is) one of those sickly people--seasonal allergies all spring, summer, and fall, and colds and everything else all winter. My uncle's girlfriend at one time was a Dr. of Chinese medicine, and she sent us an herb for my sister to take for her allergies. During this period, we all of us kids came down with the chicken pox--except for my uber-sickly sister, who was fully and totally exposed, and was perfectly fine--no spots, no fever, nothing. This was completely unexpected, as ordinarily she caught everything that came down the pike. Our theory is that the Chinese herbs strengthened her system enough that she was able to successfully fight off the chicken pox. It was the only variable that was different.


I can't imagine that anything like this is going to be a problem for your son--at worst, I think it just wouldn't work at all. I hope that he is doing better soon!

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I don'k know that herb specifically, but I have been treated with Chinese herbal medicine. I was experiencing lethargy, depression, barely able to get through my days. They recommended Bupleurum, which is a combination of several Chinese herbs. For me, there were no side effects and the difference is like night and day. With the herb, I feel alive, like I have a normal life. Without it, I can easily spend a whole day sitting in one spot with my brain in "park" mode.


I have not heard of any cases of side effects with Chinese herbs when used properly--prescribed by someone trained in their use, using reliable brands/formulas, proper follow-up. IMO, trouble comes when we westerners try to force fit the Chinese herbs into our western systems and use them incorrectly.

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My husband and I use traditional Chinese medicine for most of our health issues. My husband is currently being treated for 2 slipped discs, and I see another Dr. for Lupus. Chinese medicine is coming from an entirely different perspective than western medicine. For me there is a place for both. I treat my Lupus with Plaquenil, chinese herbs, and acupuncture. I started with chinese medicine and found great relief from my symptoms, eventually I tried the western meds. and began to feel even better. When I slack off on the eastern side, I can tell right away. I'm so glad that I found 2 approaches that work.

From what I've read about TS (both of my kids & husband have TS) western medicine doesn't have a whole lot of treatment available (and they have serious side effects) where as eastern (and holistic for that matter) does. There are herbs, supplements, massage, meditation, yoga etc and when they're older, acupuncture.

I encourage you to read up on this form of medicine, it is time tested, real, and an absolute blessing in a lot of peoples lives all over the world.


PS my husband just ordered the herb you listed because it's supposed to treat TS and Lupus symptoms. So I guess I'll find out soon enough if it helps. We'll probably ask each of our Drs. about the herb for TS before we decide to give it to the kids. It's nice to have 2 Drs we can ask because we can compare their answers.

Edited by helena
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My husband and I use traditional Chinese medicine for most of our health issues. My husband is currently being treated for 2 slipped discs, and I see another Dr. for Lupus. Chinese medicine is coming from an entirely different perspective than western medicine. For me there is a place for both. I treat my Lupus with Plaquenil, chinese herbs, and acupuncture. I started with chinese medicine and found great relief from my symptoms, eventually I tried the western meds. and began to feel even better. When I slack off on the eastern side, I can tell right away. I'm so glad that I found 2 approaches that work.

From what I've read about TS (both of my kids & husband have TS) western medicine doesn't have a whole lot of treatment available (and they have serious side effects) where as eastern (and holistic for that matter) does. There are herbs, supplements, massage, meditation, yoga etc and when they're older, acupuncture.

I encourage you to read up on this form of medicine, it is time tested, real, and an absolute blessing in a lot of peoples lives all over the world.


PS my husband just ordered the herb you listed because it's supposed to treat TS and Lupus symptoms. So I guess I'll find out soon enough if it helps. We'll probably ask each of our Drs. about the herb for TS before we decide to give it to the kids. It's nice to have 2 Drs we can ask because we can compare their answers.


Thank you to everyone who has responded. I appreciate your feedback.


helena...have your kids or dh ever taken anything for their TS? As I said, we did magnesium and it appears to work much of the time, but I haven't been 100% consistent and I'm not completely sure if it's working or not. For now I'm sticking with it. I'd be interested in hearing what your drs say about the herb. May I ask what kind of doctors you see? Our friend (the Dr of Chinese Medicine) is across the country from us. I'd love to find a homeopathic doctor or an MD/homeopath but I'm finding that difficult in my area.

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Thank you to everyone who has responded. I appreciate your feedback.


helena...have your kids or dh ever taken anything for their TS? As I said, we did magnesium and it appears to work much of the time, but I haven't been 100% consistent and I'm not completely sure if it's working or not. For now I'm sticking with it. I'd be interested in hearing what your drs say about the herb. May I ask what kind of doctors you see? Our friend (the Dr of Chinese Medicine) is across the country from us. I'd love to find a homeopathic doctor or an MD/homeopath but I'm finding that difficult in my area.


My husband never took anything for TS. He says that when he went vegan the symptoms just went away. That was 25 years ago, he's still vegan and his tics are barely noticeable. That could be because a lot of people see big improvements in their teens, but I've also read a lot about TS and food allergies.


My 10 yos tics have has always been manageable, so she never took anything. Although I've noticed that hers have gotten a little bit worse since her sister started up.


When my 8yo started having tics, it was truly debilitating. If it had kept up like that, I'm afraid pharmaceuticals would have been our best choice. The tics have improved, and we've been giving her some natural remedies. We're resisting the urge to load her up on everything we can find that might work. We're trying to be methodical about what to give her and how much, that way we have a more honest understanding of their effects (or lack of).


