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Do Chorepacks work?

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I'm reading the Duggar book right now and they use Chorepacks (from the Maxwell's Mangagers of Their Chores). Does anyone use Chorepacks with success? Would they help a forgetful 8-year-old (as in, puts on his shirt and underwear but gets distracted by a toy or a piece of string or a dust bunny and doesn't put on his pants until I notice and tell him "PUT SOME PANTS ON!!":banghead: )?

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We've just finished week 1. My house is clean, the kids are already remembering a few "chores" (making their bed, brushing their teeth) without needing me to nag :)


There's more involved in the week before you start than I expected (and a LOT of prayer), but so far, so good. :grouphug:


I'm so bad at enforcing things. At one point the dh mentions how his dw had problems with reminding the kids, because she was so forgetful and didn't feel right correcting them over something she, herself is bad at... that is SO me.

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We used them for about a month or maybe a little more.


They were most helpful for my 9yo, who still drags hers out to use "for fun"! ;) She's also my most energetic and distractable child.


My older kids thought they were. . . . . not necessary.


Sadly, for me, I just have a hard time following through on chore systems. The ONLY thing that tends to work is for the kids to have certain chores that they do every day, all year long, and then for them to be available for random chores throughout the week.


And sometimes, I write on our white board,


"Mommy, is there something I can help you with?"


And point to it as the kids walk through the kitchen. Trying to get them to the mindset that they should ask me if they can be of help, instead of doing the bare minimum and scampering off to play. . . . .

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am vowing to try this again this week, starting tomorrow. I finished reprinting the individual chores and also created a master list for daily chores to put on the refrigerator. So, if my older DD doesn't want to do the pack she can go through the list. My DS4 has taken to this and was upset this morning with DH because you have to do #3 before #4, Dad, didn't you know that... :)


Here's to hoping, praying, and keeping my fingers crossed this works!


Any words of advice are appreciated. I have locked the TV and put all the video games away...:svengo:

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I've been working with these on and off for a couple of years. I have found all the prep work I put into evaluating which chores need to be done by whom and how often to be tremendously helpful. The packs themselves, though, tend to sit around collecting dust after the first few weeks and I find myself just telling the kids what chores they have each day. Perhaps when they get a little older they'll wear and read them? I don't know. But I like the organization and plan to continue using the system.

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We used them for about a month or maybe a little more.


They were most helpful for my 9yo, who still drags hers out to use "for fun"! ;) She's also my most energetic and distractable child.


My older kids thought they were. . . . . not necessary.


Sadly, for me, I just have a hard time following through on chore systems. The ONLY thing that tends to work is for the kids to have certain chores that they do every day, all year long, and then for them to be available for random chores throughout the week.


This was our experience. They were fun for my littlest, but tedious for the olders.


I have experimented with many different chore systems, and in the end the success always came down to enforcement. You don't need a chore pack to help you do that, you just need a checklist and an idea of what privileges you're going to revoke if the kids do not complete their chores. Setting up the chore packs were not worth the time, IMO.

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I got the book/chorepacks for xmas last year(as well as MOTH) but have not yet read the book. I want to implement it I just haven't made the time to read the book and get it all organized. Actually I forgot all about it until this thread, maybe I will go dig the book off my shelves tonight.

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We have used chorepacks for about a year now. It's especially helpful for my 8 and almost 6 yr. olds, but the older ones have benefited too. There is a lot of flexibility within the idea, so the younger ones keep theirs on, while the older ones just consult with the list I made up at the start. I, too, found it tremendously helpful to get the chores "out there" on paper and divided up. We have used it even as some have grown up and into another type of chore.


My problem would definitely be the consequences thing when my son (6 on New Years Eve) keeps his pack on, and has no clue where he is in his chores, because he's with the 8 yr old. who is done, and moved on to something else. I'll look at him and say, "Gideon, why is your chorepack still on?" He'll say, "Oh!" and hurry off to do more of it. I'm not very clear with him on what happens if he drifts off from his pack...probably because I'm not clear myself, but the visual reminder for this distractible person (wonder why he's like he is?) is really helpful to keep me reminded whether or not someone is finished; because the theory in our house is that, when you are done your list, you bring the chorepack to me and I'll OK moving on...theory being the operative word.


I really like using them, though, and even with our 16 yr old when she gets slack with her chores, I threaten to clip her pack on her!


Have fun!

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