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Book recommendations for a 10 yr old boy?

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Hi everyone!


My 10 year old son has just blown through The Great Brain series, and he has just loved them! He is generally a history/non-fiction kind of guy, but this series has really excited him about reading some other novels. So, I'm coming to the hive for some suggestions. Please?


He has read and enjoyed Charlie and the Chocolate factory and its sequel as well as the Redwall books. He has just started reading Danny, Champion of the World. Some read-alouds he has enjoyed: Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh, The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankenweiler, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Owls in the Family, and Gone-Away Lake.


So, I'd like to strike while the iron is hot and find some engaging reading material for him! I'm thinking about the Narnia series and maybe The Phantom Tollbooth? He's also interested in Tom Sawyer. Is that appropriate for this age? It's been so long since I've read it. He's reading at about a 5-6th grade level, but I don't mind giving him something easier, as he is reading these on his own time for his own pleasure. ;)


Thanks so much for your help!

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He has read and enjoyed Charlie and the Chocolate factory and its sequel as well as the Redwall books. He has just started reading Danny, Champion of the World. Some read-alouds he has enjoyed: Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh, The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankenweiler, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Owls in the Family, and Gone-Away Lake.




All of those were big hits for my 9 year old :) he also really enjoyed:


Indian in the Cupboard (and the 2nd sequel)

Because of Winn Dixie

Sarah, Plain & Tall (plus sequels)

Cheaper By the Dozen (plus sequel)


Little Men

Homer Price

Narnia series

Wrinkle In Time


Right now he's reading Stone Fox. It's not a HUGE hit (meaning it probably won't be re-read ad nausem over the next few weeks) but he likes it well enough. Bridge to Teribitha would fall in that same category - glad he read it, in no hurry to read it a second time.


We started to do Tom Sawyer as a read-aloud but it wasn't a big hit, surprisingly. Huck Finn was much better received. In hindsight, I'd have waited on Tom Sawyer.


We big puffy read heart The Phantom Tollbooth -- definitely don't miss out on that one. It's great as individual reading, but so much more fun to read aloud with one another!


I'm not familiar with the Great Brain series; I'll have to look into it :)

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Thank you all for the suggestions!


Jennifer--I'd never heard of The Incident at Hawk's Hill! Thanks for the recommendation! I think he might like the Percy Jackson books also! I just checked paperbackswap and the version I looked at had 114 members wishing for the first book in the series. Sounds like a winner there!


Dawn--Artemis Fowl! Yes, I remember reading that awhile book. That sounds good, too! Thank you!


Eternalknot--sounds like our boys have similar tastes! My son also loved Homer Price and Cheaper by the Dozen. Did you know there is a sequel to Homer Price called More Homer Price? Thanks for your thoughts on Tom Sawyer. We just saw a local production of Tom Sawyer at our local children's theater, and he noticed the similarities between Tom Sawyer and the character in The Great Brain (who I believe is also named Tom!) But, it is good to know that he may enjoy it more farther down the road. Also, I think we will read Phantom Tollbooth for our next read aloud. Thanks for the glowing recommendation! I've never read it, and it sounds like one I don't want to miss. :001_smile: If you do look into The Great Brain series, please know the main character is a mischievious con-artist, but I do believe his character grows and matures throughout the series. He does learn, in time, to use his remarkable intelligence on behalf of the underdog. He has stern but loving parents who offer guidance along the way.


Holly--Thank you! I just checked out Peter and the Stargazers at Amazon, and it looks wonderful, too!


Thanks everyone, and keep the ideas coming!

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I second Mysterious Benedict Society! It's great!


What about My Side of the Mountain? The protagonist is an older teen, but there's nothing (that I can remember, and I read it fairly recently) that would be inappropriate for a younger child.


I primarily review books on my blog; you're welcome to take a peek if you'd like. I have a Juvenile Fiction category.

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Stacia, thanks for the recommendations! I've never heard of the Warriors series. I'll be looking it up, too!


Amy, My Side of the Mountain is another one we have on the bookshelf. It's one of those that I never read as a child, and so I wasn't sure about it. Thank you! And I'm adding your blog to my bloglines!!

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Oh, so many great ideas! I've been taking notes and researching at Amazon. Thanks so much for the replies.


By the way, has anyone read Secret Agents Four by Donald J. Sobol? I ordered it, along with some other books, from Bethlehem books (great sale there!) It looked interesting, and I thought we'd give it a try.


Thanks again!

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