Here is what we're using:







we also do epsom baths.

I can tell when she hasn't had all of this, she's hyper, agitated, unfocused, and heavier tics.


As far as doctors go, we are really lucky to have a pediatrician who is open and encouraging to natural medicines. I think that's really important, to feel like your Dr doesn't think you're an idiot for pursuing non western medicine. Especially Chinese medicine, which is deserving of respect and interest I can't understand how someone studies medicine but has no interest in knowing anything about those that came before them. My rheumatologist is like that, she totally dismisses acupuncture like it's some kind of voodoo, she has no interest in understanding something that helps patients like her own. How can the passion to heal not overcome her ego??

I need a new Rumi :D


Here is my doctors info:


You can see how she's trained on that site (I think)


Here is a Dr. I want to the family to start seeing:



Like I said before, in my opinion there is a place for western and non western medicine. Chinese Medicine is not some mysterious, backwards thing. Quite the opposite in fact. And I'm not about to demonize western practice that has dealt with a few medical issues in my little family, that 100 years ago could have killed me or my kids. I feel lucky that I live in a time where the two can work side by side.


ok I hope I made sense here :) I have lupus on the brain right now, and I'm not thinking or typing all that clear right now. But I wanted to write you back tonight. Please,please feel free to pm me any time if you even just need to talk. It's so hard sometimes... even just in a selfish way..how it affect you...(much less these poor babies that tic tic tic)

all my love to your family :grouphug:

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Here is what my Chinese herb book says:


Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Wan (Gastrodia and Uncaria Pills) calms the Liver, extinguishes wind, clears heat, invigorates the blood, and tonifies the Liver and Kidneys. It is used for headache, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, blurred vision, and insomnia with dream-disturbed sleep. Use 8 pills three times a day. Avoid if pregnant.

Contains: Hallotis diversicolor shell, Taxillus Chinensis, Uncaria, Polygonum multiflorum, Poria, Cyatula officinalis, Leonurus, Gastrodia, Gardenia, Scutellaria, Eucommia.


In other herbs with potential side effects it lists them but there are none listed for Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Wan.



You may also want to read: http://www.itmonline.org/arts/tourettes.htm

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This is what we are using right now.


As far as doctors go, we are really lucky to have a pediatrician who is open and encouraging to natural medicines. I think that's really important, to feel like your Dr doesn't think you're an idiot for pursuing non western medicine. Especially Chinese medicine, which is deserving of respect and interest I can't understand how someone studies medicine but has no interest in knowing anything about those that came before them. My rheumatologist is like that, she totally dismisses acupuncture like it's some kind of voodoo, she has no interest in understanding something that helps patients like her own. How can the passion to heal not overcome her ego??

I need a new Rumi :D


Here is my doctors info:


You can see how she's trained on that site (I think)


Here is a Dr. I want to the family to start seeing:



Like I said before, in my opinion there is a place for western and non western medicine. Chinese Medicine is not some mysterious, backwards thing. Quite the opposite in fact. And I'm not about to demonize western practice that has dealt with a few medical issues in my little family, that 100 years ago could have killed me or my kids. I feel lucky that I live in a time where the two can work side by side.


ok I hope I made sense here :) I have lupus on the brain right now, and I'm not thinking or typing all that clear right now. But I wanted to write you back tonight. Please,please feel free to pm me any time if you even just need to talk. It's so hard sometimes... even just in a selfish way..how it affect you...(much less these poor babies that tic tic tic)

all my love to your family :grouphug:


Thank you so much for this. I only know one person IRL who deals with TS and for whatever reason she does not really wish to discuss it with me. You are right, it is hard sometimes. I know there are worse things we could be dealing with but still... My SIL asked dh the other night if we thought he had TS because of homeschooling! Whhaaatt??

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Here is what my Chinese herb book says:


Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Wan (Gastrodia and Uncaria Pills) calms the Liver, extinguishes wind, clears heat, invigorates the blood, and tonifies the Liver and Kidneys. It is used for headache, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, blurred vision, and insomnia with dream-disturbed sleep. Use 8 pills three times a day. Avoid if pregnant.

Contains: Hallotis diversicolor shell, Taxillus Chinensis, Uncaria, Polygonum multiflorum, Poria, Cyatula officinalis, Leonurus, Gastrodia, Gardenia, Scutellaria, Eucommia.


In other herbs with potential side effects it lists them but there are none listed for Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Wan.



You may also want to read: http://www.itmonline.org/arts/tourettes.htm


Thank you!

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I just wanted to send you a :grouphug:. My younger brother was diagnosed with TS when he was your DS's age, and I was the age of your DD. I know first-hand how incredibly difficult it is.


This has to be one of the many, many instances where homeschooling will be such a blessing.

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My SIL asked dh the other night if we thought he had TS because of homeschooling! Whhaaatt??


Wow. So...now homeschooling causes neurological differences :confused:. Just remember, it is not socially acceptable to smack people upside the head for dumb questions :tongue_smilie:.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My SIL asked dh the other night if we thought he had TS because of homeschooling! Whhaaatt??


My 6yo DS was also recently diagnosed with TS and my MIL asked me the same thing. She said that perhaps if he was around kids or in a learning environment (ie. public school) it would just go away. :confused:

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