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What would cause spontaneous vomiting (in me)?

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First of all, I know I'm not pregnant.


But, a few times in the last six months or so, I've eaten lunch, then suddenly gotten that "uh oh" feeling, then ran to the bathroom and puked it all up.


It's been a different food every time, and other people ate the same food (at the same time) with no problem. Plus, I've eaten the same foods before and since, without any problem. Also, these episodes have been very isolated. The three times it's happened have been separated by weeks or months (with no symptoms whatsoever).


I had no other symptoms before or after the vomiting. I simply sat down (feeling fine), ate my tuna sandwich (or roast beef/mashed potatoes/gravy, or spaghetti with meat sauce), felt nauseated, ran to the bathroom, puked up my lunch, then felt fine again. And, I've eaten the same foods since then, and had no problems.


This is just so weird for me. I hardly ever vomit. I didn't even get morning sickness with my three pregnancies.


Oh, and I'm 46, if that matters.


Any ideas?

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Do you feel nauseated before, or does your stomach hurt? My gut is allergic reaction or an intolerance to something. Lactose intolerance and Gluten intolerance can be like this initially, but usually without the nausea. Your stomach rejects the food and just gets it out (so to speak). Start noticing if you have diarrhea too or IBS after eating certain foods. If you don't than I'm not sure what it would be, but if you have other digestive problems, look into eliminating milk and wheat and slowly adding them back in. You might also see a Dr to rule out Celiac. Gluten is in EVERYTHING and even people who aren't "allergic" can be intolerant. Good luck!



Do all this after Thanksgiving, of course. :D




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Have you considered reflux (GERD). That happened to me twice about three months ago and it is very distressing. I hope you get to the bottom of it.


It's not a GERD, upchuck type thing. It's all-out, full-body, heaving, vomiting spasms that completely empties my stomach within a minute.


It's more confusing than distressing at this point. It's only happened a few times in six months or so. Thanks for the thought though. I'll start paying more attention to my reflux, heartburn type things.

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My sister and I have the problem with eating too much fat in a day. Kind of a gall bladder thing. Wheat products effect my dear friend the same way. Sounds like an intolerance of some sort though.



I do have a problem with oil capsules (vitamin E, omega-3, etc). They cause me to heave (but nothing comes up). I've stopped taking those types of capsules.


The confusing thing is that the foods that are causing the vomiting aren't all that oily/greasy. I can usually eat them without any problems. And I can eat other greasy foods with no problem. No pain. No heaving. Confusing.

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Do you feel nauseated before, or does your stomach hurt? My gut is allergic reaction or an intolerance to something. Lactose intolerance and Gluten intolerance can be like this initially, but usually without the nausea. Your stomach rejects the food and just gets it out (so to speak). Start noticing if you have diarrhea too or IBS after eating certain foods. If you don't than I'm not sure what it would be, but if you have other digestive problems, look into eliminating milk and wheat and slowly adding them back in. You might also see a Dr to rule out Celiac. Gluten is in EVERYTHING and even people who aren't "allergic" can be intolerant. Good luck!



Do all this after Thanksgiving, of course. :D







I am lactose intolerant, but this is totally different. There are no symptoms before the sudden puking. There is no pain, or bloating, or distress of any kind. I eat - I puke - I'm fine again. And, I've eaten the same foods before and since without any problem.


I'm definitely going to cut out the gravy because it's caused me problems more than once. It would certainly indicate a problem with grease. Maybe I'm heading for gall bladder problems, and my body is telling me to knock off the greasy foods. hmmm.


I hope it's not wheat. I can't imagine a world without wheat! :tongue_smilie:

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Maybe it's hormonal? I get horrible nausea that comes on very suddenly after eating, and it always strikes at the same point in my cycle. I am not prone to nausea aside from during pregnancy, so this alarmed me several times before I noticed the pattern! This happens to me roughly every other month, and it tends to be a one-shot deal -- eat, instantly feel miserably ill, then feel better without any recurrence.

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Maybe it's hormonal? I get horrible nausea that comes on very suddenly after eating, and it always strikes at the same point in my cycle. I am not prone to nausea aside from during pregnancy, so this alarmed me several times before I noticed the pattern! This happens to me roughly every other month, and it tends to be a one-shot deal -- eat, instantly feel miserably ill, then feel better without any recurrence.



You might be on to something because what you describe fits my episodes exactly! I need to start keeping a log, and note when in my cycle it happens. Perhaps it coincides with some surge in hormones. Hmmmm.

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Did you take a multivitamin before eating? It can cause a violent reaction like that. I didn't take vitamins for years because of this and now I take a few chewable kid vitamins instead.



No, I've been really bad about taking vitamins since I had my third baby. All those pre-natals totally turned me off to multi vitamins.

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I am not sure but gallbladder problems could potentially cause this. Are you having any discomfort? It could be any number of things. I would discuss with your doctor IMHO.


P.S. gallbladder disease can manifest in numerous ways.



I've considered the gall bladder, since it is sometimes associated with fatty food (like gravy). But, it's also happened with non-fatty food, like water packed tuna (though it was mixed with Mayo). I don't have any pain, though. I've always thought of gall bladder problems as causing pain.


I will start a log to see if I can see a pattern. Thanks for your help.

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A friend of mine has this. It started in her 50s. No matter how little, or how well, or what food she eats or doesn't eat she has a 50% chance of throwing up whatever goes down. NOT fun, and she's a classroom teacher. Bleah. Her doctor has never been able to determine a cause or a cure. :(



Ack! I don't have it nearly that often. It's more like once every couple months! Your poor friend! How awful!


I'm leaning toward hormones in my case, like my body thinks I'm pregnant. It's probably related to menopause. I seem to be headed in that direction.


I hope your friends problems ease up as she gets to the "other side" of the change.

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I've considered the gall bladder, since it is sometimes associated with fatty food (like gravy). But, it's also happened with non-fatty food, like water packed tuna (though it was mixed with Mayo). I don't have any pain, though. I've always thought of gall bladder problems as causing pain.


I will start a log to see if I can see a pattern. Thanks for your help.


I believe I have heard of gallbladder problems without pain as well. It is worth checking with a doctor:)

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Nancymac

:iagree: I just finished reading about what is going on with your and if I didn't know better I would swear I had written it myself. I too have had these random episodes of vomiting after eating. With mine, I eat and then around 2hrs later I become violently ill and throw up about 4 - 5 times in 30 minutes and it just comes on really fast, with little warning. The worst part is they have always happened at work so I have to find a ride home because I don't want to take the bus home with such a sketchy stomach. When I get home, I sleep for about 3hrs and wake up feeling fine, like nothing happened. I too, can not find the common denominator with food because so far there is nothing obvious. Hopefully someone will reply with some possible causes. Good luck to you.

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